Has Heartbleed Affected Your Job Search?
Job Search

By now, I hope you have heard of Heartbleed, that notorious bug that has been infiltrating “secure” sites for the last two years and quietly stealing information without a trace. It’s ugly, but it also is a good reminder that there will always be some hacker out there trying to get past everyone’s guard. Neil Rubenking at SecurityWatch says the fallout of Heartbleed is the need for everyone to change every one of their passwords.
“Your secure sites fall in to three categories, those that are still vulnerable, those that were vulnerable in the past, and those that were never vulnerable. It’s absolutely essential to change your password on those that were vulnerable in the past. It couldn’t hurt to change those that seem like they were never vulnerable, especially because you can’t be sure. As for those that remain vulnerable, you’re going to have to change those again, but by making a clean sweep now and ensuring you have no duplicate passwords, you’ll make that second round of password updates easier.”
I recommend you read the article and do what this security expert suggests, go back to all sites you have joined and change your passwords or close your account there. I did this myself last night. Most security experts change their own passwords regularly anyhow, and if the security guy does it, the rest of us should think about doing it. Better safe than sorry.
If you’ve been searching for a job or have done so online in the past (think: job boards, online career centers, professional development sites, etc.), there may be some sites you joined in hopes of a job lead. It’s a good idea to have a unique password for each site anyway, but depending on how much information you gave on the site, that might be a place to critically examine for security risk. We need to be careful of online resume submissions because identity theft is growing, partly due to sophisticated bugs like Heartbleed that siphon off encrypted data like login credentials and security keys.

The electronic age has revolutionized the way job seekers and employers meet. Online services take the volume of resume traffic to levels unimagined only a few years ago. With services to job seekers expanding continually, it’s important to understand the different options available to increase exposure of your resume to potential employers and recruiters. Two types are resume posting and resume distribution.
Resume Posting. This is a service where job seekers post their resumes to a job board for employers and recruiters to find. This is a passive approach in that the employer or recruiter must find you within the resume database. They usually find you by calling up resumes via key words. The chances of their finding you depend greatly on your including all the appropriate key words in your resume.
This service is normally free to job seekers, and used only by those employers and recruiters who have paid a substantial fee to access the resumes. In other words, when you post your resume to an online resume posting service, not every employer or recruiter will find you.
Resume Distribution. This is actually opposite of a posting service. With a resume distribution, the job seeker has access to a select database of well-qualified employers and/or recruiters to email his/her resume to. This service does cost the job seeker a fee. The amount will vary depending on the service you use.
There are several advantages of a distribution service. The advantages include not having to wait to be found, you decide who receives your resume and you are in control of who actually gets your resume.
Make sure the distribution service allows you to target the employers who receive your resume. At a minimum, you should be able to query the employer/recruiter database by industry, job function and geographic region. If the service offers no targeting capabilities, your resume may be sent out indiscriminately to employers and recruiters who do not match your employment criteria.
For optimum resume distribution or posting effectiveness you’ll want to make sure your resume is updated. If you are not currently getting the response rate from your resume that you’d like, using a resume distribution service will only be marginally helpful, because you will still be distributing a resume that is not working for you.
Both services, resume posting and resume distribution, are valuable strategies for your job search. Don’t be turned off by the fact that one is free and the other you must pay for. The money spent on a good quality resume distribution will repay you over and over again with valuable job leads and introductions to influential recruiters. After all, aren’t you worth it?
**I am a member of the Career Collective, a group of resume writers and career coaches. Each month, all members discuss a certain topic. This month, we are talking about favorite resources for job seekers. Please follow our tweets on Twitter #careercollective. You can also view the other member’s interesting posts at the end of the article.

When you are looking for your next job, employment agencies, want ads, and networking can all be used to find leads, but you will certainly want to turn to the Internet as well in conducting your research.
What follows are some of the most popular websites for anyone seeking employment.Some I like, some I’m not crazy about, but they all have their pros and cons. Check them out and let me know what you think!
● Execunet is probably my favorite website for $150K+ executive jobseekers. It has a fantastic reputation for having the jobs they say that they will have (unlike some OTHER websites promoting the same thing) and my clients seem to have great luck with it. There is a small monthly fee, but it is nothing in comparison to the job you will get when using it.
● Netshare is another favorite for $100K+ jobs for execs. They have a database of thousands of executive jobs across all disciplines and locations.
● LinkUp With this company, the job openings are indexed from company websites, not from ‘pay-to-post’ job boards. Thousands of jobs and websites.
● Career Builder is the country’s largest online source for jobs, posting a selection of more than 1.6 million openings. Every month 49.23 million visitors go there, knowing they can find listings for every industry and every type of job. Just remember that number though… 49 million visitors a month. You better have a darn good resume.
● Indeed is a search engine that allows those seeking employment to search jobs posted on a vast array of job boards and company career sites.
● SimplyHired, which is located in Silicon Valley, is in the process of “building the largest online database of jobs on the planet.” They also intend to make job hunting uncomplicated, enjoyable, and effective.
● Exsearches is perfect for individuals seeking government, nonprofit, health, and education sectors of the job market.
● CollegeRecruiter posts a huge number of entry-level online help-wanted listings. Its School Finder program matches individuals who want to continue their education with both traditional and online schools. You will also find a wide selection of blogs, articles, and ‘ask the experts” information here.
● SnagAJob links the United States’ hourly workforce with the jobs they need and want. After registering more than 10 million candidates, they are America’s largest job site for full-time and part-time hourly positions.
Note that you can visit job search engines frequently because they are constantly updated, and they will even tell you how many listings have been added since you last did a search, which will enable you to focus on the ones that are new.
Other articles of interest from the #Career Collective group:
If your industry does not participate online, you can lead the way, @Keppie_Careers
6 Ideas to Put In Your Toolbox, @WorkWithIllness,
Your Best Job Search Resource? You!, @WalterAkana
In a Job Search, Knowledge is Power, @barbarasafani
Jump Start Your Job Search Now!, @resumeservice
Favourite Resources for Jobseekers, @GayleHoward
The Best Job Search Tool Ever, @careersherpa
Find What You Do Best, Know Your Stuff, and Connect, @chandlee
27 Recommended Blogs for Entry-Level Job Seekers, @heatherhuhman
Invaluable Resources for Job Search Success, @heathermundell
Favorite Social-Media Resources for Job-seekers, @KatCareerGal
Canadian Resources for Job Seekers, @EliteResumes @MartinBuckland
A Self-Empowering Job Search Resource, @KCCareerCoach
Covering your bases: 5 ultra-useful online career resources, @LaurieBerenson
Favorite resources for Job seekers, @DawnBugni
Top 3 Resources for Job Seekers to Position Themselves as Experts and Increase their Visibility, @expatcoachmegan
Time as a Career Resource: How “Not” to Squander It, @ValueIntoWords
The Facts Behind Why LinkUp Is the Most Revolutionary Job Search Engine Available to Job Seekers, @GLHoffman

It’s no secret that we are all in the middle of one of the most dismal job markets in decades. Many people have been out of work or underemployed for record periods of time, and there are also record numbers of job seekers vying for almost every job that opens up. Craigslist, Monster.com, eLance and all the other job or freelance sites are overwhelmed with resumes and job seekers, with nowhere near enough open positions to go around. It’s a scary time to be looking for a job.
That’s why networking is more important now than it ever has been before. And with the rise of social media sites like Facebook (for casual users) or LinkedIn (for professionals), networking has taken on whole new dimensions in recent years. Here are some things to consider:
- Get an early start. If you’re fresh out of college or if you’re trying to get a foothold in a new career move, the sooner you can start making those connections, the better off you’ll be. If you’re freelancing, cultivate more connections whenever you possibly can, from fellow freelancers or from your clients themselves. If you’re in school, hook up with your classmates or find student chapters of professional societies.
- Choose your associates carefully. Unfortunately, a down job market also brings the scammers and fly-by-nighters out of the woodwork. They know that there are job seekers (and sometimes clients) who are bordering on desperation. They might be out to take advantage of you, or they might be looking for a pawn to help advance a cause of some sort. You don’t want that hung on you, so tread carefully and make good decisions.
- Cast your net wide. Don’t limit yourself to just your field, or to people with tastes, interests or skills to your own. It’s easy to make this mistake and to just have associates that are in your “comfort zone,” but remember that the wider a network of people you have, the more resources you can have to fall back on if things go sour.
- Quid pro quo. Networking is a two-way street. If there’s anything you can do for your associates in return, whether it’s job referrals, professional references or anything else, don’t hesitate to do it. It will pay off for you in the long run.
- Go online. A staggering 84% of Americans now are engaged in some sort of online social networking, whether that means forums, newsgroups, social networking sites like LinkedIn, dating groups or what-have-you. This has been a true game-changer in many ways, helping build networks among people who may never meet face-to-face. But if you’re new to a site or forum, bear in mind the culture and environment of the site, don’t be pushy and don’t be rude. You may need introductions to get your feet wet and to be accepted. Trust your better instincts in these cases, and those connections can take you far.