Favorite Gift Ideas for Your Favorite Coworkers and Other Holiday Conundrums Executives Face

Career & Workplace
A group of executives taking a selfie at their corporate holiday party

🎄🎁 Ah, the holiday season! Christmas parties, presents, music, lights, joy, and unfortunately for many of us… stress! The holiday season is a time of warmth and cheer, but in the corporate world, it often comes with its share of challenges and dilemmas, especially for executives. As we deck the halls and prepare for festivities, many of my clients are often faced with the delicate task of navigating through the maze of corporate gifting and holiday dynamics. Today I’ll delve into this world of corporate holiday conundrums, offering executives meaningful gift ideas for their coworkers while addressing typical challenges encountered during this festive season.

Corporate Holiday Gift Ideas for Executives

Executives encounter various challenges when choosing the perfect gifts for their colleagues. Balancing professionalism, personalization, and budget constraints can be a tightrope walk. The pressure to choose a suitable gift that’s thoughtful and respectful can be overwhelming. But fear not! If Santa can deliver gifts across the world for hundreds of years without being “canceled,” you can too! 🎅 Read on for some of my favorite gift ideas for your coworkers. 

Practical and Functional Gifts

For that stereotypical Type A person in your office, you can’t go wrong with something made with quality that will help them stay organized and accomplish their daily tasks. Some things to consider include quality pens, personalized stationery, 2024 planners, or professional organizers. 

Wellness Gifts

Even if you are working your dream job, let’s face it, stress happens! You can bet if it happens for you, it happens for your coworkers as well. So why not gift your work bestie with something that will help them relax after a long day as an executive? This can include a subscription to a meditation app, a healthy snack box, or office accessories aimed at creating a calming space

Tech Gadgets or Accessories 

How about that coworker who can’t stop talking about their new titanium iPhone 15? Many people write off “techy” gifts for fear that they are too expensive. However, there are options out there! Some ideas include portable battery chargers, Bluetooth speakers, or smart desk lamps

For the Person Who “Has It All”

Ok, I know. These are all some great ideas, but what about that person who simply buys what they want when they want it? We all know (and some of us are) people like that. For these people, I say, “Thank God for the gift card.” It’s a myth that a gift card is a thoughtless, impersonal gift. The truth is you can still acknowledge your appreciation for your coworker with a gift card meant just for them while offering flexibility and choice. Some alternatives to the ubiquitous Amazon gift card include: gift cards for dining at their favorite restaurant, spa treatments, or online courses. 

Navigating Other Corporate Holiday Conundrums

Corporate Holiday Parties

🍾🥂 “What happens at the holiday party stays at the holiday party,” said no one ever! Whether you are planning the company holiday gathering, attending, or both, it is important to remember a few things. Remember to be inclusive of various traditions and beliefs. Remember that these are people with whom you work, so like in the office, do your best to avoid gossip and harmful chatter. And most importantly, remember to have fun! It’s so important to have camaraderie with your coworkers (both for networking and your mental health), and letting loose a little at a holiday party is an excellent way to foster that. 

Holiday Time Off for Executives

Managing time off can be another stumbling block executives face during the holiday season. Your work is important, and, I hope, your passion. Even still, time off is needed for all of us to rest and regroup. If you’re choosing to take your time off during the holiday season, be sure to manage your workload by planning ahead. You don’t want your “time-off” to be consumed with work. Use that time to make precious memories with your friends and family. 

It’s no secret that the holidays can be a stressful time for many, executives included, and navigating the corporate holiday atmosphere can add to that stress. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Meaningful gestures can foster stronger workplace relationships and contribute to a positive work environment. Let’s celebrate this festive season while upholding professionalism and respect within the workplace. In this season of giving, let’s also extend the spirit of generosity and thoughtfulness, making it a joyous time for everyone in the corporate world.

Why Saying “No” in Your Career (and Life) can be a Good Thing

Career & Workplace
Young African American executive respectfully tells his boss no while still advancing his career

As we round out November, the month of gratitude, I thought I’d take a moment to dispel the myth that saying “no,” and setting boundaries makes you ungrateful for the opportunities provided to you. In a world where “yes” often seems like the golden ticket to career advancement and finally snagging that coveted executive role, there’s an undervalued power in saying “no.” Embracing the art of refusal doesn’t make you ungrateful or a less cooperative team player; it’s about strategic decision-making and setting essential boundaries. Today we’ll explore why saying “no” can be a powerful tool in both career and personal life, highlighting the significance of intentional choices and boundaries.

Understanding the Power of “No”

Saying “no” isn’t merely rejection. There’s so much more to it than that! It’s an assertion of control over commitments. The pressure to always say ”yes” stems from societal expectations, often leading to overcommitment and burnout. However, strategic “no’s” can empower you to maintain focus, reduce stress, and boost productivity by prioritizing your time and energy.

Overcoming the Fear of “No”

The fear or guilt tied to declining requests is a common one that I hear from many clients. It’s ok to have these fears! However, as we all know, facing and overcoming our fears is a huge part of life. As you prepare to tackle this fear, remember that assertiveness and effective communication play a crucial role in gracefully declining tasks, opportunities, or requests while still maintaining relationships. It’s about setting clear expectations and respectfully managing commitments. By developing these skills, you can gracefully navigate through situations in which saying “no” is the right answer. 

One final thought on people-pleasing and the fear of saying “no:” remember that you’re not ice cream – not everyone is going to like you. And that’s ok! 🍦

Embracing the Positive Outcomes of “No”

Success stories abound where saying “no” has led to positive outcomes in both career advancement and personal life. By carefully selecting the opportunities you pursue, you can make better decisions and experience professional growth. Saying “no” allows us to focus on what truly matters, whether it’s a more fulfilling career, a healthier work-life balance, or personal development opportunities.

Saying “No” in Career Situations

Workplace Demands and Projects

Choosing to decline certain projects or tasks can enable better time and resource allocation. Nobody is at their best when they are stretched to the limit and overwhelmed. Prioritizing tasks aligned with strategic goals helps prevent burnout and enhances efficiency while often reminding you what you love about your career.

Job Opportunities and Career Advancements

Sometimes, declining certain job offers or advancements is beneficial for long-term career objectives. When presented with such an opportunity, remember that you are an asset! Don’t jump at an offer simply because it looks good on paper. Examine it from all perspectives, and if it doesn’t align with your personal values and aspirations, say no! It’s not the job for you, and again – that’s ok. Finding a career in which you are challenged, appreciated, and satisfied is the goal, not advancement for advancement’s sake.  

Work-Life Balance in Executive Roles

Setting boundaries through saying “no” is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. By rejecting excessive work hours or commitments, you can prioritize your personal well-being and enjoy a more fulfilling life both inside and outside of work. Make time to be at home for family dinners, watch the kids’ soccer games, or just curl up on the couch with a mug of cocoa and your favorite movie. Whatever you do to decompress and relax is important. Saying “no” will help prioritize those things.

Saying “No” in Personal Life

Social Commitments and Personal Relationships

We all have lives outside of our executive roles (at least we should!), and I want you to be happy there as well! Setting boundaries in social engagements nurtures personal relationships while protecting your mental well-being. Remember that prioritizing personal time is essential for self-care.

Personal Development and Growth

Saying “no” to certain commitments also allows you to make space for personal growth opportunities. By selectively choosing how you invest your time and energy, you can engage in self-care, self-reflection, and pursue activities that nurture your personal development. The better you know yourself, the happier you’ll be in your career. And, cheesy though it may sound, how will you know yourself if you never spend time with yourself? 

In conclusion, the ability to say ”no” strategically holds immense power. It’s about aligning commitments with personal and professional goals, leading to better focus, growth, and a balanced life. Don’t be afraid to embrace the empowerment of saying “no” when necessary. Evaluate your commitments and feel free to reach out!  For many of us, learning to say “no” is a lifelong journey. I’m always happy to share my tips and tricks that I’ve picked up along the way. 

PS – Stop apologizing for things that aren’t your fault! But that’s a whole ‘nother blog. 😉

How To Deal With Imposter Syndrome for Executives

Career & WorkplaceSuccess Strategies
Journal open with a pen and marker resting on a page that reads "am I good enough" in hand written lettering by someone dealing with imposter syndrome

“Am I good enough?” I hear that question from highly successful and qualified executives more than you’d think.

Why?  Imposter syndrome.

In the grand theater of life, imposter syndrome is an uninvited guest that often sneaks into the front row, casting shadows on our achievements and robbing us of the applause we deserve. If you’ve ever doubted your own success, felt undeserving of your accomplishments, or lived in constant fear of being exposed as a fraud, then you’re not alone. I suffer from it sometimes as well.

In the high-stakes arena of trailblazing executives, imposter syndrome can loom even larger. As this is something we see more than you’d think, I’ll unravel the enigma of imposter syndrome, especially for those navigating the executive landscape. Without any further ado, let’s pull back the curtains and let the show begin. 

Understanding Imposter Syndrome

Before fully diving into tips on how to deal with imposter syndrome, let’s break down what it’s like to suffer from it. Imagine achieving monumental feats, only to hear a voice in your head whisper, “You don’t belong here.”

Welcome to the world of imposter syndrome.

This psychological phenomenon affects high-achievers, making them question their competence despite concrete evidence of success. It’s like having a persistent internal critic who scoffs at accomplishments, attributing them to luck rather than capability. This syndrome thrives on self-doubt, undermining confidence and shattering self-worth. 

For executives, imposter syndrome can be particularly insidious. It latches onto the immense responsibilities and expectations that come with executive roles, casting doubt on leadership capabilities and strategic decisions. Basically, high achievers are usually continually striving to learn and grow. Therefore, they are fully aware of what they don’t know. On the flip side, underachievers are less likely to suffer from imposter syndrome because they are content in their knowledge – they don’t know what they don’t know. 

Recognizing the Signs of Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome has a knack for masquerading as humility. Humility is good though, right? The difference between humility and imposter syndrome is: humility is based on an accurate assessment of one’s own incapabilities. Whereas imposter syndrome stems from a feeling of inadequacy in spite of proof otherwise. It thrives on self-effacement and can lead to self-sabotage. Signs can range from overworking to compensate for perceived inadequacies to downplaying accomplishments to colleagues, setting unrealistic goals, and even burnout. In the senior executive world, it might also manifest as a reluctance to step into leadership roles due to a nagging fear of not measuring up.

Strategies to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Does any of this sound familiar? Have you heard that nagging voice telling you that you’re not good enough and don’t belong? You’re certainly not alone. Let’s jump into some tips on what you can do to quiet that inner monologue. 

Cultivating Self-Awareness and Reflection

Peeling away the layers of imposter syndrome begins with self-awareness. It’s about acknowledging your feelings of self-doubt and scrutinizing their origins. An effective technique is journaling, where you chronicle your achievements (both professionally and personally), no matter how insignificant they might seem. Reflecting on your journey helps build a solid foundation of self-belief. This will also help you develop a positive mindset. Challenge negative self-talk by replacing it with positive affirmations. We all experience setbacks. Don’t let imposter syndrome tell you that yours proves your inadequacies. 

Embracing Achievements and Positive Feedback

Take a pause and bask in the glory of your accomplishments. Train yourself to accept compliments and positive feedback without brushing them aside. They’re not random nods; they’re testaments to your hard work and expertise. Owning your achievements is a giant stride towards silencing the imposter syndrome’s voice. It’s OK to be proud of yourself. It is your right. 

Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations

Executives often bear the weight of unattainable expectations, both real and perceived. By setting realistic, achievable goals, you can defuse the ticking bomb of self-doubt. Aim high, but don’t set yourself up for failure by pursuing perfection. 

Seeking Mentorship and Professional Support

Mentorship is a powerful antidote to imposter syndrome. Engage with mentors who have danced with self-doubt and emerged victorious. Their insights and guidance can provide much-needed perspective. They’ve navigated the treacherous waters of executive careers and can offer a reassuring hand.

Embracing Continuous Learning

Believe it or not, imposter syndrome thrives on stagnation. It says to you, “See? I told you that you weren’t [good, smart, skilled] enough for that promotion.” Combat that voice by embracing continuous learning and skill development. Stay updated with industry trends and advancements. By acquiring new skills, you not only enhance your expertise but also disrupt the imposter syndrome’s narrative.

Celebrating Progress and Success

Amidst the whirlwind of executive life, pause to acknowledge your journey! Celebrate your milestones, no matter how incremental. Each accomplishment is a brushstroke on your canvas of success. By celebrating progress, you silence the self-doubting whispers. So pop that champagne, have that nice dinner, or do whatever you do to treat yourself. You deserve it! 

Imposter syndrome might be a formidable opponent, but it’s not invincible. By understanding its mechanics, recognizing its signs, and employing proactive strategies, executives can vanquish its grip. If it all feels too overwhelming, please feel free to reach out. I’ve been there! But for now, remember this. Mastering imposter syndrome isn’t just about personal triumph – it’s about sculpting a confident, unapologetic professional executive identity. Through introspection, positivity, and professional support, you can stride into your executive role with head held high, leaving the shadows of self-doubt behind.


“Remodeling” Your Career in 2022

Career & WorkplaceLinkedInResumes


Today, while mindlessly browsing through social media, I came across an article containing a list of home trends that “are on their way out”.  Since I have just recently updated several areas of my home, I was intrigued and moved forward with reading, hoping that one of my remodeling projects wasn’t on the “out” list. I had only read a few snippets of the article when my mind wandered back to work, and I thought about what types of job search and resume trends have also been sent to pasture over the years? The following are some of the “ins/outs” to be thinking about as you embark on your next career “remodeling” project.

Your Resume:

In: Career Summary

Out: Objective

Starting at the top of your resume with the word “Objective” that tells the reader what you are “seeking” in your next career move is a big no-no, and OMG, so bland and boring. Just don’t. Instead, craft a compelling, leadership-focused, and keyword-saturated career summary that packs a punch and pulls the reader in wanting to learn more about you.

In: Accomplishments

Out: Daily job responsibilities

While you were hired to do certain tasks, those are not all that should be on your resume. Today’s resumes need to be accomplishment- and not task-focused. Use your career history section to show readers the impact you made in your past roles. Did your efforts result in revenue generation? Improvements in efficiency/productivity? Sharing the results of your work on your resume only enhances the reader’s understanding of the potential you have and the value you can offer in future roles.


Your Online Persona:

In: Presence on LinkedIn

Out: No presence on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world’s premier professional networking site for a reason – it works. Whether you’re actively seeking a new job or just trying to build your brand and connect with peers in your field, LinkedIn is where you need to be. Sign up for initial services is free, and if you need additional features and can afford them, LinkedIn has them ready for you. Be sure you fill out all relevant sections to build your profile, and make your content engaging so that it builds your brand appropriately and markets you for you jobs in your field.


Your Job Search Acumen:

In: Networking, Recruiters, Resume Distribution

Out: Sitting by the phone

So many of our clients tell us that they aren’t getting calls for interviews. So, we ask, what are YOU doing to put yourself out there as a viable candidate? Just applying for a job doesn’t always do the trick. You need to apply, follow-up, and keep looking until you start hearing back from companies and actually have interviews set up. Even if you get an interview scheduled-that doesn’t mean you’re going to get the job. It’s up to you to keep applying, networking, etc. until you land your dream job. Sitting by the phone day after day waiting for a call from the one company you applied to will only result in frustration and more than likely, no further along in your job search. Find a recruiter, network on professional sites like LinkedIn, and just get yourself out there. If you don’t know where to find a recruiter on your own, find a company that offers a resume distribution service where your resume can be sent out to literally thousands of recruiters in a matter of minutes.

YOU control the pace of your search and the number of places you apply. Make a list of companies and track when you applied, if you heard back, interview schedules, etc. If you are unemployed, your job search should be treated as a full-time job and deserves focus and time to get you to the next level.


Where to Find Jobs:

In: LinkedIn, Networking, Online Job Boards and Employment Sites

Out: One source shopping

Don’t just peruse your local newspaper (although many still do have a “Help Wanted” section) to look for jobs. Go online! Talk to your colleagues, family, and friends. Ask if they know of openings! Look on well-known job search sites and see what’s out there. Join groups and set-up alerts to be notified when a job that matches your skills/qualifications becomes available. LinkedIn has their own “Jobs” section to peruse. Use it to see what is available in your field/area. Have a specific company you’re targeting? Go directly to their website-you still may be redirected to another job search engine to apply, so make sure you apply per their instructions. If a job posting says “don’t call”, then don’t call. Always follow the application directions, because if you don’t, you may eliminate your candidacy up front. If you don’t have access to the internet, go to the library and use their tools/internet to look for jobs-just remember to completely logout out of any public computer so your personal information is not compromised.


Your Ability to Navigate the Job Market:

In: Knowing someone on the inside.

Out: What you know and what you have done will automatically get you in the door for an interview.

You have heard the saying “It’s not always what you know, sometimes it’s who you know…”? People would not still be repeating this phrase in the job market if there wasn’t some truth to it. In today’s competitive job market, many companies have a candidate in mind even before they post a job. YOU want to try to be that candidate. If you have a friend or former co-worker on the inside of a company you’re targeting, reach out to them. If they can give you some inside information to get you in the door – that’s great. Just be sure your contact has a good reputation with the company leadership. Otherwise, your credibility as a viable candidate may have just gone out the window.

As you are “remodeling” your career path, be sure the tools you are using and trends you are following are not outdated, so that you can optimize the time and effort you are putting forth as you pursue your dream job. If you are struggling with your career remodeling project, hire a professional. You would do it for your home improvement projects–why not for your career improvement projects?



Career Change Can Happen at Any Time…Will YOU Be Ready?

Career & Workplace

Recently, I was speaking with a client who was eager to get out of the industry she had worked in for 20+ years to follow her dreams of becoming an Interior Design/Home Improvement/House Flipping professional. As she had spent her entire career as a Purchasing Agent in the Automotive industry, she wasn’t sure how to start her journey into a more creative field, especially when she had been in the same one for so many years.

It’s actually quite easy. When making a career change, especially to a completely new industry, it’s important to focus on highlighting your transferrable skills and some of your biggest career accomplishments on your resume and LinkedIn profile. Here are some quick steps to get you moving forward to the job of your dreams:

  • Change up the format of your current resume – create a format that makes your transferrable skills stand out (don’t let the need to follow tradition scare you!) and ensure that those skills and best leadership qualifications are highlighted in your career summary, branding statement, and keyword list (areas of expertise, core competencies, etc.).
  • Transferrable skills – so many clients have told me “this is what I want to do, but I don’t think I’m qualified”, when actually – they really are. It just requires some thought and creative writing (which is why she hired a professional service). When making a career change, it’s imperative that you include skills you’ve used in your current field that could be applied to the next one. Organizational Development, Brand Development & Promotion, Project Management, Budget Administration, Process Improvement, Team Collaboration, Vendor Relations, Inventory Procurement, Cost Control, Negotiation Strategies, etc. These are all areas of expertise used across industries.
  • Show where you have made an impact – at any point in your career, you should be able to show where you’ve made an impact to the organization(s) you’ve worked for. Quantifiable results work well when you highlight your accomplishments in a “Career Highlights” section on your resume. Sales goals? Cost savings initiatives? Process or program improvements? Building partnerships that result in revenue growth for your company? Add financial or numerical values where you can, and show the impact you’ve made on the organization’s bottom line!
  • Education and credentials – this is another one that holds people back. Just because your degree is in one area doesn’t mean you can’t excel in another! Don’t let a label from 20 years ago hold you back! On-the-job training, experience, professional development, etc. are all things that can show you have diversity in what you know and what you are capable of doing in any field! There are also tons of online certifications and skill development you can get to prepare for and show you’re eager to learn about your new field. For this particular client, she was getting her real estate license to get some more experience in the industry, staging, client relations, etc. which will make her a more marketable asset for her clients, etc.
  • LinkedIn – As with your resume, your LinkedIn profile is your tool for getting noticed – but more importantly, this platform allows you to get noticed on a global scale with basically a click of a mouse. Make sure your profile is optimized with key terms and highlights using language recognized in your future industry. Even if you don’t have the licensing or certifications you need right away, you can still show that you are working toward those goals. Include links to projects you’ve completed to give readers a visual view of your creative style, published works, projects, etc.  There is a lot of room for information on LinkedIn, and you need to ensure you are using the site to showcase you in the best ways possible. NOTE: LinkedIn is a huge source for not only finding jobs and connecting with colleagues and other friends, but also for networking and joining groups within your new industry. The more you network and learn, the faster you will grow in your field.
  • Social Media – in addition to LinkedIn, you can market your skills, experience, and accomplishments on multiple sites to get your name out there. Start a business page, use creative content, and be sure to brand yourself appropriately – even when you are limited in the character amounts you can use – you can still find something short and sweet to speak to your abilities. Effective branding is key in getting noticed and pulling the reader in to want to learn more about you!

Don’t let age, lack of formal experience, or anything else keep you from pursuing your dream job. If you’re willing to learn and work hard, you can do whatever you want in your career and in life – you just need to prepare for the change, ramp up all of your marketing tools, and hit the ground running with a positive “I’ve got this” attitude.

You know the phrase…”it’s never too late to teach a dog new tricks”…it became a popular phrase for a reason. Take ownership of that mindset and rock your new career!

Post-COVID Benefits to Expect from Your Next Employer

Career & WorkplaceGuest PostsInterviewingJob Search

The COVID-19 pandemic will have lasting effects on the workforce in more ways than one. With stay-at-home orders forcing consumers to stay at home and non-essential workers to work remotely, or in a worst-case scenario, be furloughed or laid off, businesses have had to find creative ways to reel in customers and retain top talent.

For business owners, in order for your company to survive post-pandemic, you’re going to need to reimagine your benefits package to incentivize your workers to stay at your company. The coronavirus pandemic has shown many faults in our society, such as a need for healthcare, childcare, and other essential basic needs, which means finding new ways to alleviate some burdens can help bring in and retain top talent that can help grow your business.

Employees will also remember the actions you take during these unprecedented times. In order for your legacy to live on, you need to adjust to the new normal employees are expected to adapt to in the post-pandemic era. And as a prospective job candidate, it’s important to look at what companies did for their employees to help them navigate the pandemic. Whether you’re a business owner or a job hunter, these are some post-COVID benefits you should expect from your next employer.

  1. Healthcare

America is one of the only countries on the planet where citizens can get health coverage through their employers. While not mandated by law, depending on the size of your company, providing employer-sponsored healthcare to your staff will not only allow them to get the help they need when they’re sick but will show you care about their basic human needs.

One aspect of life the coronavirus has brought to light is that far too many people don’t have adequate healthcare. COVID exposed the American healthcare system’s fragility when millions of workers were left without a job during a deadly pandemic. With that said, employees are going to search for companies that offer comprehensive healthcare plans that will keep them safe and stable, even during unexpected medical emergencies.

As an employer, it’s best to find a provider that offers broad coverage rather than narrow, as it will appeal to a larger pool of workers and provide more options. After all, no one’s body is the same, so the more healthcare options your employees have, the better. The last thing an employee wants is to be stuck with a tough decision to get care that they can’t afford.

  1. Child care

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced millions of Americans across the country to abide by stay-at-home orders and quarantine until the virus is under control. While many states are reopening with certain measures in place, such as social distancing and mask-wearing, we’re not back to the normal we were once so comfortable with. One of the major disruptions that came about the pandemic was school and daycare closures, leading many students to learn remotely from the comfort of their homes. The problem? What do parents with essential jobs do?

Many families had to make hard sacrifices to determine how to take care of the children while still going to work and making money. Some had to make the difficult decision of quitting their job altogether, while others had to rearrange their schedules or find a new job where they could be home with their children while they learned.

Post-pandemic, many workers are going to look for employers who offer some sort of child care assistance to maintain a better work-life balance. This can take a few forms, such as having an on-site daycare facility where parents can drop their kids off, providing monetary assistance to cover expensive daycare costs, or giving workers flexible schedules that allow them to drop off and pick up their children when daycare facilities and schools close. Offering child care assistance will go a long way for many working parents. It will help ease stress and allow them to save for other life expenses, such as purchasing a new home, building a trust fund, buying a car, or going on vacation.

  1. Student loan assistance

Many employers require applicants to meet certain qualifications in order to be hired for a job. One of the most common qualifications is holding a bachelor’s degree, or in some cases, a master’s degree or beyond. While business owners need workers who have the education and knowledge to perform certain tasks in their job, it comes at a pretty hefty expense on behalf of the employee. College tuition costs are at an all-time high, and today’s students are graduating with more debt than any other generation before them.

One way to attract and retain top talent is by offering student loan assistance. And for recent grads swimming in mounds of student loan debt, finding an employer who offers student loan assistance can be extremely beneficial finance-wise.

With the coronavirus stifling the economy, many employees with student loan debt are finding themselves struggling to get by. While interest and payments have been halted on federal student loans, those with private student loans might still be required to make their monthly payments. Workers need assistance, and they need it now, so offering some sort of monetary aid will go a long way. Even better, the one-time stimulus bill includes tax benefits for employers who offer student loan debt assistance, meaning you can save a significant amount of money on your taxes when Uncle Sam comes knocking at your door.

Wrapping up

We’re still in the midst of an unprecedented global pandemic, which has had crippling effects on the economy and workers around the world. While businesses have had their own fair share of challenges during these times, one way to bounce back and recover is ensuring employees’ needs are met.

Employees who feel valued by their employers are often more productive and have higher levels of satisfaction, which means taking care of these needs is a win-win for both parties. These three post-COVID benefits are just some of the benefits you can expect from your next employer. While this list is non-exhaustive, it serves as a good starting point for what to expect from an employer.

Samantha Rupp holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. She is the managing editor for 365 Business Tips as well as runs a personal blog, Mixed Bits Media. She lives in San Diego, California and enjoys spending time on the beach, reading up on current industry trends, and traveling.


7 Skills to Acquire During Quarantine That Can Boost Your Resume

Career & WorkplaceGuest Posts

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who’s been under some level of COVID-19 quarantine restrictions over the last several months, you’re probably starting to feel a little restless these days. You’ve organized the garage, participated in virtual happy hours, and run out of stuff to stream — now what?

Whether you’re on the job hunt after becoming unemployed or you’re just on a mission to find something bigger and better, you’re in the right place! In this post, we’ll show you some ways to resolve both your boredom and ramp up your resume during quarantine. From certificates to skills, read on to find out the top seven things you can do to boost your resume without ever leaving your couch!

  1. Web Design and Management

When employers think about the qualities of a good employee, the words “driven,” “self-motivated,” and “passionate” often come to mind. So, what better way to impress a potential employer than by showing off some self-taught skills? With a little help, of course…

In the digital age, experience with web design and management is an invaluable skill worth reaching for. And thanks to the same technology, it’s easier than ever to learn how to build, design, and launch a website at your own, self-guided pace. What’s more, your practice site can become your very own living portfolio where you can host your resume, work samples, contact details, social media links, and more.

Here are some of the top-rated online web design courses and platforms to choose from:

  • Webflow University
  • UDemy
  • SkillShare
  • Coursera

If you want to build from templates rather than code your way from the ground up, you might check out user-friendly platforms like Squarespace, WordPress, and Wix.

  1. Visual Design

If you’re looking for a career in the creative realm, a great way to boost your skills is to get hands-on with design. Photo editing, illustrating, and designing page layouts are just a few of the things you can learn using the Adobe Suite program.

  1. Language

Knowing how to read, write, and speak in another language is always a great skill to have, no matter what kind of work you do. In fact, many workplaces will pay employees more if they know a second language, especially if it’s a language commonly used in the region.

What’s more, learning a foreign language opens the door for more travel opportunities and could even present the option for you to work abroad if you’re interested.

Thanks to the convenience of mobile apps and increasingly easy user interface, learning a new language while you’re on-the-go or at home is fun and easy to do. Check out these popular apps to get started:

  • Duolingo
  • Babbel
  • Busuu
  • Memrise
  • HelloTalk

 ProTip: As you start to learn the foundations of a foreign language, you can start to expand your learning tools by watching foreign films or television shows, cooking from foreign cookbooks, or reading books in a new language. If you’ve been looking for ways to stay entertained during quarantine, learning a language is one of the best (and most productive) things you can do!

  1. Social Media Management

It’s no secret that social media practically runs the world as we know it these days. From Instagram and Snapchat to TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook, there’s a social network out there for everyone; there are even social networks for career seekers. Heck, you might even be a member of all of the above!

Whether you’re in the marketing and communications world or just have a passion for social media, there are plenty of ways you can leverage your social skills in the workplace. Learning how to craft custom content, engage with users, and monitor performance can open the door for new job responsibilities and give your resume the added edge it needs to make it into the final round.

The best part? There are tons of free resources out there to help you get started:

  • For video storytelling, check out Social Creators
  • For social media and digital marketing in general, try Acadium
  • For help with Facebook ads, visit Facebook Blueprint
  • To learn more about ad performance, use Google Analytics Academy
  • To learn the foundations of content marketing, check out Hubspot Academy
  • For information on scheduling content and increasing engagement, try Hootsuite Academy
  1. UX/UI

UX, or user experience, applies to a lot of different industries and professions, including web design, software development, and product design. In essence, UX is the practice of improving a user’s experience with a product, whether that means button placement or page hierarchy on a website, the functionality or packaging of a product, or some other aspect that alters how a customer interacts with a product.

Interested in UX or UI? Check out these resources:

  • DesignLab
  • Xterra
  • Career Foundry
  • Interaction Design
  1. Public Speaking

Almost nobody likes to do it, but nearly every employer is looking for someone who’s good at it. That’s right, we’re talking about public speaking. No matter what field you’re working in, chances are, there is some element of public speaking necessary in one way or another, whether that’s through in-house presentations, project proposals, PR, or just team collaboration.

If you’re not ready to jump up in front of a classroom of people, learning the foundations of public speaking online may be your best bet! Coursera, Forbes, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning all offer virtual courses in public speaking.

 Bonus: Not only will public speaking skills set you up for success within a workplace environment, it can also help you gain the confidence and knack to nail your next interview.

Wrapping Up

While life in quarantine seems to only drag on as the months move by, there are plenty of productive things you can do with your time. By working to build your professional skills online, you can ramp up your resume, increase your value as a professional, and keep yourself occupied and engaged.

Feel free to use these seven tips and resources as a guide to get you started, and don’t forget to share your experience in the comment section!

Sophie Sirois is a writer based in San Diego, CA, currently writing content for 365businesstips.com. With her Bachelors of Art in Strategic Communication behind her, Sophie began working in the content marketing sphere and has been crafting unique, informative, and click-worthy content ever since.

Is There Really Ageism in the Workplace?

Career & WorkplaceGuest PostsUncategorized


If you are a 50+-year-old worker, you have probably experienced some ageism at work. Whether you have been passed over for a promotion, perceived as someone who isn’t current on the latest trends, or not included in the water cooler discussions, negative perceptions about seniors are common.

But how do you know which are true and which are assumptions? If you want to address them, you need to know what people actually think. ResumeLab polled 900+ Americans to find out just how ageist we are. You can look at the complete results on their website, along with the graphic showing the highlights. Here is what they found:

Though about 50% think older workers are resistant to change and are less healthy, independent studies actually show this is FALSE.

People (45%) think older workers aren’t interested in additional training or career development. This actually TRUE.

Younger workers think older workers look down on them, 41%. Not enough evidence to support either way.

About 40% think older workers are more expensive to train or retrain. Primarily TRUE.

With this information, if you are an older worker, it is imperative that your resume dispels these stereotypes. You must communicate your ability to be current, up on the latest trends, a life-long learner, and willing to mentor others.

Older Workers Study


ResumeLab is a resume advice site with over 250 detailed guides. See our experts featured in Business News Daily & TechRepublic, Inc.