By now it’s likely you already know the importance of networking as an executive. Still, some people make the mistake of thinking simply showing up at networking events is sufficient. While you don’t have to necessarily interact with everyone you look at, it is important to be involved to see how you can help others. And most importantly, you need to be a good listener. You can get a good background of some of the attendees by looking at their LinkedIn profile ahead of time, but even if that’s not an option, consider these tips before your next event.
Be A Great Listener
Everyone is an expert on themselves, so their default is to talk mostly about themself. Do your best to refrain from always responding back with a story about yourself and just be intent on listening to what the other person has to say. This is a rare attribute few people have, but it makes the other person feel great about themself and they will appreciate you much more because of it. Being a good listener isn’t necessarily something you’ll be putting in your executive bio, but your brand will be enhanced because of it.
Take Mental Notes And Follow-Up
Listen for key parts from the speaker that could clue you in on how you might be able to help them out. If they talk about a problem they’re having, think about whether you have a solution. You may not be an expert in their specific line of work, but you may know someone who is and can offer assistance. The networking event itself isn’t always the best time to go into specific details, since interruptions can happen at any given moment. Instead, take good mental notes, get their contact information or LinkedIn profile link and follow-up with them when you have more time to talk.
Ask Leading Questions About Others
You can boost your credibility significantly by asking the right leading questions that give the other person a chance to continue talking. Remember the main idea is to let them do most of the talking and be an intent listener. The more you can prompt them to continue talking, the more powerful your personal branding will be in general.
Professional Resume Services helps executives write resumes and cover letters so they will have polished documents to hand out at networking events. We can also help with the development of your LinkedIn profile, since it takes a well-rounded effort to be seen as an expert in your industry and boost your chances of landing the job you desire. Listening is always a great attribute to have, and it’s especially important when you attend networking events. If you have questions or need other networking tips, feel free to contact us at any time.
Executive job searches are much different today than they were several years ago. You have so many different aspects to think about and it can be difficult to keep them all straight. Of course, starting by working with the top resume writing services can help set your foundation, but you also have to think about your LinkedIn profile, other social networking profiles and even attending networking events. It’s not uncommon for people to get burned out on the job search process after a few weeks and lose motivation as a result. Here are some effective ways to keep your spirits high and your drive alive when your job search isn’t going exactly how you had hoped.
Interact With Support Groups
You likely won’t have to look very long or hard to find job search support groups. The people who comprise these groups are in similar situations as you, so you won’t have to feel awkward talking about strategies or feelings. You may get valuable tips from people on how to write resumes that get you hired and you can also share some techniques that have worked for you in the past. The idea behind participating in these groups is to help you understand you’re not alone in your job searching efforts and to remain persistent.
Try Different Job Searching Strategies
If you’ve been using the same job searching strategy for a few weeks, consider changing it up. Your executive resume writer may suggest attending networking events if you haven’t yet, or maybe even visiting potential employers in person to drop off your resume rather than mailing or emailing it. Getting out of a routine that’s not creating positive results can revive some of the energy you may have lost throughout the process.
Volunteer For More Experience
Volunteering while you’re unemployed has several benefits. For one, it gets your mind off of your job search for a while. You also have opportunities to network with other volunteers, even though you may not volunteer specifically for that reason. Volunteering also gives you an opportunity to add to your resume. Your executive resume writer will always suggest including volunteer experience on your resume, especially when it’s during a time you’re unemployed, since it shows potential employers you are always active.
Take Breaks And Keep Your Goals In Front of You
Sometimes it can get to the point where you need to forget about your job search for a day or two and refocus on your goals. You can only try to write resumes that get you hired so much before eventually burning out. Clearing your mind occasionally is essential when you’ve lost some motivation. Starting fresh the next day can work wonders for your mentality and attitude toward your job search.
Professional Resume Services is one of the top resume writing services because we stick with our clients throughout their job search. We understand there are many different aspects of a job search and they are all equally important. If you’re at a point where you’re stuck in your job searching efforts and need some advice, feel free to give us a call at any time.
When you start seeing LinkedIn as a way to enhance your career for the long-term rather than simply a platform you need to update to keep up with the trends, then you’ll have many more opportunities come your way. In order to optimize your LinkedIn profile, you must go beyond simply filling it out until it’s 100% complete. Of course, that’s the first step you have to take, but consider it to be the beginning rather than the end result. The best executive LinkedIn profiles are full of recommendations, skills, contacts, connections and much more. Here are three effective ways to go above and beyond to fully optimize your LinkedIn profile.
Complete More Than Just The Recommended Profile Sections
Once your professional LinkedIn profile writer has helped you complete the necessary sections of your profile, look at what else can be filled in. This may mean adding new skills as you develop them, discussing volunteer experience, mentioning organizations you’re a part of, any coursework you’re actively participating in and more. The idea is to give whoever views your profile a complete view of your skills, achievements and personality.
Build Your Network of Connections
The more quality connections you have on LinkedIn, the higher up your name will show in the search results. Getting to 500+ connections is easier than you may think, but it can require some effort depending on what stage you’re at in your career. Take a look at companies in your industry and see who you can connect with. You can also consider reaching out to past co-workers to build up your connections list. Any professional LinkedIn profile writer will also recommend joining LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry and participating in meaningful discussions. This may be the most effective way to build your list of connections naturally, since the other group members will get to know you well with the way you communicate.
Interact Regularly With Your Connections
Continue looking at different executive LinkedIn profiles and reaching out to people to share a piece of news or to simply check in with them. The more your name is in their mind, the better the chances are of them remembering you if an opportunity arises. And as far as the ability to optimize your LinkedIn profile, you may receive endorsements or recommendations from these people as a sign of appreciation for your interactions with them.
Professional Resume Services works with executive LinkedIn profiles regularly to ensure they are fully optimized. Having an optimized LinkedIn profile is a necessity in today’s world of business, but you also have to make sure yours is handled appropriately. If you’re ever in any need of assistance with the development of your LinkedIn profile, feel free to contact us at any time and we would be happy to help.
Whether you’re currently unemployed or you have a job and are starting to covertly look for a new one, LinkedIn is a valuable resource for you. Recruiters are constantly searching on the platform to find the candidates they think would fit the opportunity they have available. When you optimize your LinkedIn profile in the right way, your name will show up in the searches more often than not. Simply having a profile isn’t good enough nowadays, so working with a professional LinkedIn profile writer can help take yours to the next level.
Complete Your Profile
During your LinkedIn profile development, you’ll see a status bar on the right hand side of the page telling you how complete your profile is. Follow the basic steps to make your profile 100% complete. The reason is because completed profiles are more visible in searches, and will be more attractive to recruiters. Sometimes you might only get to 85 or 95%. Don’t sweat it if that is where you are at. Often times, LinkedIn wants you to include things that just don’t make sense to add (in my case… early experience that was basically waitressing while in college).
Think About What Recruiters Search For
Once you’ve completed the basics of your LinkedIn profile development, it’s time to take it to the next level. Using keywords and buzzwords relevant to your job or industry throughout your profile will make your profile show up more often in searches. One secret I’ve learned from recruiters is they often don’t search for job titles, since titles can vary among different companies. Instead, recruiters search for specific skills and expertise, so those are more important than trying to match a title to what you think a recruiter wants to see. While you want to make sure all of your skills are displayed, you also want to make sure the text in your profile flows naturally.
Always Develop Your LinkedIn Profile
While LinkedIn may indicate your profile is complete, you should always look for ways to develop and enhance it. A professional LinkedIn profile writer may suggest being active on your profile at least weekly or more often if you’re in the middle of a job search. This doesn’t mean you have to do a complete overhaul, but it could simply mean joining a new relevant group and making new connections in the group. There are many ways to optimize your LinkedIn profile, and all of them are important for attracting the attention of recruiters. Make sure that even if you become employed, you stay active on LinkedIn meaning commenting or posting. You don’t want to neglect your network, you want to nurture it.
Professional Resume Services looks at the big picture of job searches, while also focusing on the tiniest details. Your executive resume is a critical part of your job search, but LinkedIn is quickly becoming equally important. With the competition for high-level jobs being at an all-time high, attracting recruiters is more critical now than ever before. No matter where you’re at in your job search, don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need any advice or tips.
Networking is difficult for people for many different reasons. One of those reasons may be because the person doesn’t want anyone else to go out of their way for their benefit. This is especially true if your main purpose for networking is to makes sales or build your business in different ways. However, one of the major breakthroughs people have when they feel uncomfortable networking is offering something beneficial to others without expecting anything in return. This takes a lot of pressure off of the interaction and will boost your c-level personal branding more than you’d think. Networking while helping others is entirely possible, and here are some ways to do it.
Be A Resource On LinkedIn
You should already have a LinkedIn profile, so utilize the platform to help others when you can. Many times people in your network will ask questions you may know the answer to. Alternatively, you can join LinkedIn groups relevant to your career and participate in discussions. Simply offering your expertise and being a valuable resource to others will increase your c-level personal branding and you never know what it will lead to.
Offer Your Expertise For Free
Not every person you network with will be able to help you. But that doesn’t mean you can’t help them. If you connect with someone who could use your expertise, don’t be afraid to help them out for free a time or two. While you may not get a direct return on it, they will always remember you and you may end up getting some referrals from them down the road.
Pass Along Referrals
Speaking of referrals, if you know of an expert who could solve a problem for someone you’re networking with, feel free to pass along their information. Again, you may never see a direct benefit in your own profession by doing this, but the expert whom you referred will be appreciative and will likely jump at the opportunity to help you out in return when they have the chance. Nothing benefits c-level personal branding more than being selfless, and passing along referrals is one way to do it.
Be Active Online
Finally, you never know what networking opportunities you’ll run into online if you aren’t active. Brush up your LinkedIn profile and start interacting with your connections or members of a group. You could also look for relevant blogs or forums and engage in professional discussions. Your expertise could be invaluable to someone and it won’t even feel like you’re making an effort to network, which makes the process much easier and less stressful.
Professional Resume Services is a team of professional executive resume writers who pride themselves on being engaged with their clients’ job search. Networking is a big part of any career, but many people still don’t completely understand the importance of it. We are here to make networking an easy and fun process by providing you tips on how to do so effectively. If there’s any way we can help you advance or take your career to the next level, feel free to reach out to us at any time.
Have you ever looked at your executive LinkedIn profile and noticed a section or piece of information wasn’t there? You’re not alone. Like any social media platform, LinkedIn always makes changes to its website to enhance the user experience. Some changes may be minor like switching up the layout, while others may be more significant. When you’re actively searching for a job, it’s critical to keep your account updated as much as possible and ensure all the relevant information is present. You never know when a recruiter will be looking at your profile, so here’s what you should be aware of at all times.
View Your LinkedIn Profile Frequently
Most of the time LinkedIn won’t inform you ahead of time about changes being made, or even what changes will occur. This is why every LinkedIn profile writer suggests viewing your profile frequently and making mental notes about what was present yesterday and making sure it’s still there today. Sometimes the changes may be subtle, but if your SEO-optimized content has been removed or placed somewhere else, then your entire profile could lose some effectiveness.
Check Your Settings And Privacy Features
Any time you work on your LinkedIn profile development, it’s worth taking a peek at your settings and privacy features. It’s especially important to monitor them to make sure a box doesn’t get checked or unchecked when you don’t want it to. These features are always being changed with LinkedIn updates, so it may be beneficial to take screenshots when you have your setting how you want them, just to refer back to it periodically and ensure nothing has changed. You should always control what information people can and can’t see on your profile, and this is the place to do it.
Visit Help Pages or Groups if Needed
There may come a time when something on your executive LinkedIn profile looks different, but you just can’t put your finger on what it is. Some of the LinkedIn help pages may provide you with insight on what recent changes have been made to the platform. If not, then chances are someone has experienced a similar situation, which you can find out about in different groups. Many people learn about LinkedIn profile development changes from these groups, as well as learning how to fix any issues or what to look for.
Professional Resume Services strongly endorses LinkedIn as being a valuable platform to use for your job search. Working with a LinkedIn profile writer can ensure all the information you need is present on your profile, as well as making it complement your actual resume. It’s always important to keep your LinkedIn profile up to date, and feel free to contact us at any time if you need any assistance in doing so.
Believe it or not, it’s more common for people to have employment gaps on their resume and LinkedIn profile today than ever before. There are plenty of reasons for this as well. You may have taken time off to raise a family and are now ready to re-enter the workforce, had a change of heart about your career and took time to gain education and experience in other areas or for a different reason. If you’re in a situation where you have a glaring employment gap, not all is lost. Here are some things you can do to address these gaps and still find the job you desire.
Never Lie About Employment Gaps
Employers don’t necessarily like to see employment gaps on a resume, but the nature in which you address them can make the perception better or worse. Regardless of the reason for the time difference between jobs, you always have to be honest when asked a question about it. A potential employer will see right through you if you fabricate a story about the gap, and it could cost you the job. The best thing to do is be honest and talk about the learning experiences you had and how you’re a better employee because of it.
Try To Fill Those Gaps If Possible
An executive resume writer can make employment gaps less obvious on your resume without hiding them, but you shouldn’t rely on that. Instead, when you’re faced with an unemployment situation, make the most of it so you can easily justify the gap when the time comes. Consider taking online classes or certification courses, find temporary or volunteer work or do some freelance projects on your own. Your executive resume writer may not necessarily include these actions on your resume, but the potential employer will appreciate the fact you were working on your skills while unemployed.
Make Quality Connections And Demonstrate Your Expertise
Not having a job is a perfect opportunity to take the time to network and make quality professional connections. You never know when an opportunity will arise from talking to new people, so brush up your LinkedIn profile and start becoming more active. Networking both through LinkedIn and in person can be valuable. You have a great chance to demonstrate your expertise by producing valuable content and sharing it with like-minded individuals. Many times when your personal brand is obvious and a positive one, employers will brush off any potential issues regarding gaps in employment.
Professional Resume Services is more than just a professional resume writing service. We have some of the best writers who can make your resume look perfect, but we also want to help you in other aspects of your job search. This includes enhancing your LinkedIn profile, providing networking tips and much more. Be sure to reach out to us if you ever have any questions or concerns about your current or future career situation.
LinkedIn is a platform you can use for many different aspects of your career. One of the most important ways to use it is when you’re on the hunt for a new job. Whether you just created a new executive LinkedIn profile or you’ve had one for years, you need to make sure it’s updated and optimized for your job search. As much as your profile can help you, it can hurt you just as quickly if you don’t display the right information. Here are some tips to consider before you actively begin your job search.
Optimize Every Section For SEO
Recruiters and hiring managers have certain keywords and phrases they search for online. Knowing which words those are takes a little effort and research on your part, but you’ll have to do that anyway if you have a fully targeted resume. Any professional LinkedIn profile writer will suggest optimizing every section for SEO, since you don’t know which section a recruiter will place the most emphasis on. The more relevant keywords you have, the easier it will be for a recruiter to find you.
Balance Personal Branding With Hard Skills
Your executive LinkedIn profile is the perfect place to highlight your personal brand. Sometimes it’s not appropriate to demonstrate your personal brand in your resume, but LinkedIn can be used to build on the resume itself. You can still mention your qualifications and hard skills, while also showing who you are as a person and a professional. Having a balanced LinkedIn profile like this will help differentiate yourself and you’ll have a better chance of piquing the interest of recruiters or hiring managers.
Increase Quality Connections
Part of your LinkedIn profile development should be increasing the amount of quality connections you have. The more connections you have, the more credible you’ll seem. However, randomly asking people to connect with you won’t do any good. Quality connections can come from previous co-workers, classmates, people you’ve met at networking events or even people from common LinkedIn groups you’re involved with.
Be Active
Most recruiters will look at how active you are on LinkedIn and what your activity entails. Commenting in groups and sharing content are good examples of engaging activities. Not only do these activities demonstrate your interest in certain topics, but they also can show your expertise and leadership, depending on your interactions with the content. You don’t want to be overly active all the time, but commenting and engaging with a few pieces of content daily is just right.
Professional Resume Services understands the importance of LinkedIn profile development in today’s job searching climate. In fact, many employers require applicants to include a link to their LinkedIn profile when they apply for a job, so it’s critical for you to have yours updated and optimized. We have a professional LinkedIn profile writer ready to assist you in this regard, so feel free to reach out to us if your profile is in need of a quality revamp.