LinkedIn Questions Surrounding an Executive Job Search

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linkedin profile development services

Anyone who is in the middle of a job search has likely heard about the importance of their LinkedIn profile. However, simply having a profile isn’t good enough. Your profile can be the difference in landing an interview for a job or getting passed over. That’s why many executives turn to LinkedIn profile development services today to ensure they aren’t making any critical mistakes. Here are some of the most common questions about LinkedIn that we’ve answered to help your job search.

How Can You Use LinkedIn For A Job Search?

LinkedIn is the largest professional online network, and a large percentage of employers used the platform to make their next hire. With that being said, it’s best to utilize a LinkedIn profile writer to help you use relevant keywords and phrases, and to help make your profile as complete as possible. If you want to do it yourself, go over the job descriptions you are looking at and make sure they match up with what is in your profile. Connect with other professionals in your industry to learn more about them and any possible opportunities available. LinkedIn groups are also valuable, since they are full of like-minded people, allow you to demonstrate your personal brand to others and expand your network.

Is Quantity Better Than Quality When it Comes to Connections?

There are plenty of benefits to having as many connections as possible. Your profile will rank higher in the search results, and your message will be displayed to a larger amount of people as well. You may also find someone in your network who works at a company you are interested in, or who knows someone who does.  That is the point of LinkedIn… to network. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people. Most are very receptive and generous with their time and information.

Can You Perform A Confidential Job Search on LinkedIn?

The best LinkedIn profile development services can help you adjust your settings in order to conduct a confidential job search. This involves turning off notifications, limiting who can see your connections, viewing other profiles without those people knowing and more. Many executives search for jobs while still employed, and you can easily keep your search confidential through LinkedIn.

Why is A Profile Photo So Important?

No executive LinkedIn profile is complete without a professional profile photo. If you choose not to include one on yours, a potential employer has no choice but to believe you are trying to hide something. And it’s important to note that LinkedIn is not the platform to put a photo of your family or pets. Keep it simple and professional with a formal headshot for the best results.
Professional Resume Services provides LinkedIn profile development services to help make your profile as strong as possible. It’s one of the most important platforms for helping make your job search successful, so the time you spend on it is well worth it. We are here to help in any way we can, so never hesitate to contact us when you need assistance in any aspect of your job search.

Avoid These Common Phone Interview Mistakes

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resumes that get you hired

resumes that get you hiredLanding a phone interview is often the first step in getting your foot in the door for a formal interview. However, if you don’t take the interview seriously, you may never be invited to the office for the next step. Although a phone interview generally doesn’t last more than 30 minutes, it’s still extremely important and valuable for both you and the employer. You’ve spent a lot of time writing resumes that get you hired, so be sure to avoid these common phone interview mistakes so your efforts aren’t wasted.

Talking Too Much

It’s understandable for people to be nervous during any type of interview. A common nervous habit is getting too chatty, and it’s even easier to talk too much in a phone interview since you can’t see the other person’s facial reactions. The interviewer likely has scheduled a set amount of time to talk to you, so be sure to answer questions precisely and without a lot of extra fillers.

Getting Off Topic

If you aren’t prepared for a particular question, it’s easy to get off topic. Many executive resume services will suggest writing down some of the most common questions you could be asked and creating a cheat sheet so you can be better prepared. It’s easy to ramble on for several minutes if you aren’t sure exactly how to answer a question, but you may be doing yourself more harm than good.

Talking About Yourself Instead of The Company

No one knows more about you than you do, but it doesn’t mean you should only talk about yourself. The company wants to learn about you, as well as what you bring to the table. The key to writing an effective resume is targeting the specific company and demonstrating your value. The same is true for a phone interview. If you talk solely about yourself, then the interviewer may struggle to find exactly what value you bring.

Not Asking Questions

You have to be able to identify the right time to ask questions during a phone interview. Most of the time, it’s best to let the interviewer ask all of their questions. They will typically then ask you if you have any questions for them. If you don’t ask any, then they’ll think you aren’t interested in the job and may not consider you to be a serious candidate. Make a list of some specific and targeted questions to ask beforehand and you’ll be viewed as more of a credible candidate.
Professional Resume Services provides various executive resume services to help people with their job search, including writing an effective resume, boosting personal branding and much more. Phone interviews are becoming more popular today than ever before, so it’s important to be prepared for them. To learn more about what to do and what not to do in a phone interview, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time for assistance or advice.

How to Take Your Executive Cover Letter to the Next Level

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executive resume cover letter

Many executives sit down to write their resumes and cover letters thinking it will be simple. Resumes are generally about facts and statistics, but the cover letter takes a different approach. You have a little more freedom to show your personality in your executive resume cover letter, which can be good or bad. The important thing to remember is having a cookie cutter cover letter isn’t going to get you recognized. Here are some tips for making yours stand out.

Hook Your Reader

Any cover letter writing service will tell you the opening sentences will make or break your entire cover letter. In fact, if you don’t hook your reader right away, they may not even continue reading after the first few sentences. The most important thing is to stay on topic and explain why you are excited about potentially working for their company and why you believe you are a good fit.

Target The Company

One way to get the reader’s attention is by showing them you’ve done your research on the company. When writing an executive resume cover letter, targeting the company will make yours stand out over someone who just recycled theirs from a previous application. No matter if you give certain statistics or tell a quick story you learned about the company, the reader will be more interested when you talk about something they can relate to.

Demonstrate Confidence

Talk about the things you accomplished in your career with confidence. As an executive, you need to be assertive in your cover letter, even if it’s natural for you to be humble about your accomplishments. Your cover letter writing service will suggest backing up your claims with facts and evidence, though, so your confidence doesn’t appear to be just words on a page.

Always Be Honest

Anything you write in your executive resume cover letter could come up again later in an interview. If you’re honest in your cover letter, then you should have no problem answering those questions. However, any time you’re dishonest, most interviewers can see right through you and you’ll immediately be disqualified as an applicant.

Proofread Closely

Finally, proofreading a cover letter is something many people forget to do. It may take you a while and several visits to your cover letter writing service to make it perfect, but it’s always worth your time to proofread it closely. Many times an employer will seek out typographical or grammatical errors and throw out those resumes and cover letters right away.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you craft the perfect cover letter to increase your chances of landing an interview. We will work with you to show just the right amount of confidence, give targeted information and present facts in a way that will hook the reader. If you ever need help with writing your cover letter, or if you just need another set of eyes to look at it, never hesitate to reach out to us at any time.

Is There Such a Thing as Too Many LinkedIn Connections?

BlogCareer & WorkplaceNetworkingSocial Marketing/Online Branding
linkedIn profile development

When it comes to LinkedIn profile development, sometimes executives have more questions than answers. It’s actually a good thing to have questions, though, because not developing your profile enough won’t benefit you much. One of the most common questions is whether it’s possible to have too many connections. The answer varies depending on who you ask, but the short answer is “no, but it depends.” When you work with a reputable LinkedIn profile writing service, they will help you get the right amount of valuable connections, which is more important than the quantity of connections. Here are some things to consider when it comes to the number of connections you have.

Who To Connect With

When learning how to optimize your LinkedIn profile, you have to keep your connections in mind. You want to provide some sort of value on your page, so people will want to reach out to you. But who exactly should you connect with? These people can include:

    • Hiring managers at companies you’re interested in working for
    • Recruiters in your industry
    • Past and current co-workers
    • Friends and colleagues with similar interests
    • Fellow alumni
  • Business owners, clients or vendors you’ve worked with in the past

These are just a few of the types of people who are considered valuable connections. Simply sending a connection invitation to random people won’t do any good, and no LinkedIn profile writing service will suggest it.

Create A Personalized Message With Each Connection

Making every connection meaningful is easier than it sounds. When you send an invitation to connect, you have the opportunity to send a personalized message to the recipient. Take advantage of this! There’s no need to write an entire story in your message, but a couple of sentences demonstrating your interest in connecting with them will go a long way. If you do this with every person you connect with, then each one will be valuable, no matter how many invitations you send.

Benefits of Having More LinkedIn Connections

The bottom line is, the more connections you have on LinkedIn, the more visible your profile will be. As long as you’ve spent a good amount of time on your LinkedIn profile development, then there will be many more benefits compared to disadvantages from having this high number. When you have more than 500 connections on LinkedIn, your profile will rank higher in search results, so more people will be able to find you. Having this many connections also gives you a platform to be able to spread your value and personal brand to more people.
Professional Resume Services is here to help with your LinkedIn profile development. Having a large number of connections is great, but how you treat those connections will make a difference in their value. If you’re ever in need of assistance with your LinkedIn profile, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.

professional resume writing service

Writing a resume should take a while due to the detailed nature of it. However, if you have more questions than answers as you’re writing it, then it could be taking longer than it needs to. It’s only natural for executives to have questions when crafting their resume, and a professional resume writing service can help answer all of them. No question is unreasonable, and here are some of the most frequently asked questions we hear.

What Length Should My Resume Be?

A common misconception is a resume should never be more than one or two pages. While this could be true for some professions, it’s acceptable to make it a little longer if you’re applying for a senior level position. The key is formatting the resume so it is easy to read, highlights your important attributes and doesn’t have big chunks of text. A professional resume writing service can help you trim some of your words, so each one is meaningful no matter how long the resume ends up being.

How Can My Resume Represent Me?

Focusing on your personal brand is the best way to make your resume give a true representation of who you are. Your resume gives you the opportunity to tell about your skills and accomplishments, as well as your soft skills like leadership ability, personality and more. Another way for your resume to be a true representation of you is to target your audience and write to them specifically.

What’s The Purpose of A Biography?

An executive resume biography shouldn’t simply summarize your resume, contrary to popular belief. Instead, it should be used as a tool to tell a story about your accomplishments and expand more on your soft skills. The goal with an executive resume biography is to provide employers with a vision of how you can help their company by expanding on your resume.

Is A Cover Letter Really Necessary?

Sometimes employers will read cover letters and sometimes they won’t. You never know which side the company is on, so it’s always best to just write one. When you work with a cover letter writing service, you can easily accomplish this and actually enhance your chances of landing an interview. Sending in a cover letter with your resume won’t hurt your chances, as long as it’s written appropriately. But not sending in a cover letter could get your resume thrown out immediately.
Professional Resume Services is here to answer all of your questions pertaining to executive resumes and more. We enjoy helping job seekers with their resume and understand there are many questions throughout the process. If you ever have a question about your resume, cover letter or anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out to us and we will help you in any way we can.

Preparing for a Successful C-Level Executive Interview

BlogExecutive ResumesInterviewingJob SearchProfessional ResumesResume Writing
professional resume writing service

Landing a c-level executive interview is difficult enough, but the challenges aren’t over. No matter how many times you’ve been a part of one of these interviews, they are never easy. Luckily, just like you prepared for writing an effective resume, you can also successfully prepare for a c-level interview. Simulating an interview is beneficial, but it’s also important to be flexible since you don’t know what questions will be asked or how much pressure you’ll be under. Here are some of our best tips for preparing for a successful c-level interview.

Think of Your Own Questions to Ask

Sprinkling in your own questions throughout the interview process has many benefits. It demonstrates you’ve done your homework on the company, if you ask those types of questions, and it also relieves some of the pressure from you. Your professional resume writing service can help you come up with effective questions if you are unsure what to ask. Just be sure to only ask a few of them throughout the entire interview so you don’t overdo it.

Practice A Calm Tone of Voice

Your tone of voice can change when nerves and anxiety take over. A cool and calm demeanor when answering questions will demonstrate your ability to handle pressure well and earn their trust. Always talk in a positive tone and present solutions to problems brought up in the interview. Never give off the vibe of being frustrated or negative, as these characteristics are clear and easy to identify.

Know How You’ll Address Salary Negotiations

The best executive resume writers can help you think about strategies when it comes to negotiating your salary. It’s best to be as general as possible, so you don’t end up with a lowball offer. On the same hand, you don’t want to demand so much that they don’t even consider hiring you. You can do this by giving a wide range you’re looking for, or even telling the interviewers roughly how much money you’ve made in the past few years. Just like with writing an effective resume, how you present yourself during the salary negotiations makes a big difference in whether you get the job or not.

Anticipate Questions

To best anticipate questions, take another close look at your resume. Your professional resume writing service likely helped you present yourself as an expert in the industry, so chances are several of the interview questions will come straight from the resume. For example, if you include some statistics or dollar amounts on your resume, you can expect to be asked about how you achieved those numbers. It’s hard to predict exactly how the questions will be asked, but you can get a good idea of the types of questions that could be asked just by looking at your resume.
Professional Resume Services not only helps executives with writing an effective resume, but we also help throughout the job search process. C-level interviews can be stressful to prepare for, but we are here to help relieve some of the stress so you can feel confident throughout the process. Feel free to contact us at any time for tips or advice on preparing to have a successful c-level executive interview.

Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Your Personal Brand

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personal branding for senior level managers

If you’re trying to make a name for yourself in any industry, spending a significant time focusing on your c-level personal branding is critical. It can take years to build your personal brand to the level you want it to be at, but avoiding some common mistakes along the way can help accelerate the process and prevent it from having the opposite impact. You’re going to spend a lot of time shaping your brand anyway, so you might as well do it right the first time. Here are a few of the most common mistakes executives make when creating their personal brand.

Being Fake

People can see right through a person when they aren’t authentic. You can optimize your LinkedIn profile to make yourself sound like an expert at everything, but that will only get you so far. You have to be able to back up everything you say on your profile when you make connections in person. Not only will being fake limit your opportunities, but it could cause permanent damage to your c-level personal branding efforts.

Not Making Your Message Clear

In order to make your message clear, you have to know what you’re trying to say. The presentation of your appearance and overall demeanor either online or in-person must match. So when you optimize your LinkedIn profile, make sure your profile picture is a professional headshot rather than a more casual photo. Complete alignment with your overall message is critical to create the strongest personal brand.

Not Targeting Your Audience

It doesn’t do your brand or company a lot of good if you don’t know whom to market your brand to. When it comes to personal branding for senior level managers, you have to be able to connect with your audience in order to make a name for yourself or your company. When your audience can make a personal connection with you, then you’ll be able to effectively cater your brand toward them.

Only Focusing on Certain Aspects of Your Brand

An overlooked aspect of c-level personal branding is not aligning your business brand with your personal brand. If people don’t agree with your personal brand, then your business brand will take a significant hit. The best way to earn and keep business today is through trust, and if a consumer’s trust wavers, then your brand will not be very strong.
Professional Resume Services is here to help executives not only craft the perfect resume, but also develop their c-level personal branding. There are many aspects to creating a personal brand, and we will help you throughout the process to ensure all bases are covered. If you ever need assistance or advice about your personal or business brand, feel free to reach out to us at any time.

3 Ways Executive Branding Can Help Your Potential Employers

BlogExecutive ResumesJob SearchNetworkingSocial Marketing/Online Branding
linkedin profile

When you think about personal branding for senior level managers, it’s only natural to think about your own career and how it benefits you. However, the company you work for also plays a large role in your own branding and vice versa. An important and overlooked factor in c-level personal branding is exactly how it impacts your current or potential employers. The strongest companies today have the best leaders at the top whose brands align with the company mission and values. Here are a few ways executive branding can benefit your employers.

Boost Your Company’s Brand Recognition

Associating a person with a company is becoming more common nowadays. Consumers want to be able to relate and engage with a brand. So when you have established a solid brand for yourself, the company you work for will benefit from it as well by having a cohesive brand recognition. An interesting concept is when an executive leaves one company for another, and how the move impacts both companies. Most of the time the actual person isn’t affected much, but consumers have a decision to make whether to follow a person or to be loyal to a company.

Create Trust For Everyone

Trust is essential to boost your c-level personal branding. There’s no surefire way to damage your company’s reputation than by being seen as an untrustworthy person. On the other hand, when a company has a reputation of trustworthiness, and your brand is aligned with those values, everyone as a whole will benefit. Authenticity is essential in today’s business world, since consumers can identify a fraud from a mile away. The more people who believe what you say, the more trustworthy you and your company will be.

Expand Reach Through Connectedness

One way to boost personal branding for senior level managers is by being engaged with your LinkedIn profile. Connecting with others online is a great way to increase brand recognition, trust and expand your company’s reach. Simply being active on social media in engaging ways will naturally improve your brand. Just be careful with everything you put on the Internet, since one misstep can damage the brand you’ve worked so hard to build.
Professional Resume Services is here to help executives with their c-level personal branding. Whether it’s by optimizing your LinkedIn profile or creating a stellar resume for a networking event, we are here for you when you need us. To learn more about executive branding and how it can benefit you and your company, feel free to reach out to us at any time.