Don't Let The Economy Stop You – Go For That Executive Job!

Executive ResumesJob SearchProfessional ResumesResume Writing

executive job

Yes, the economy is bad. Yes, jobs can be hard to find. But, what can you do about that, you are telling yourself. You can’t help the economy, but you can help yourself out by marketing yourself in the best possible light so that you will be standing above the rest when it comes to the job you are really passionate about getting.
Because jobs can be few and far between, it is important to search for the jobs that mean something to you, that fit your skills. It will actually make your job search easier when you try for something you already have experience in. Plus, you will have a lot of information to put on your executive resume.
The following are some handy tips that will guide you to success:

  • Job Search – Focus only on jobs that you really want. If you mass-post your resume to a lot of sites, chances are you will get interviews but maybe not the ones you really like. Then you will psyche yourself out and take a job you may not like at all while missing the one you really wanted.
  • Your Own Blog – In addition to an executive resume, build your online presence with a blog. This is an excellent way to showcase your skills. Start a blog at and write on your experience, the work you have done in the past and jobs you would like to have. You can then link that blog to your social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. This will bring recruiters to your door. Just make sure you are pulling in the right jobs for you.
  • Workplace skills – Not only is it important to have the expertise that your resume reflects, you also need to make sure that your personality skills and experience shine as well. Because the job market is tough right now, it is more important than ever that your office demeanor skills are pristine. Make sure you can showcase problem solving skills, conflict resolution skills, a positive attitude and an engaging personality. And dress well for your job, too.

Dust off your resume and clean it up. Highlight the most important aspect of you and your skills. You will be surprised at how many job offers you will start receiving.

How Much Information Is Too Much To Include In A Resume

Executive ResumesProfessional ResumesResume WritingResumes

Resumes have been used for many years now. Some businesses want a resume in addition to a completed application. And, if you have been in the job market a long time, chances are your resume could easily become 10-12 pages. And that, my friends is too long.
Several years ago, when resumes first began, potential interviewers wanted to see what was on a job application but in paragraph form. So, it came to pass that resumes ended up with a lot of personal information that employers today could care less about. In addition to that, the identity theft issue has raised many concerns about personal information that is freely given.
In today’s world of resumes, less is more. It will depend on the type of job you are seeking. College graduates and entry level positions are not going to have much to put on a resume so one page usually suffices.
For executive level positions, resumes could be as long as four pages. The information on executive resumes needs to encompass all the past years’ experience in a management position. Some individuals in this capacity still may not need more than two pages as they might have been with one or two companies for several years. But it will be debatable if even this will work.
For those seeking an executive position, it is important to not only list experience, but employers are going to want to know other things such as problem solving skills, hiring/firing skills, management style and education.
Since the job market is so tough today, it’s very important to fatten your resume so you will stand out from the rest. At the same time, some information does not need to be included. Things like hobbies, interests and family do not need to be on an executive resume. If the employer wants to know these things, it will be asked during a face-to-face interview. Additionally, it is acceptable to put your phone number and city and state. You no longer have to put your address or website on a resume because of the increase in identity theft.
It is also important to use a cover letter. Cover letters are only one page detailing the job position you are applying for and a quick synopsis of why you would be the ideal candidate. Remember, this cover letter is the first visual someone will have about you and you want it to capture their attention.

Tips for Putting Salary Requirements on your Cover Letter

Cover LettersJob SearchProfessional ResumesResume WritingResumes

You have just seen a posting for a job that you really, really want. Your resume is ready to be emailed, you just need to fine-tune your cover letter and hit “send”. One thing is holding you up…this job is asking YOU to communicate your salary requirements. Exactly how are you going to do that? No need to worry-we offer a few tips to get you on the right track.
• Look at the job title and description of qualifications/requirements. First, do you meet all of the requirements they are asking for? Even if you only have a portion of the qualifications listed in the job description, as long as you have the majority of them, you should still apply for the job.
• Research similar positions that are out there and see what salary ranges are being offered. There are hundreds of job sites ( is a good one) on the internet that post salary ranges for specific positions, and some will even show what those positions make in different geographic areas. If you are able to get compensation information, that would help you as well.
• What are you making at your current job? If you are making $55,000 per year now, it wouldn’t look good to demand $85,000 for the same type of position (unless the new position has more requirements and/or is a managerial role). Yes, you will want to up the ante from what you are making, but you still need to be realistic.
• If the salary range is not listed on the job posting, contact the employer and ask what the range is. If you have a lot of experience, put your salary requirements toward the top of the range. If you are basically new to the field or only have a few years of experience, go mid-range or a little lower. You can always move up the scale once you get your foot in the door and show them what you can do.
• Never list your salary requirements at the beginning of your cover letter! Draw them in with your qualifications and achievements, then end with your salary requirements.
• Once you have done all of your research and have established the salary requirements you’re going to ask for, list those requirements, as well as the compensation package in your current position toward the bottom of your cover letter. You can even let them know that you are willing to negotiate based on your qualifications, benefit structure, job responsibilities, and advancement opportunities.
If you do land an interview, revisit your facts and research and be prepared to discuss your salary requirements during the interview. While communicating your salary requirements may seem awkward at first, presenting your information in a professional manner based on facts and research will impress the employer and hopefully get you the job you are trying for.

Beginning a career, or changing careers might not come as easily to you as it did to your friend/colleague. Having the education for a career, or even the skills needed is one thing—but getting out there and using them is another. Many people know they want a change, but just aren’t sure doing what.
This is the point where knowing how to find a career coach will help you to find the best job for you, period. Finding a career coach is not as hard as it is made out to be.
There are career coaches for all different stages in your life: high school, college, career transition, executive level, and more. On the other hand, there are people who are out of high school and college, or who have never attended school at all and need help analyzing the skills they already have. These folks need to know how to find a career coach in order to have an equal chance at succeeding. People whose education hasn’t progressed to finishing high school, or they have just finished, will need to go to the local employment office in their respective state. Each state employment office will give out the basics that are needed in terms of how to begin the search for a career coach. However, once the state employment office has gotten you started, they will help you find a career coach. This career coach may be someone who simply gets you on the path to a good job, and stays around to help for a while.
Once that career coach is gone, and moving on is something that you want to do, look around through various means to find one. Ask around—people that you know that might currently be using one should be able to guide you. Look on the Internet. Take some time to do a search—and use the term career advisor as well. There are plenty of career coaches—even executive career coaches—available.
Determining the cost that you may pay will be dependent on the materials that you find. Most career coaches now have websites. Look at their website.
Learning how to find a career coach is really not difficult. It simply takes a little bit of thought, and planning. So take the time to do your research, and ask for the help that you need. The effort will be worth it—you will have a better job, and a career that you really want.

I get asked this question all the time. I just read this article on Mashable.  Thought you might find it and the very cool/detailed infographic interesting and helpful.

“In answer to the question above, approximately 18,400,000 Americans say yes, they got their current job through Facebook. Though Zuck’s platform ranks #1, Twitter and LinkedIn don’t have shabby numbers either — 8 million and 10.2 million Americans, respectively, have gotten their jobs through social platforms….”
read the rest here.

The days of having a generic, all-purpose resume has been replaced by the need for highly developed, targeted resumes. Now you must tailor make your resume to fit into the job description offered by the employer. Targeted resumes aren’t just a necessity, they are critical to you finding long term employment. Targeted resumes put forth your best face and allow HR Managers to see exactly what you bring to the company.
Targeted resumes enable a job seeker to market their skills by addressing a specific concern for the company.  It allows them to see how your skills and past experiences will fit in closely with what they require. They also use targeted keywords that closely fit and attract attention to the needed qualifications for the position. You should play up your strengths and focus your attention there, but do not dismiss your past failures, embrace them and take responsibilities in them. But you don’t have to make them the focal point.
Chances are your resume is an all-purpose resume. What everyone likes about the all-purpose resume is that its broad and captures the wide appeal of employers. But saving time is not important, if you really want that job you have to have a complete targeted resume for each position you apply for. But don’t toss that original resume just yet, you still can use it as your base for completing your targeted resume.
Steps to creating a targeted resume
Use your all-purpose resume to build off of, this will save you some time in creating a brand new resume every time you apply for a job. It’s actually fairly easy to take your existing resume and tweak it to fit your needs. So here’s how you proceed:
Create your all-purpose resume
Think of everything that you’ve done in past jobs, experiences, education, clubs, sports teams, anything that you could use as a basis for who you are. Your all-purpose resume is the heart of your resume, employers will never see it but it will allow you to paint a lush picture of your overall capabilities.
Review the job requirements
If you find a job you are interested in, look over the job requirements in the ad. Review the requirements and see how your education and experience stack up with what they are looking for. You want the job to be a good fit and this is an important step of the process. Use the job requirements as your basis for altering your all-purpose resume. Highlight what the job requirements highlight. Tailor make your resume to fit what the company is looking for. Be careful not to overindulge.
Develop your targeted resume
When finished with researching requirements, you need to actually alter your resume. Look over your existing resume to see how you can alter it into the final product you will send to HR Managers. Add secondary keywords, accomplishments, training and skills to round out the resume. Your all set, now you just need to ace that interview.

What is the Best Way to Connect with Social Media Peers

Career & WorkplaceJob SearchNetworkingResume KeywordsSocial Marketing/Online Branding

Finding the right Social Media balance takes more than just knowing how to update your profiles. Firing off quick Twitter updates or Facebook comments will not get you noticed on job boards or help you find open positions.
If you’re not receiving the right kind of attention through Social Media, you should change your strategy. You must be able to connect with your Social Media peers. It’s not as simple as it seems and you must be diligent.
Learning on the fly can be hard, but these tips will help you on your way:
1. Update your LinkedIn profile with the most accurate, up-to-date information.
I cannot advocate this enough – you need to a strong representation of your talents, skills and experience in order to have a fully functional LinkedIn account. Review your Summary and Specialties areas with appropriate keywords, phrases and any information prospective employers look for. Have past coworkers give you quality recommendations. Return the favor with similar recommendations from people who have helped you. Build your network by inviting past colleagues and friends who you want to stay connected with.
2. Post your resume to the right online job board.
You want to be highly visible on job sites so that HR managers can find your resume. Some HR managers search job boards, LinkedIn and niche job sites – you need to have your resume in the right place so that when the opportunity comes along you have your resume where people can find it.
3. Update LinkedIn status bar along with your job board resumes.
LinkedIn sends weekly emails to your connections which gives a summary of the activities their connections are involved in. Updating your status allows these connections to know that you are actively looking for a new position.
Recruiters who browse job sites also get weekly updated resume notifications. Whenever you update your resume or save a new one, it gets posted to the job board, allowing HR managers to see your resume more often. Get your name out there!
4. Network!
Talk to your family, friends, colleagues, or anyone. Talk to anyone who might know of an open position with a company you like. You can have them make introductions through LinkedIn to the appropriate person within their company. Many people find their jobs through networking situations, so it’s always a good idea to talk to people and explain that you are interested in their company or open position. Don’t rely on email. You want to be able to actually speak with the right person – putting a face to a voice or an ear to words will go a lot further than simply emailing someone.
5. Create your professional online identity.
This is a combined effort of Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+ in a coordinated effort to showcase your talents, skills and expertise. Building yourself up online gives you credibility beyond simply seeing a resume. If HR managers can find out pertinent information about you online, it will improve your chances.

Shrinking Industries to Avoid in the Future

Career & WorkplaceJob Search

With the recovery finally on, people are looking for job options that will be around for while. So what kind of options do job seekers have when it comes to long-lasting careers and what type of careers should be avoided?
Job gains have averaged 125,000 per month but there are still industries that will take a tumble. So here are the industries you should shy away from:
1. Data processing and hosting services
Many of these jobs are being shipped overseas, so if you’re not a high-level IT professional, you should probably look for new employment options. Many companies practiced cost-cutting procedures so some of the jobs may stay here.
2. Apartment rental and home buyers
Apartment rental peaked in 2005 but with a wave of mergers and acquisitions among large apartment complexes, these jobs are being phased out. Lagging construction will keep the need for new apartments low until more apartment complexes are built.
3. United States Postal Service
The U.S. Postal Service has been usurped by email and competing companies such as FedEx and UPS. The post office is considering closing some offices and reducing staff to meet budget requirements. This is on top of the 147,000 jobs that have been cut since 2007.
4. Soft drink companies
This industry received a wealth of growth as new products were pushed to market, but now the same products are experiencing blow-back as the industry overgrew itself. It now seeks to pull back the reigns on existing products to make way for traditional drinks.
5. Wired Communication
As more companies go digital and the number of cell phone users increases, less wired services will be offered. This means a drop in the number of wired customers and an overall drop in the industry. Some phone companies are offering internet service in order to offset this, but the gains will be minimal.