The Problems Executive Job Seekers Should Know About Job Boards

Job SearchProfessional Resumes
executive resume writing service

Executives who spend several hours a day searching job boards for the right position are likely just spinning their wheels. With the thousands of jobs and applicants that apply for those jobs, your chances of being recognized are slim. In fact, many of the top executive positions won’t even get posted on job boards. After you’ve focused on LinkedIn profile development and have visited with an executive resume writing service, your best chance of finding a job is through networking. Here are some of the main issues with job boards and why you should avoid them.

Applicant Tracking Systems

Employers use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) today to sort through resumes automatically. The trick to passing ATS is having the appropriate amount of relevant keywords scattered throughout your resume. An executive resume writing service can help you select those keywords, but there’s no guarantee it will pass since there’s not a standard ATS software to study and learn. Since jobs posted on job boards likely receive hundreds of applicants, hiring managers usually will use ATS to filter out candidates. This means your chances of getting noticed are very low.

Executive Positions Rarely Get Posted To Job Boards

After writing a professional resume, your next step shouldn’t be to scour the job boards. Chances are the high-level positions you’re seeking won’t even be posted on them anyway. If anything, you can look through the different company names in order to spark your own internal research on them. You’ll likely need to look through LinkedIn, attend networking events and do other research to learn what jobs they actually have open.

What Job Search Strategy Should You Use Instead?

Networking is by far the most effective way for executives to find the jobs fitting their skills and expertise. Employers want to take their time to find the right fit, and they usually never find that person from a job board. Focus on LinkedIn profile development first, since you will be doing some networking via that platform. Making connections through LinkedIn gives you a great foundation for developing professional relationships that may eventually evolve into new opportunities.

Professional Resume Services is an executive resume writing service dedicated to helping professionals with every aspect of their job search. Job boards may have been effective a decade ago, but the top executive positions won’t be found there today. You’ll just be wasting your time and energy searching on them, and there are plenty of better ways to focus your resources. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time for some tips on effective job searching strategies today.

Does Personal Branding Have Age Barriers?

Job SearchProducts & ServicesSocial Marketing/Online Branding
c-level personal branding

There are a lot of discussions nowadays about the importance of personal branding for senior level managers. Some professionals who have established careers with many years of experience believe c-level personal branding is only required for the young up-and-coming executive. The truth is no matter where you are in your career and whether you’re searching for a job or not, your personal brand is critical for your career. There are no age barriers with c-level personal branding and here’s why it’s so important.

Branding Defines Who You Are Now

If you’re actively searching for a job, brushing up your executive LinkedIn profile is a necessity. Recruiters look at LinkedIn to learn about a candidate’s skills and experience, but also to get an idea of who they are. LinkedIn is a perfect platform to demonstrate who you are as a person and as an executive. When a recruiter looks at your profile, they should clearly see what value you could bring to the table and how well you would fit into their organization. This is what c-level personal branding is all about.

How Personal Branding Helps Your Job Search

Your personal brand will stand out to a hiring manager. Whether you met them at a networking event or reached out to them on LinkedIn, the initial conversation is what will be most memorable. But in order for a hiring manager to know what your personal brand is all about, you have to know how to demonstrate it. Otherwise, they may get a wrong impression of you and your job search efforts will suffer as a result. Companies want to know exactly the type of person they are hiring, so make sure you’re clearly demonstrating what you’re all about.

Branding Has No Age Limit

Even established executives with dozens of years of experience have to focus on c-level personal branding. Your personal brand does more than just help with a job search. It builds your credibility with others in your industry even if you have no intentions of searching for a new job. No matter how old or young you are, the best business relationships happen when everyone knows what you stand for, including yourself.

Professional Resume Services works with executives in various aspects of their career. If you have an executive LinkedIn profile, we can help you optimize it to clearly show your personal brand and potentially increase your number of opportunities in your career. There are no age barriers when it comes to c-level personal branding, and every action you take is a reflection of it. To learn more about how we can help you with personal branding, feel free to contact us at any time.

4 Ways to Avoid a Lengthy Executive Job Search

Executive ResumesSocial Marketing/Online Branding
executive resume service

Have you ever felt like you were spinning your wheels during your job search? You may be putting forth a lot of effort but not moving forward as quickly as you’d like. Sometimes it’s best to take a step back and evaluate your strategy and make some alterations as needed. If you need to, get advice from an executive resume service or a professional LinkedIn profile writer to help you jumpstart your searching efforts again. Here are a few great tips to help you speed up your job search.

Focus On Your Personal Brand

Every action you take should boost your c-level personal branding. Whether it’s at a networking event, writing a resume, developing your LinkedIn profile or anything else, your brand should always be front and center. If recruiters or hiring managers can’t get a good sense of who you are as a person or a worker, they’ll be hesitant to take the next steps with you in the job interview process. Focusing on c-level personal branding is only going to benefit your job search efforts.

Network Online And In Person

Networking has always been an essential part of a job search and will continue to be. You can network around the clock if you want to with platforms like LinkedIn. In fact, many people start conversations on LinkedIn before meeting at a formal event, just so there’s already some familiarity there. Just be sure to have a professional LinkedIn profile writer review your profile to ensure you’re not making any critical mistakes inadvertently.

Target Your Resume

An executive resume service can help you target your resume to the employer you’re interested in. You can send out as many resumes as you want, but if it’s too general then companies will see right through it and toss it to the side. Resume targeting is critical today, so it’s well worth the time and effort to find out exactly what a company wants and how your skills fit.

Build A Positive Online Presence

You have to assume any potential hiring manager is going to do an online search for your name. This is another reason why working with a professional LinkedIn profile writer is important. They can emphasize certain keywords to ensure your profile shows up high in the search results. Do an online search for your name and clean up anything that doesn’t demonstrate your overall brand.

Professional Resume Services understands how frustrating it can be not knowing what employers want to see. Our executive resume service goes beyond simply writing error-free resumes. We can work with you throughout your job search, answer any questions you may have and make any tweaks along the way. If you’re ready to speed up your job search and get into the job you want quicker, contact us to see if there’s any way we can help.

Ongoing Strategies Every Executive Job Seeker Needs to Consider

Executive ResumesJob SearchSocial Marketing/Online Branding
executive resume writer services

What’s your strategy as an executive job seeker? There’s no right or wrong answer to the question, and sometimes it takes trial and error to truly figure out what the most effective strategy is for you. Even then, adjustments must be made along the way. Simply thinking you can write resumes that get you hired isn’t the best strategy overall today. With the digital age we live in, it requires more work and effort to get recognized. Here are some ongoing strategies you should consider incorporating into your job search regularly.

Always Be Active on LinkedIn

Having a complete LinkedIn profile is great, but being active on the platform is even better. Consider working with a LinkedIn profile writer to get the basics of your profile taken care of. At that point, you can join LinkedIn groups, revisit old connections, post original content, comment on other people’s content and more. The point is the more people who see your name, the more attention you’ll get. Just be sure not to overdo it to the point where people may get tired of hearing from you.

Be Creative And Insightful With Content You Post

Posting original content relevant to your industry is a great strategy for standing out among the competition. While executive resume writer services can help you put together a solid resume, your expertise is required to write original content. You can post these articles on your website or publish them on your LinkedIn profile. The idea is to be creative and insightful with each post so you’ll earn some credibility with each one.

Keep Your Name Relevant With Comments on Posts

Find a good balance between the original articles you post and the comments you make on other posts. When you make engaging comments or ask insightful questions, you could spark a discussion with other readers or the writer themselves. People appreciate comments on their articles and you never know when it could lead to something greater.

Have A Resume Always Prepared

Writing resumes that get you hired today means having various versions of your resume targeted at the companies you’re interested in. Once you’ve researched your targeted companies, consider working with executive resume writer services to have a resume prepared when the opportunity arises. Whether you need to send it to a connection electronically or physically at a networking event, you should always be prepared.

Professional Resume Services enjoys talking with executive job seekers about their strategies. In addition to helping write resumes that get you hired, we can also help you with developing your LinkedIn profile and taking other steps to ensure you’re ready for new opportunities. No matter what stage you’re at in your job search, feel free to contact us at any time for assistance along the way.

Magnetize Your Executive LinkedIn Profile with These SEO Tips

Products & ServicesSocial Marketing/Online Branding
executive linkedin profile writer

Creating an attractive LinkedIn profile is valuable for anyone who’s searching for a new job. However, even the cleanest and most attractive profiles won’t be discovered if you don’t incorporate the right amount of SEO keywords in them. If you’re new to SEO or don’t necessarily know the right ratio of keywords to incorporate, it’s worth it to hire an executive LinkedIn profile writer to help you optimize yours. You’ll have a much better chance of your profile showing up higher in the search results and being noticed. Here are some SEO tips to consider to make your LinkedIn profile act as a magnet to recruiters and hiring managers.

Load Your Headline With Keywords

Many recruiters look at the headline first before they read a profile any further. You only have a limited amount of characters to include in your LinkedIn profile headline, so make the most of every one of them. Think about what potential recruiters would search for. LinkedIn will create a default headline for you based on the information you input into your profile, but it’s not the SEO-rich headline you want. Change it up to add more relevant keywords and job titles recruiters are most likely to search for.

Scatter Keywords Throughout Other Sections

Your LinkedIn profile headline is a short section but can take some time to develop thoroughly since every character matters. Once you finish it, don’t forget about the other sections. SEO applies to all sections, even though a recruiter is going to likely read your headline first. Part of LinkedIn profile development is making the most of every section while ensuring the text and information flows naturally so it’s easy to read and enhances your brand. Doing so will give you a much better chance of getting recognized and potentially making new connections as a result.

Make Your Brand Evident

One mistake executives sometimes make is focusing too much on incorporating SEO keywords and neglecting to demonstrate their personal brand. A LinkedIn profile with great keywords will show up higher in the search results, but if there’s no meaningful content present, then a recruiter is going to pass it up. Combining SEO with a powerful branding message is something an executive LinkedIn profile writer excels at and is worth considering to optimize your profile.

Professional Resume Services strives to help executives maximize their job search by focusing on all the details of LinkedIn and SEO. We are much more than simply a resume writing service. Job searches today have many different components that all work together to demonstrate your personal brand. Whether you’re looking for a new job or if your LinkedIn profile needs a revamp, contact us at any time to see how we can help you out.

5 Tips to Boost Your Online Personal Brand with LinkedIn

Job SearchProfessional ResumesSocial Marketing/Online Branding
linkedin profile development

Spending time on LinkedIn profile development can set you up for success in many different ways. One of the main benefits of LinkedIn is it gives you a platform to demonstrate your personal brand. Too many executives believe they don’t need to focus on their online brand since they have a good reputation within their company. However, you still have to maintain a good online reputation in the event of a job change or to even look good for your current company. Here are some effective ways a professional LinkedIn profile writer can help you boost your online brand through the LinkedIn platform.

Optimize Your Profile Header

When you’re learning how to optimize your LinkedIn profile, you have to consider Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Your profile header should contain terms employers and recruiters will search for. You only have 120 characters in your profile header, so leave out any fluff and only use terms that reflect your brand closely.

Write Useful Information In Each Section

Original content is highly underrated. For one, the more useful information you have on your LinkedIn profile, the better the chances are of you incorporating relevant keywords and getting discovered. Original information is also valuable when you write it geared toward your target employers. Anyone who reads your LinkedIn profile should have a strong grasp on who you are as a person and as a professional, and those are exposed with solid writing skills and providing relevant information.

Expand Your Network

One key to effective LinkedIn profile development is to expand your network so you’ll have more connections. When you have more than 500 connections on LinkedIn, your profile will show up earlier in the search results and give you a better chance of being discovered. Utilize these connections to your advantage by interacting with as many of them as you can, which will help build your personal brand in the process.

Be Active

You can’t simply create a LinkedIn profile and expect to automatically boost your online personal brand. You have to be active by posting updates frequently, creating original content, interacting in groups and commenting on other articles. The more you share your knowledge and expertise, the more you’ll naturally boost your brand and your name will be widely known across different industries.

Create Original Content And Comment on Others

Any professional LinkedIn profile writer will suggest writing blogs or other pieces of helpful information, as well as commenting on other original pieces of content. You never know who will find your expertise valuable and it could lead you to opportunities you didn’t even know were available. No one will know you’re an expert in a certain area unless you let them know, and writing and posting articles or blogs are great ways to do so.
At Professional Resume Services, we believe LinkedIn is a critical piece of the puzzle when it comes to boosting your online personal brand. Your LinkedIn profile should be one of the first results that show up when you do a Google search for your name. If it isn’t for you, then be sure to contact us for assistance on optimizing your profile to enhance your brand.

Know What to Research Before Your Executive Job Interview

InterviewingJob SearchProfessional Resumes
best executive resume writing service

Doing your homework prior to going into a job interview can be the difference between being considered a viable candidate or having your resume pushed to the side. Companies want to hire someone who shows they are willing to do their due diligence in order to make a quality decision. Writing resumes that get you hired is great, but those resumes don’t guarantee you are a perfect fit for any given job. Here are important points to research about a company prior to going into a job interview.

Learn About Key Team Members

You can find out the names of key team members of a company by looking at the company’s LinkedIn profile. Take this a step further and learn a few interesting facts about those people as well. Discover what college they attended, how their degree led them to the role they have and anything else you deem to be relevant. When you research professionals at a prospective employer as much as they research you as a job candidate, you’ll be more likely to make a great first impression.

Understand Mission Statements And How To Apply Them

Knowing a company’s mission statement is important in a few ways. For one, you shouldn’t work for a company if you don’t agree with their mission and values. You also should demonstrate to an interviewer how your work ethic, personal ethics and daily actions fit what the company represents. Having this information in your LinkedIn profile is one thing, but it’s also important to be able to give examples during your interview.

Check The Latest Industry or Company News

When you’re able to talk about the latest news within the company or the industry they operate in, you’ll earn some solid points with the interviewers since it shows you’ve come prepared. The best executive resume writing service can help you relate your past experiences to the company you’re interested in on paper. It’s up to you to follow-up on those experiences with action by demonstrating you’re ready to get started working for them right away.

Know The Company Structure

A LinkedIn profile of an interviewer or a company doesn’t give you the total picture of a company’s structure. The title “executive” means different things to different companies, so if you aren’t able to figure out how the company is structured by searching online, then don’t hesitate to ask them in the interview. You need to make sure you fit within the structure so you know exactly what your role is if hired.
Professional Resume Services does much more than simply write resumes that get you hired. There’s no specific action you can take that will magically land you any job you want, and the work doesn’t stop once your resume is created. Doing your due diligence on a company will help you master the interview and put yourself in a great position to get the job. For more tips like these, feel free to contact us at any time and we would be happy to work with you.

Does Your Personal Brand Need to be Revamped in the New Year?

BlogJob SearchSocial Marketing/Online Branding
c-level personal branding

The New Year brings a perfect opportunity to revisit your goals from the previous year and set new ones to strive to achieve. As an executive, one of your goals may revolve around enhancing your career in different ways, which may include improving your c-level personal branding. Your personal brand isn’t something you can just create and then leave it alone. It’s a constant effort throughout the days, weeks, months and years, and sometimes it needs to be revamped if it gets too stagnant. Here are some things to look for to determine whether your c-level personal branding could use a boost.

How Has Your Reputation Changed Recently?

When it comes to personal branding for senior level managers, reputations can change throughout the course of the year. The hope is your reputation will change for the better, but sometimes poor decision-making can lead to a less-than-desirable new reputation. The good news is you can repair your reputation by focusing on c-level personal branding improvements. You may have to go out of your way to help others and demonstrate your expertise, but these small daily steps will go a long way in repairing your reputation and brand.

Evaluate Your Accomplishments From The Past Year

Think about the various developments that occurred throughout the past year. If you received more job responsibilities or achieved new accomplishments, then your LinkedIn profile needs to reflect them. No matter how different you may feel as a result of these achievements, those differences won’t be reflected in your personal brand unless you make them known. Your LinkedIn profile is the perfect way to do so by being active, posting new content, interacting with others and always promoting your brand.

Effectively Revamping Your Brand

Revamping your brand comes down to offering expertise to others they can’t get anywhere else. This can come through posting original content on your LinkedIn profile, making suggestions for improving the workplace, being more approachable, making new connections, volunteering, learning new skills and much more. The more you become a go-to resource for certain topics, the quicker your brand will be clearly demonstrated and revamped in the ways you want it to be.
Professional Resume Services believes c-level personal branding is one of the most important aspects of finding a job for executives. It takes time and effort to build and maintain your brand, but it’s well worth it for many reasons. This New Year, focus more on creating the brand you want by helping others and the benefits will start showing up in more ways than one. And never hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about how to effectively revamp your personal brand.