Depending on how you use the Internet and social media, you could accelerate your job search or cause it to crash and burn. Thousands of jobs are posted online every day and there are many more thousands of people searching for jobs. Statistics show your chances of getting a job solely through an online presence are extremely low. Crafting the perfect resumes that get you hired will only go so far if you don’t have a personal connection with a recruiter or company. The Internet can be a valuable tool when used properly so here are three little-known ways to take advantage of it.
Have an Online Influence
LinkedIn is a great way to increase your online presence and influence. You hear me talk about this time and again. LinkedIn is key. The more connections you have, the better you will look online. Having hundreds of connections means you are a potentially valuable resource for generating new business, with the ability to bring in more talent and market a brand. However, having online connections you don’t really know well are just false senses of influence and could hurt your reputation.
Stalk Social Media
Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms are great for learning about a company’s office culture. Even if you use top rated resume writing services to craft your resume, you won’t get the job you want if you don’t fit into their culture. Companies use social media to attract their target customers and employees. If a company uses a professional approach on their social media platform, you should use that same approach when contacting them. Alternatively, if you notice their style is more laid back, you can cater toward that writing and communication style to fit in better.
Create Multimedia Resumes
Simply uploading resumes to job boards is ineffective, thanks to the high saturation of resumes already flooding in. Plus, they clog your email with spam. Stay away if you can. No matter how many professional resume writing services you use, it’s difficult to get recognized among hundreds or thousands of resumes. Now you can use the Internet to create multimedia “resumes” to break up the monotony.
Instead of uploading a traditional resume, create a website or a blog to highlight your attributes. You could make a short video to introduce yourself, talk about your skills and provide examples and work products for recruiters. This is your chance to be as creative as you want in order to set yourself apart from the rest of the job seekers.
With these three tips, you can use the Internet to your advantage to land a new job. Your creativity, combined with the help of professional resume writing services, could put you ahead of the curve.
Autumn can be a refreshing time of year, both from a weather perspective and for job seekers. You’ve gotten through the tough summer months and may feel a little worn down after applying for jobs consistently. The good news is autumn brings out new opportunities since school is back in session and newly graduated students aren’t flooding the market. Now is the time to get involved with your LinkedIn profile development and touch up your resume to revamp your job search!
Learn New Skills
If you’ve struggled with getting the job you desire, consider taking online classes or certification programs. The best professional resume writing services will suggest adding any type of educational experience to your resume, especially if you don’t have a significant amount of relevant work experience. Not only will learning new skills boost your confidence, but employers might even be more attracted to your resume because of your commitment to continuing your education.
Open Your Thoughts
It’s easy to get caught up in the repetitiveness of applying for certain jobs. You could be leaving some great jobs on the table due to tunnel vision. Open up your thoughts a bit and look at other opportunities. These may or may not be relevant to the jobs or experience you’ve had in the past, but the goal is to broaden your horizons.
When you look at other job opportunities, you may realize you’re more qualified for those than the ones you’ve been looking for. Alternatively, you could find a field that interests you enough to look into taking continuing education classes to learn more. Professional resume writing services will encourage you to broaden your view of your job search so you don’t get bogged down and find yourself in a rut.
Consider Temporary Jobs or Contract Work
The best executive resume format will highlight your attributes and indicate you’re open to a variety of opportunities. However, you don’t want to seem desperate. Sometimes companies simply aren’t hiring full-time employees, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t apply. You may be able to find a temporary job or a contract position to help get valuable experience.
The autumn months are unique because companies don’t necessarily hire a lot during the holidays. If you are able to work as a contractor or hold a temporary position through the holidays, you may even be brought on full-time after the first of the year; and if not, at least you have something else to put on your resume!
Seasonal changes can be refreshing to job seekers, and professional resume writing services know this. Autumn is a great time to rejuvenate your job search.
There’s nothing more unattractive to a recruiter than generic language in a resume. That includes soft skills as well. Executive resumes should be specific and show exactly what you bring to the table, not just the soft skills most people will throw on their resume just because they sound good. The best resume writing services will tell you to scrap most of the soft skills, even if the job description requires them. Here are some of the most common soft skills you should avoid on your executive resume.
- Team Player
- Hard Worker
- Detail-Oriented
- Self-Motivated
- Dynamic
- Results-driven
- Think outside the box
What do all of these soft skills have in common? A lot of people think they have them, so they just put them on their resume with the hope they’ll get recognized. There’s no way yours will stand out among the crowd when it uses the same language as the rest. If these are the only skills you can think of, consider using professional resume writing services when you’re ready to update your resume.
Why Don’t These Soft Skills Work?
Even if a job description requires certain soft skills, it doesn’t mean you have to use them in your resume. Instead, wait and describe those skills when you land your interview. Your resume is supposed to stand out among the rest, so your chances of getting noticed on paper will increase if you avoid them all together.
Skills to Use Instead
An executive resume service will ask you for examples of work you’ve completed recently at your current job. The reason is because they want you to use specifics instead of generic soft skills. Instead of saying you’re a hard worker, describe a situation where you stayed late or got up early to get a project done on time. Conversely, explain a time where you had to think outside the box instead of just writing the phrase.
It’s also important to remember the job you’re applying for. You may have skills that sound great in your current job, but they may not be a good fit for the job you want. This is where the help of professional resume writing services comes into the picture. They can help you identify what skills and experiences transfer from your current job to your new job, and recommend specific keywords to get you noticed.
If you’re unsure about what soft skills you should be putting on your resume, if any, be sure to get in touch with us. You will likely spend a lot of time writing your executive resume, so it’s always good to have a professional to review it and make suggestions!
Companies are leaning on referrals more and more these days. A referral allows the company to find an excellent candidate without paying a pricey recruiter or hiring multiple HR people to sort through resumes. It’s a win-win for businesses, employees (who often get referral bonuses) and job seekers.
… Except when you’re a job seeker who doesn’t know how to network. With networking becoming more and more important in the competitive job market, those who cannot connect end up without a job (or at least one they like).
So make sure you get that dream job by upping your networking game and avoiding these five mistakes:
Displace Face-to-Face
Repeat after me, “You cannot do every aspect of your job search online.” Individuals starting to look for employment often immediately turn to the Internet to find their next gig. We forget that people were finding jobs before the advent of the world wide web. You can, too! Get out there and meet people in person. It’s much easier to reject an email than the face in front of you.
Give Before You Get
It’s vital to give before you get – when talking about networking. You cannot expect someone you just began developing a relationship with to give you exactly what you want immediately. You need to let the relationship grow. The quickest way to develop a relationship is to provide the other person value.
Lame LinkedIn Profile
While face-to-face contact cannot be replaced, utilizing LinkedIn comes in a close second. If you have a lame LinkedIn presence, you’ll be missing out on a number of opportunities. Every HR director and recruiter is constantly on LinkedIn building their networks. You should be, too! This means updating your profile constantly and finding ways to add value to the platform.
P.S.: If you’re struggling to gain ground on the best business social media site, it may be your profile. Luckily, LinkedIn profile development services and LinkedIn profile writing services are our specialties. Click here to learn more.
Become a Professional
If you’re using social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to network, then you must keep your image as professional as possible online. That HR professional with a perfect gig for you doesn’t want to know how “turnt” you got last weekend with the “squad” in Vegas. Trust me. Instead, try sharing that industry-specific insight you found in Forbes with a little commentary. Keeping your social media clean is just as important as using professional resume writing services.
Go to Contacts
Many would-be-great networkers fail to do one thing properly: follow through. These people are great at making introductions, contacts and more, yet they find their networks stagnating because they fail to stay in touch, give and follow up. If there’s one thing you should take from this piece, it’s to always follow up with contacts that could benefit you down the road. Keep developing those relationships!

Emails are also an important part of executive resume writing.
Email is an important part of professional communication, especially in this day and age where everything seems to depend upon the use of technology. However, a certain finesse comes with sending out emails in a professional context—which, for some, may be trickier to master. If you don’t know the decorum for sending out emails to potential employers, you could be missing out on a slew of amazing job opportunities. Here’s some advice from one of the top rated resume writing services on what to avoid while sending out professional emails to recruiters.
Don’t Assume There’s No One on the Other Side of the Screen
Some companies use automated services to handle their recruitment emails, but others still prefer the human touch. Because of this, you should never assume who you’re emailing. Try to get your foot in the door by sending out your application early, since many employers only read applications sent before a certain date. Also, don’t make employers jump through hoops to read your emails by creating extra work for them to see what you’re sending. This is a surefire way to get your application passed over entirely.
Don’t Forget to Think About Your Audience
Just like with the executive resume writing process, figuring out the identity of your audience will help you tailor your email in just the right way. Depending on who you’re emailing, you may or may not want to include certain tidbits of information, meaning this part of the emailing process is definitely worth some serious thought. The identity of your audience also determines the tone of your email. This makes all the difference when connecting with the person you’re contacting.
Don’t Ramble
You have only a small amount of time to introduce yourself. Make every word count and work in your favor. Only include relevant information that will cater to what a recruiter seeks in a new employee.
Don’t Delve Too Much Into Your Own History
An email is like an advertisement; it’s meant to sell you to an employer as the best available. The best way to do that is to provide brief but factual information about who you are and how you would be a fine asset for their company.
Don’t Neglect Your Subject Line
You won’t be the only one contacting a certain employer. Because of this, you’ll need to stand out all the more. You can do this by writing a subject line that’s different from the rest. For instance, instead of including the title of the position you’re seeking, try including a brief title highlighting your personal expertise.
Professional emails and executive resume writing fall along the same lines in terms of how they’re written. If either of them are poorly composed, you risk not getting the job you want. You can avoid this by learning how to write resumes and professional emails more efficiently or turning to the help of professional resume writing services to get some extra know-how.

Writing a professional resume still requires a traditional format.
Technology is an essential tool in today’s job-seeking climate. Online profiles are valuable, but they serve to complement, not replace, the traditional resume. Writing a professional resume as a part of your career advancement efforts isn’t a mere formality; it is a vital communication tool that can offer potential employers a reason to find out more about you. A well-written resume is a tangible, concrete representation of your professional abilities and accomplishments.
Well Written Is Key
Many people dread the process of writing a professional resume. Perhaps that’s why so many headlines herald the end of this formal document. The fact is, however, the resume isn’t going to disappear from the professional world any time soon. It is too valuable of an aid for the discerning employer seeking true professionals. Designed to present information in a concise, easy-to-evaluate manner, the resume is an excellent tool for making the short list of potentials to consider for hire.
It does take time and skill to craft a resume. A poorly written resume can hurt your chances of making that short list for hire, especially when it comes to the more prestigious, responsible positions. Today’s employment market is highly competitive. Professional resume writing services can offer you an edge, helping to make sure your resume is clean, concise and attention-grabbing.
Successful Resume Characteristics
Using a top resume writing service can ensure your resume features characteristics important to success in today’s employment-seeking climate. Branding yourself is important. It is that branding online profiles are meant to enhance. Another important characteristic of today’s professional resume is the use of industry-related keywords. Applicant tracking systems and software are often among the first stages of sorting through electronically submitted resumes. Resumes without proper keyword concentration are often bypassed because they don’t reflect qualities specific to the industry or position.
Professional resume writing services offer a fast, efficient means of making sure your resume specifically targets the position you’re seeking with your core skills and documented successes. Presentation and attention to detail count for a a lot in a resume. A top resume writing service isn’t going to allow spelling, grammar, format or style mistakes to slip by. Your resume will feature the tightly focused, action verb oriented, concise writing style characteristics of successful resumes.
Traditional Formalities Still Apply
A well-written, formal resume demonstrates valuable personal qualities as well as professional ones. It represents a person who isn’t going to be casual about their career, a person serious about their job. Writing a professional resume demonstrates a commitment to doing things in a professional, efficient manner. Although many business formalities have fallen to the wayside in the tech-savvy climate of today’s business world, the traditional formal resume is still a valuable tool for both the job-seeker and the employer looking to hire the best.

Avoid these mistakes on resumes that get you hired.
When writing resumes that get you hired, it’s evident you need to make sure yours stands out from the hundreds or thousands of others a company receives. Unfortunately, many people think this means they can break all the rules. Professional executive resume writers will tell you otherwise. This is why it’s often best to work with professional resume writing services to ensure you stand out while following the rules.
1. References Available Upon Request
When you’re applying for a job, it’s an unspoken understanding you will provide references upon the request of the interviewing company. There’s no need to write this statement on your resume. In fact, it simply takes up critical space you could use to highlight your skills and lets the hiring manager know you don’t understand the rules.
2. Including Non-Related Personal Interests
Many hiring managers ask about personal interests to get a feel for your personality and how you will fit into the company culture. It is also designed to show off your skills. Professional resume writing services recommend listing only personal interest that align with a job-specific skill, giving the recruiter a clearer picture of what you can offer.
3. Listing Duties, Not Achievements
One common factor in resumes that get you hired is the listing of achievements gained at past employment opportunities. What you did at your past jobs may play a role in whether you are qualified for a new position, but employers want to see where you have gone above and beyond. Listing all of your achievements will show them you are a valued employee and can be an asset to their team.
4. Dressing Up the Layout
In order to stand out, many people attempt to get creative with their resume and cause more problems as a result. Some people use a variety of fonts, as well as even different colors to offset information they want to highlight. In most cases, this is a serious mistake that will get your resume thrown away, rather than read.
5. Using Chronological Order
It may seem ideal to start with your most current job first, but this isn’t often the best way to approach your executive resume. When you’re applying for a high-level job, it’s more important to highlight the most relevant skills first. This will place focus on why you are the perfect candidate for this job over the other resumes that may be in the pile.
Because there are so many mistakes that can be made, it’s often important to work with professional executive resume writers to ensure your resume is ready to go. Resumes that get you hired stand out from the crowd without breaking the conventional resume rules. If you don’t have a firm understanding of those rules, you could delay your ability to get the job you want.

To be effective in upper-level management, you need a specific set of traits. It’s also important to exhibit these attributes through your actions, as well as the company’s executive bio and your executive profile for social media. While there are other factors affecting your abilities as a manager, displaying these traits will increase your chances of success.
1. Leadership Skills
A personal drive to lead others is a necessity for those who want to serve on the executive level. While leadership skills can be acquired traits, an innate tendency to lead will serve you better in a position of power within a company.
2. Sales Drive
Some salespeople are adept at making a pitch, while others pride themselves in their ability to close. If you want to be a successful executive, it’s best to be skilled at both making a pitch and closing the sale. As a leader within the company, you will need to sell yourself, your ideas and the business on a regular basis.
3. A Realistic Viewpoint
Having a dream and goals is important for a successful career, but a realistic viewpoint is even more critical. You need to be able to recognize what is possible and execute the required processes to achieve those goals.
4. Patience
Patience is a virtue every executive should have. You can’t expect all of your efforts to produce results immediately. Patiently waiting for the proper timing and the right resources will help you bring your business to the forefront.
5. A Broad Perspective
Keeping short-term goals in mind is essential for ensuring daily objectives are met for your company, but having a broader perspective can be invaluable. Seeing the bigger picture will help you make smaller decisions along the way.
6. Courage
When most people think of courage, they consider the risks that need to be taken to move forward. However, courage can also be defined as the strength required to stop or change direction.
7. Financial Expertise
Many businesses have a finance division to handle the day-to-day financial elements. However, many companies want an executive team that can keep the budget in mind and understand how money flow factors into the function of the business.
8. Domain Expertise
Technology has become a major component in the world of business. You should command a basic knowledge of the latest technology as it relates to your industry. Don’t forget to showcase your technical knowledge in your executive bio.
9. Honor
The dictionary defines honor as adhering to what is right. In the business world, displaying honor lends an authenticity to your management style. An honorable philosophy and actions allow you to readily connect with your team and your customers on an emotional level.
10. Perseverance
The business world is rapidly changing, which can make it difficult to keep up and stay on top. This is why the drive to keep going, even when things aren’t proceeding as planned, is important.
If you need help highlighting these personality traits in your executive profile, contact us. Our professional resume writing services are designed to showcase your best attributes, making you more attractive to prospective employers.