Beginning a career, or changing careers might not come as easily to you as it did to your friend/colleague. Having the education for a career, or even the skills needed is one thing—but getting out there and using them is another. Many people know they want a change, but just aren’t sure doing what.
This is the point where knowing how to find a career coach will help you to find the best job for you, period. Finding a career coach is not as hard as it is made out to be.
There are career coaches for all different stages in your life: high school, college, career transition, executive level, and more. On the other hand, there are people who are out of high school and college, or who have never attended school at all and need help analyzing the skills they already have. These folks need to know how to find a career coach in order to have an equal chance at succeeding. People whose education hasn’t progressed to finishing high school, or they have just finished, will need to go to the local employment office in their respective state. Each state employment office will give out the basics that are needed in terms of how to begin the search for a career coach. However, once the state employment office has gotten you started, they will help you find a career coach. This career coach may be someone who simply gets you on the path to a good job, and stays around to help for a while.
Once that career coach is gone, and moving on is something that you want to do, look around through various means to find one. Ask around—people that you know that might currently be using one should be able to guide you. Look on the Internet. Take some time to do a search—and use the term career advisor as well. There are plenty of career coaches—even executive career coaches—available.
Determining the cost that you may pay will be dependent on the materials that you find. Most career coaches now have websites. Look at their website.
Learning how to find a career coach is really not difficult. It simply takes a little bit of thought, and planning. So take the time to do your research, and ask for the help that you need. The effort will be worth it—you will have a better job, and a career that you really want.

Social Media has dramatically changed the job landscape. Today’s job seekers must remake themselves as a brand. Think of McDonald’s golden arches or Ford’s iconic script logo. People remember these brands because they set themselves apart from the rest. People don’t settle for any old hamburger when they know what they will get at McDonald’s. Brands build trust with people and that trust translates to increased business and a reliable customer base, which is exactly what you want your online brand to do for you.
Your personal brand builds trust in prospective employers and opens the doors for you to find new positions. Unfortunately, most people don’t think that they need a personal brand, and they are so wrong in assuming this.
Below are 5 reasons why you should establish a personal brand on your resume and online:
1. A personal brand differentiates yourself…
When an HR Manager scans the pile of resumes on their desk, they look for someone who stands out. But, they don’t just focus on the resume, they also look for your online presence because the internet contains much more information about you as a worker. Do you have an industry specific blog or website that you regularly update? Is your personal brand listed on your LinkedIn profile, along with your best career achievements? Listing a successful work history and any extracurricular activities that you’re involved in helps to build your online brand.
2. Make your name a well-known brand…
Who do you think HR Managers are going to go for? The new guy fresh out of college or the big name attached to great companies and amazing projects? Of course they are going to go with the big name. So to capitalize on your opportunities, you must make yourself into a brand name. Instead of seeing “John Smith – New Graduate”, they see “John Smith – Marketing Guru”.
3. Set you apart from your peers…
Your goal is to set yourself apart from your peers. You’re in direct competition for open positions. It’s just the way it is and having an online brand sets you apart from the rest of the pack. Start an industry blog, start a side business or develop a new marketing strategy that you can pitch to prospective employers. There are so many things you can do to highlight how you are a notch above your peers and get your brand out there.
4. Make you more attractive to employers…
Establishing your brand makes you more attractive to prospective employers because they know what they are getting. You’re not a faceless employee; you’re the one who wrote a new programming language, the one who developed supply chains that drastically reduced company overhead, etc. Match your brand to your achievements and employers will stand up and take note.
5. Open yourself up to new opportunities…
You want to find open positions and sometimes they may not be in your chosen profession. But, does that really matter? What if the perfect position is in another industry that you have minimal experience? Well, having an online brand opens the doors to those new arenas. HR Managers are looking for people with experience, and thankfully, your online brand is built around your experience. By viewing your online brand, HR Managers and potential employers can see what you offer the company. They are excited to find somebody with your expertise and skills, and you should be too. You have clout that you never knew you had and your personal brand should reflect the best you have to offer.

You know how you always hear, “Typically, recruiters and HR managers look over a cover letter in less than a minute to determine if you’re a strong candidate?” Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s TRUE. Your cover letter must prove to readers that you are a viable choice for the position, and we can show you just how to do that.
Make sure to choose the right greeting in your follow up email or letter.
If you have the person’s name and gender, include this in your greeting. Make sure to use the proper Mr., Mrs., Dr. or title along with their last name. Do not use their first name unless you know the person. If you do not know the gender of the person, you can use an introduction such as “Dear Danny Smith”.
It’s important to have the HR manager’s name correct. If you have questions, then call and ask for the information through the company, or look them up on Facebook or LinkedIn.
Reference the position title, company name and where you learned of the position.
An example of this: “I recently heard of Telecomm International’s open Corporate Liaison Officer position on Monster.com.” This information shortens the time it takes for HR managers to sort through resumes and increases the chances that your resume will be chosen.
Explain why you are the best person for the job.
You don’t want to do a repeat of your resume, but you do want to state how your background, qualifications and abilities will help the company succeed.
Example: “As my resume states, I have the talent, versatility and experience that comes with 20 years in corporate marketing, branding and public relations with Large Multinational Corporations as well as Local Well-Known Businesses. I also have years of experience as a Digital Freelancer working with Company Wide Initiatives that will definitely benefit your company.”
Be sure to include keywords from the job description and make use of power words to elaborate on your capabilities. Reinforce your relevant experience working with the job’s specific duties as well as your knowledge about needed computer programs which were indicated in the job description.
Be Brief.
If you send your cover letter through the mail, make sure it’s one page. Email messages should be kept to around 3-5 small-ish paragraphs. Your paragraphs need to be brief as to not take up too much time.
Include contact information and the best time and way to speak with you.
List your cell phone, home phone and the email address you use the most and let HR managers know how to best contact you through your preferred method. If you are currently employed or in a situation where you cannot return calls, make sure to leave a call back number, or list some times where you are free to talk.
Proof read your cover letter and email message.
Do this over and over until you are sure that everything is in place and you have mentioned the position, company name and included any applicable contact information.
Following these tips will help you to create cover letters and emails that will stand out to HR Managers and recruiters looking for their next candidate.

Leaving an interview knowing that you did not do everything in your power to get it can be demoralizing. But, it’s also a learning experience. What went wrong? How can I correct this problem? What is holding me back?
There are some things you should examine about your resume and how you showcase yourself. Here are some tips to updating your resume and getting that job interview to go in your favor.
1. Include your contact information whenever you send out emails. A quick fix, adding an email signature.
2. Forgetting to attach your resume or documents to your emails. As soon as you write, “attached” make sure you attach the document. Gmail actually has a function that asks if you want to attach something when you write “attach”.
3. Sending an email before you’re ready. Try sending it to yourself before sending it to HR managers. This way you can proof your email and make sure that it’s exactly what you want to send.
4. Leaving odd, incomplete or incoherent phone messages. Nothing sounds worse than being rushed or fumbling through your words as you leave a message, “”Umm, Hi. What? Oh, Hi, this is John…” What if the voicemail server doesn’t have a redo function? Now you look a little silly. Speak slowly so that you can gather your words and leave a smart, coherent message. Leave your name at the beginning and end with your name and phone number.
5. Lying on your LinkedIn or Facebook profiles. Saying that you’re a consultant when you’ve been out of work for 2 years does not look good. People will think you’re employed and look over you for prospective positions. Instead, say that you’re looking for “new opportunities” or “a change of pace”.
6. Not telling people that you are looking for a job. Send an email to your friends and family and let them know that you’re actively seeking a job. You would be surprised at the amount of people who will come to you with new opportunities. Update your LinkedIn profile to let people know that you are looking for a job. The more people who know that you’re looking, the higher your chances of landing a job.
7. Forgetting to use your most current email address. Many people leave older email address on their resume and fail to check their mail as they move on to new servers. You can solve this problem by email all of your contacts from your new email address, as well as updating your resume with the most up-to-date information. Make sure your online profiles include your email address as well.
8. Check your email messages for grammar or spelling errors. Nothing is worse than crafting a thought out email, sending it and then realizing that you’ve misspelled “Marketnig”. It’s a dead giveaway that you do not possess the eye for detail you claim. Spell check before you send that message.

Being passed over for a job never feels good. You wonder why the company rejected you and you think that maybe you’re doing something, unknowingly, that is causing you to lose out on career opportunities. The good news, if you can look at the silver lining, is that you now have an opportunity to learn from your mistakes and correct them. You just need to figure out where your mistakes were made and how to avoid making them again.
Rejected at the Resume Stage:
Many times you can place the blame on your resume not meeting the keyword search criteria companies look for in submitted resumes. For example, when an HR manager is looking for a Social Media Expert, they will scan the resume for words such as “HTML Proficient” or “Extensive Social Media Experience” in order to see if the candidate’s expertise and career history matches what they’re looking for. If your resume does not contain keywords that relate to the position you are applying for, your resume may be overlooked right from the get-go.
Correct this situation easily by updating your resume using keywords found in the job description. There are different software options that you can use to identify keywords, but you can also do this on your own, or if you are able to, hire a professional resume writer who is trained specifically to create a resume that is rich in keywords to highlight your best skills.
If you’ve been rejected due to having more experience than the position calls for, you can also make changes to your resume to avoid this issue in the future.
- Delete past jobs that do not correspond to your current search.
- Do not list positions that you have had more than 15 years ago. This makes you seem more expensive and narrows your opportunities.
- Add a personal brand statement to your resume that specifically states that how you are qualified for the position.
Rejected at the Interview Stage:
Think back through the interview. Were there any specific areas that the interviewer negatively focused on? Did they show concern for one area over another? How did you answer specific questions related to the position you were interviewing for? A client once told me that an interviewer remarked that he had had a lot of jobs over a short period of time. My client didn’t know how to respond, and even though he thought the interview went well, he didn’t think that the interviewer could get past that part of the interview, as my client didn’t get an offer extended to him. If you think that you’ve slipped up during the interview, then email the interviewer and ask about how the interview went. Meanwhile, take some time and research tips for being prepared for interviews and interview questions to ensure that you are ready the next time you get called for an interview.
Think honestly about the position. Were you truly qualified for that position or was the company a good match for you? Often times, interviewers can see through veiled attempts to just “land a job”. If this is the case, just accept that the position or company was not right for you and move on. Always make sure that you are applying for jobs that are suitable to your skillset and personality. You may not have all of the qualifications required for the position you are applying for, but if you can show that you have some of skills required for the position, you may still have a shot at getting the job.
Having a resume that truly markets all you have to offer and being fully prepared for a job interview will help you land the right career with the right company. The job search process can be frustrating and tireless at times. Keep a positive attitude and always find ways to evaluate your performance and keep on improving!

No job is perfect, not the one you have and not the one you want, but you still want to put yourself in a better position career-wise, you are just petrified at the thought of being interviewed for a new position. Many people have trouble with the interview process, whether becoming frustrated with the line of questions, or not being able to answer questions the way they want to. However, there are things you can do to ensure that your next interview experience begins and ends on a positive note.
Just because you may interview poorly doesn’t mean that you cannot change your actions and improve how you present yourself during an interview. If you are not chosen for the job, it doesn’t mean you’re not qualified, it may just mean that you need to improve you interviewing skills. If you are weak in certain areas, then try to improve those areas. If you put your mind to it, you can improve those areas and become a better interviewee.
There is a job out there for you. All you have to do is keep trying and keep believing in yourself. How do you go about nailing that job interview though? What are some tips to improve your interviewing abilities?
1. Remember that you’re trying to determine if the company is right for you as well. They are not the only ones with power here. Research aspects of the company prior to the interview and be prepared to ask questions in order to see if the position and company are a good fit.
2. Greet the interviewer with a warm smile and maintain eye contact. This is where some people run into problems. They come into the interview nervous and without a clear plan of action. After that initial handshake, make sure to keep eye contact (if all else fails look at the person’s forehead). If you are being interviewed by more than one person, make sure you are making eye contact with each interviewer as you are answering questions. You need to remain confident and calm as you navigate your way through the interview.
3. Listen carefully and make mental notes of questions to ask. A lot of the time the interviewer will ask you if you have any questions about the position, company, etc., this is your time to ask the questions you’ve been thinking of. No questions are out of bounds as long as they are related to the job or the type of work needed. You’re trying to see if the company and position are right for you, so remember that and do not get frustrated.
4. Have brief and positive answers for questions. Interviewers will ask you why you left your last company, why you have gaps in your employment history, why you appear to have too many jobs and why you want to work for this company. Prepare a list of answers to these questions so that you will not be blindsided when they pop up, because they will pop up.
5. Be positive and upbeat throughout the interview. Keep your energy up. Interviewers can tell when your interest starts to wane, so keep up the positive energy flowing. Don’t fake it, but make it genuine. Tell them why you’re interested in the company, why you think you’re a good fit for their needs and how you believe that you can achieve great things there.

It can be difficult to find a job yourself. But, in today’s changing job market, throwing yourself on the fire and doing everything you can in order to find the right job is in your best interest, especially if you want to land the ideal job. Start by finding out what kind of experience and skills you have. Think about the skills that you have which best translate to finding a position that suits you, examine the knowledge you’ve gained and the paths you’ve taken.
Don’t forget about your life outside of work, what are some of the things that you enjoy doing? Perhaps there is an opportunity there that you have overlooked. Even some activities that may seem commonplace can set you apart from your peers in the eyes of a HR manager. For instance, starting your own sports league may show your commitment to organization and communication. So what are some practical job search advice tips?
Not just the ability to lead but the ability to bring others together to collaborate on a project and get that project done in a timely manner. Managers want to see leadership qualities in new hires, that’s why they look for people with past experience managing people. If you have that experience, then all the better for you, but if you don’t you should definitely try to acquire some.
Now is the time! That’s right, no more resting on your laurels, instead get yourself out there and start looking under every nook and cranny in order to find that job that you want. Don’t be passive in your job search, be proactive and call up HR managers or find out everything you can about your prospective company.
Problem Solving
Be a problem solver. Are you seeing nothing but shady door-to-door sales jobs? Then look somewhere else or just don’t go on those interviews. You know it’s not going to be what they say it is, so why are you wasting your time? Stop immediately and focus on the finding a solution to your problem.
Be flexible and wear as many hats as you can. Some people will tell you that it’s best to focus on one aspect of your career, but if you are multi-talented why not use that to your advantage? If you have multiple skills you should use them to find a job that suits you.
Commitment and Motivation
Be committed to your job search and stay motivated. Of course you will get down, who doesn’t, but that doesn’t mean that you have to let those feelings overwhelm you. Your job search may be on going but if you keep a positive attitude and work through the tough times, you will find something that you want.
Interpersonal Skills
Use that personality. Ask people at social events if they know of anything or ask your friends on Facebook. Don’t be afraid to ask about potential jobs. Sure it’s tough for a lot of people right now but there are still jobs available if you use your personality to find them.

Once you’re unemployed, it can be tempting to go for that easy job that has nothing to do with your field. But maybe you should not be looking for just any job because the right one could be just around the corner. If you are trained in a certain field, it may be hard to find a position in this economy, but that doesn’t mean there are not advantages to focusing on a specific industry. In fact, you can make a case that if you position yourself correctly, you can find the right job quickly.
So what are the advantages of focusing on a specific type of position?
1. Serious job searches are time consuming. If you are unemployed, you should spend at least 30 to 40 hours a week looking for a position. Some people who are not focused put a lot of time and energy into their job search and end up feeling as though they are doing everything in their power. But, their energy is actually focused in other areas, so they are not putting forth the full effort. Focusing on a specific career will give you a leg up on the competition who are looking into different job options.
2. The more contacts you make in your search, the more likely you are to find a desirable position. The more you concentrate on these contacts, the better it will be for your job search. Putting a concerted effort will give you a better chance of something positive happening. The likelihood will be decreased if you focus on several different career paths.
3. Jobs often appear to those who use most of their energy in a specific direction. It will be difficult for people who are all over the map in their job search. HR managers look at the different careers job prospects have had and weigh that carefully when comparing candidates. Job seekers who are not focused rarely make any significant impact or impression on HR managers in order to attract the right position.
4. A productive job search requires that you present yourself convincingly to your prospective employer. Employers are not impressed by statements like, “I do not care what type of job I do” or “I’ll do anything as long as there’s a paycheck in it.” If you present yourself as professional and are focused in both written and verbal communications, you will give them more of a reason to believe in your skills. It’s important to find the right fit for both you and the company, and if you’re just doing a job for a job, you may be shortchanging yourself and the company.
5. Look at it this way–it may be hard to be enthusiastic and extremely well qualified for a 20 different jobs. So stick with what works for you and find the position that makes you happy and pays you well.