Now is the time of year for holiday parties to be in full swing, which means it’s also time to revisit some important conduct rules to follow. Getting together with your fellow co-workers to celebrate another year in the books is fun, but if you aren’t careful, you could end up having an embarrassing moment or two. You likely won’t talk about your past office party experiences on your cover letters for resumes, but you still don’t want to alter people’s perception of you in a negative way. Here are a few Christmas party do’s and don’ts when your office gets together.
Avoid The Gossip
There’s a time and place for gossip, and it’s not at your office party. It’s acceptable to talk about personal matters, but you don’t want to say anything that could potentially start rumors. And if you’re talking about another colleague, keep it positive and professional because you never know who will overhear your conversation.
Stay Off The Phone
Unless you’re looking at executive LinkedIn profiles of other professionals to show your colleagues, keep your phone in your purse or pocket. Nothing shows your disinterest in being at the Christmas party more than having your face buried in your phone. Aside from any emergency or expecting a very important phone call, you shouldn’t have your phone out at all during the party.
Do Attend
One of the biggest “do’s” of your office party is actually attending. It’s unlikely for you to be fired for not attending your company’s holiday party, but it could be seriously frowned upon. Even if you’ve been writing cover letters for resumes as part of your search for another job, remember you’re employed by your current company and you need to be in attendance and engaged as much as possible.
Engage With As Many People As You Can
Speaking of engagement, don’t just sit off in the corner and talk to one or two people all night long. Spend 10-15 minutes talking to one person and then move onto the next person. Depending on the size of your office, there could be people there you haven’t met before. And since many company parties are open to spouses as well, you can have a conversation with people other than whom you work with.
Professional Resume Services is one of the top resume writing services to help you with any aspect of your job. An office Christmas party is usually a fun event to attend, but you need to be sure to approach it properly. For more tips on office party conduct, writing cover letters for resumes or anything else pertaining to executive jobs, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time.
Anyone who has applied for a job before should know the importance of having a quality resume. If you’re searching for your executive dream job, even the tiniest mistake on your resume can lead to you missing out on a great opportunity. Writing resumes that get you hired can be challenging, so you definitely need to take your time and focus on the details to prevent a mistake from happening. Here are our top five ways to give you a better chance at landing your dream job.
Highlight Relevant Achievements
Most executive resume writers have a knack for identifying the most relevant achievements pertaining to a job you’re applying for. The key here is to think about the achievements relevant to the job you want, rather than the job you have or had. Something you accomplished may have been great for your previous company, but if it doesn’t translate into potential success for your dream company, then it won’t strengthen your case.
Don’t Focus Solely On Previous Job Accomplishments
The best resume writing service will ask you for as many previous job accomplishments as you can think of. However, it doesn’t mean all of them should be included on your resume. Always keep the job you’re applying for in mind when writing a resume. Provide an important accomplishment from a previous job, but be sure to clearly indicate why the skills you used can help at their company as well.
Use Numbers and Statistics
Numbers and statistics are your friends when it comes to writing resumes that get you hired. In a page full of text, a number will stand out when an HR manager scans through the resume. Just make sure the numbers you put on your resume are important, since it will get their attention.
Don’t Get Too Wordy
You have about six seconds to impress an HR manager with your resume to keep it in the stack for consideration. If your resume is more than two pages and is filled with big blocks of text, it may not even get read. Keep it short and to the point, and only highlight the most important accomplishments to give yourself a better chance to be considered.
Keep Your Resume Simple and Clean
Finally, a simple and clean resume is better than a long and detailed one. And we can’t emphasize enough the importance of proofreading it thoroughly. Many people use professional executive resume writers to proofread their resume one final time before submitting it, just to make sure an important detail wasn’t missed.
Professional Resume Services takes great pride in helping executives land the job of their dreams. No matter where you’re at in the job search process, we will help you in any way we can. Be sure to contact us if you’re struggling with any aspect of your job search and we will do our very best to help you continue your career where you’ve always dreamed to be.
There’s no better feeling than a sense of security when it comes to your job. Being comfortable with your job is great, but what are you going to do if an unfortunate turn of events happens suddenly and you lose it? Having a career backup plan is important for all executives. Keeping in touch with the best executive resume writing service can help you keep your resume updated, but there are some other tips to consider as well when developing your backup plan.

Being Prepared Creates Flexibility
One of the first things you should do when thinking about a backup plan is saving as much money as you reasonably can. Having a few months of salary saved up can provide some time and flexibility to find a new job without having to rush into one. Whether you want to continue in the same industry or search for an executive job in another industry, having a nest egg to sit on will help you buy some time.
Learn Skills Outside of Your Industry
When you have multiple skills outside of the industry you currently work in, your executive bio will look even more impressive. Plus, there may come a time where your job starts getting stale and you want to pursue other opportunities. Becoming skilled in multiple areas can open the door to numerous opportunities and provide a solid backup plan if something happens with your current executive job.
Never Stop Networking
Networking is another key component of an executive career backup plan. You can spend a significant amount of time writing a professional resume, but if you can’t put your resume in the right hands, you may not see much success landing a new job. Whether it’s networking with other executives in your industry or professionals in different industries, being connected is a quality component of your backup plan.
Keep Your Resume Updated
In addition to your executive bio, you should always make an effort to update your resume frequently. You don’t want to be blind-sided by a layoff and not have an updated resume. It’s easier to update your resume as you learn new skills or gain new accomplishments, so check in with the best executive resume writing service often to ensure you’re ready if you ever need to use it.
Professional Resume Services wants to help executives feel like they are not only comfortable with their jobs, but also have a backup plan in case something happens. You can never be too safe today, so feel free to contact us if you need help updating your resume or coming up with a career backup plan.
Writing executive resume cover letters is challenging enough. Executives may spend a significant amount of time writing their cover letter, only to have a simple mistake cost them the job. It’s easy to focus on the technical details and ensuring you’ve included the most important aspects of your skills and experience in your cover letter. However, you also have to make sure the most common mistakes are avoided. Here are the top three most common executive cover letter mistakes to look for.
Misspelled Words
Typographical errors happen, but you can’t let them happen in an executive bio or cover letter. A misspelled word could demonstrate to an employer your lack of attention to detail. Since your executive cover letter makes the first impression, some employers will assume these types of mistakes will happen in your work as well, and not hire you as a result. It’s not necessarily the fact that you made a typographical error, but not catching the error looks more concerning.
Including Too Much Information
Any cover letter writing service will tell you to keep your executive cover letter short and to the point. Employers aren’t going to spend a lot of time reading a cover letter. If they see a huge block of text on a page, they may not even read the first sentence before tossing it aside. A clear and concise cover letter demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively. Having too much information can be portrayed as having poor communication skills, which isn’t a good trait to have as an executive.
Hard-to-Read Format
The use of white space, bullet points, margins and other formatting technicalities are important. When you look at your executive resume cover letters, you should be looking at a clean page that’s easy to read. Your cover letter represents you, so if you don’t take pride in how it looks, what are you telling an employer? How you represent yourself is usually a reflection of how you will represent the company, so use a cover letter writing service if you’re struggling with how to format yours.
Professional Resume Services has helped hundreds of executives write their executive resume cover letters to perfection. Mistakes are easy to make, and not correcting them can be costly for your job prospects. Whether you need to start fresh with a new cover letter, or if you only need to tweak your current one a bit, reach out to us and we will be glad to help you.
As an executive, you have to give off the appearance and perception of being a well polished professional who makes few mistakes. One of the most common ways an executive can damage their reputation is by not having proper email etiquette. With email being the primary form of communication for many businesses, it’s always important to revisit some of the unwritten rules. Otherwise, even the cleanest and most impressive executive bio won’t be effective when you send it to a recruiter or even a close colleague. Here are some tips to consider.
Never Discuss Private Matters Over Email
Discussing private matters over email with anyone in a professional setting is never good. Emails never go away, and you never know when one could be used against you. If you have a private matter to discuss with someone in your office, go talk to them about it instead of putting it in writing.
Respond Timely
The general rule of thumb is an executive should respond to any given email within 24-48 hours. Not doing so makes it seem like you don’t place much importance on the sender’s email, which can give them a negative perception of you. In a way, this could go with your LinkedIn profile development as well, since people could reach out to you via the LinkedIn messaging system. Consider LinkedIn to be similar to email in a sense that timely responses are needed.
Avoid Using Slang or Jargon
If you use slang or jargon in text messages with family or friends, don’t let those words translate to email in a professional setting. You don’t need a professional resume writing service to tell you these words don’t follow the rules of email etiquette. Not only will you look unprofessional, but you may even hurt your chances at getting a raise in the long-term if you use slang or jargon to the wrong person.
Be Clear and Concise
People don’t want to read an email multiple times to determine what you’re actually saying or asking for. On the same note, keeping emails short and concise as much as possible will demonstrate your respect for the reader’s time. If you have to type out several paragraphs to get your point across, it may be time to set up a quick phone call to discuss the matter more quickly.
Professional Resume Services can help you with email etiquette tips, LinkedIn profile development, writing your executive bio or anything else related to a job search. Our professionals are ready to help you no matter where you are in your career, so feel free to contact us at any time to schedule an appointment.
Most executives have a lot of experience and have accomplished many different things. However, if you don’t keep track of them all, it’s easy to forget them over the years. Tracking your work wins is important for many reasons. You may want to present the accomplishments to your boss when you think you need a raise, or you may need to update your LinkedIn profile for the first time in a while. Regardless, tracking your work accomplishments as they happen will help you refer to them quickly and easily, and here are some tips on how to do it.
Keep A Journal
Sometimes writing your accomplishments the traditional way with a pen, paper and a journal is most effective. Keep the journal handy at your desk so you can easily pull it out and add a new entry as needed. Just remember to write down as many details as you can so it’s easy to recall it when writing an effective resume.
Utilize A Voice Recorder
Don’t have your journal handy, or don’t have time to write down your accomplishments anywhere? Pull out your phone and record the feat verbally. Then you only have to remember to go back and document the recording when the time is more convenient for you.
Download A Reliable App
There are several apps for your mobile device you can download to keep records like these. Any executive resume writer will tell you to document more details than you think is necessary, because you can always filter through them later and only include the most important ones on your resume or LinkedIn profile.
Update Your Resume
Keeping a running update on your executive resume is probably the best way to keep track of your accomplishments. It will make the process of writing an effective resume much easier when it’s constantly updated. You may choose to write more information than needed on a resume and edit it later, or you can keep it clean and make a simple bullet point entry every time you accomplish something new.
Professional Resume Services wants to help make your resume writing experience as seamless as possible. When you work with an executive resume writer, you’ll understand the importance of tracking your work wins and how to display them prominently on your resume. Be sure to contact us if you are in need of help with any aspect of writing your executive resume.
Executive job boards have a purpose, but the chances of you landing your dream job from them are very low. Spending a significant amount of time on your executive profile is great, but the best way to display it isn’t necessarily on an online job board. Hundreds and thousands of jobs are posted on job boards every day. So when you look at the success rate of even landing an interview, you will quickly see your time and resources can be spent better elsewhere. Here are some of the top reasons why you should avoid job boards for your executive job search.
The Job May Already Be Filled
Sometimes HR managers forget to take down a job posting once the position has been filled. It’s natural to assume a job posting is active, but that’s simply not the case. If you’ve spent a lot of time on your executive profile, spending time searching and applying for non-existent jobs doesn’t make sense.
Job Descriptions Could Be Inaccurate
When a company posts a job opening on a job board, they sometimes use the same posting as they did previously, even if job duties have changed. As a result, you could take your resume to a professional resume writing service to optimize the keywords and language, but it won’t even matter. The best way to know the exact job description of a position is to actually speak to someone.
Your Executive Resume Could Be Lost
Any given executive job posting could get more than a hundred applicants. You may be the most qualified executive, but if your executive profile doesn’t have the exact keywords the company is looking for, you won’t even be considered. It’s much easier for your resume to get lost in the shuffle when you apply for a position on a job board. The better option is to hand your resume to a recruiter at a networking event.
Success Rate of Landing A Job is Low
When you look at the amount of applicants applying for any given position, you can clearly see your chances of getting the job is low. You have a better chance of getting a job if you spend the time on your LinkedIn profile development and connecting with HR managers or recruiters via the LinkedIn platform. Time is critical, so spending it wisely when searching for an executive job will benefit you in more than one way.
Professional Resume Services can help you optimize your executive profile, no matter what avenue you choose to use for your job search. While executive job boards aren’t necessarily the best option, we will support you and help you as much as possible if you choose to use them. Feel free to contact us at any time if you need a professional resume writing service to help you land your next job.
You can significantly help your executive job search if you have a positive online brand. Many employers today will do an online search for a candidate’s name. If you have a lot of negative things about you, or don’t have much of an online presence, you’ll hurt your chances of landing an interview.
The importance level of personal branding for senior level managers is very high. Companies want to hire executives with a positive online brand, since they are viewed as an advocate for the company. Here are some of the top ways you can safeguard your executive online brand to ensure you have a positive image.
Search For Your Name Online
You should do an online search for your name at least once a week. The best way to protect and enhance your c-level personal branding is to know what information is out on the Internet for everyone to see. If a potential employer is going to search for you online, you should also take the time to do it yourself and clean up anything you don’t want to show up in the results.
Your Online Brand Backs Up Your Claims
If you’ve already talked to a potential employer, chances are they are going to search for you online to see if they can verify any claims you made. Don’t tell them you worked for a certain company or have a certain level of experience if it’s not displayed on your LinkedIn profile or other places. Even worse, inaccurate or contradictory information will deem you as being untrustworthy and can damage your personal brand even more.
Have A Professional Social Media Presence
The best way to enhance personal branding for senior level managers is to have a positive and professional social media presence. Employers today look for candidates who are active on social media, so they can be valuable for finding new business or even new candidates. A positive social media presence is critical for c-level personal branding today, so don’t take it lightly. Be active as much as you can and always portray yourself as a professional.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you, whether you need assistance in writing an effective resume or improving your personal brand. Our experienced professionals can help you with every step of your job search process, so never hesitate to call or email us at any time for assistance.