You’ve worked so hard on your job search to find a perfect fit for your career and it’s finally paid off. Now that you’re at your new job, what are you supposed to do? Depending on the nature of the job, you may be thrown right into the fire and be slammed with work right away. However, most employers will ease in a new executive and allow them to get a feel for their new position, their co-workers and the overall culture in general.
The first month of your new job is critical for setting the standard of your work and becoming familiar with systems and processes you can’t develop or learn through a LinkedIn profile. Here are some things to do during the first month of your new job.
Fit In With The Culture
You likely did some research about the culture of your new company during the job search. It was important to learn about the culture while writing an executive bio, and the professional resume writing service you used likely took the culture into consideration as they crafted your resume as well. However, there’s nothing like getting first-hand knowledge and experience to learn how people operate on a daily basis. You should have a basic knowledge of the company’s culture before you even begin your first day, but taking further steps to ensure you fit in as much as possible will benefit you as well.
Make Internal Connections
Connect with anyone you can within the office during your first month. You may have seen some of your coworkers’ LinkedIn profiles, but stop by and have a short conversation whenever you have a chance. This goes for anyone outside of your department as well. Connect with them on a work level and a personal level as appropriate so they will get a sense of who you are and you will establish your reputation along the way.
Build Your Credibility To Set The Standard
Your professional resume writing service helped you build credibility in your resume, but now it’s time to show it. Go above and beyond the job duties given to you during the first month. Building this credibility right away will help set the standard and give others the impression they can rely on you to get the job done.
Don’t Be Overly Ambitious
Just be careful about being too ambitious, since you don’t want to show up anyone during your first month. This goes for questioning internal policies and procedures as well. It’s ok to make suggestions at times, but it’s also important to understand every company operates differently and some of these things need to be accepted without rocking the boat.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you throughout your job search process and beyond. While we are known as a professional resume writing service, we are well rounded in our experience working with executives throughout their career. To learn more about how we can help you at any stage of your career, feel free to contact us at any time.
Every executive has heard and knows about the importance of c-level personal branding. With all else being equal when it comes to experience and expertise, it is a person’s personal brand that sets them apart from the rest. Whether you’re actively seeking a new job or if you’re interested in advancing even further in your career, using personal branding to your advantage can help you get there. Here are some tips on how personal branding for senior level managers can be used effectively.
Boost Your Reputation Within Your Industry
Every industry has a network, and people within the network have different impressions of people. So if you have a great personal brand and people recognize it, it won’t take long before your reputation gets a boost throughout your industry. You can use this reputation boost to your advantage by seeking leadership opportunities, speaking at engagements, hosting networking events or any other opportunities that arise. Once you’ve established quality c-level personal branding, your options for continuing to improve your reputation are unlimited.
Make Contacts Outside Your Current Professional Network
Your executive bio may indicate you’re an expert in a specific industry, but your personal brand can lead to professional connections outside of your network as well. This gives you the opportunity to broaden your views on business and many other aspects, and could give you more ideas for your own job. Plus, certain industries like to get advice from professionals in an unrelated industry just to see how operations work. The larger your network is outside of your own industry, the more opportunities you will have to grow your personal brand as large as you desire. You can never have too many connections across any industry, and the better your c-level personal branding is, the more naturally the connections will be made.
Use Self-Confidence to Your Advantage
If nothing else, personal branding for senior level managers can provide a major boost in self-confidence. Use this self-confidence to your advantage by standing by your decisions in any aspect of your career and becoming a resource for others within your industry. Complete self-confidence is rare, even among executives, so once you develop it, there are plenty of opportunities for you to boost your brand even more.
Professional Resume Services goes beyond simply writing a resume for professionals. It is a big part of what we do, but we also look at the big picture to help executives with their careers. Whether it’s boosting professional branding through networking or simply creating an executive bio anyone will be impressed with, we are here to help. Be sure to contact us at any time for more tips on how personal branding can be used to your advantage.

A job is one of the top sources for stress in people. And since most of us work, we all have to deal with stress at some point. Dealing with and managing stress isn’t always easy, but it is possible. In fact, employers will often ask job candidates how they handle stress at work. This isn’t something you generally put in your executive resume, but it’s an important component of being successful with a job. Here are some of the most common ways people handle stress at work.
Work On Time Management Skills
Sometimes 24 hours in a day just doesn’t seem like enough to do everything you need to do. Prioritizing your list of to-do items is one of the first steps you can take for better time management. If possible, schedule certain blocks of time to complete a task and reduce distractions as much as possible so you can get it done. Many people handle stress by avoiding certain work and doing things. Avoidance only increases stress levels because it is always there in the back of your mind, bugging you. Start delegating! Delegate what you don’t want to deal with. Can’t even think about updating your LinkedIn profile? Let a LinkedIn profile writer do it for you instead. When I have too much on my plate, I ask my assistant Jennie to take some of it over. What a weight off my chest. Take the pressure off yourself by having someone else do it.
Make Lists! Not sure how to go about your daily jobs for work? Create a list! I love lists, mostly because I love crossing off the items. Now, every morning I make a list of what I need to do and I even do subheadings with things like: Email, Project Updates, Calls, etc. It keeps me ultra organized and I get them done.
Know Your Limits
Saying “no” to anyone is hard at a job, but sometimes you have to in order to keep your sanity and a high work productivity. When you say “yes” to someone, you are essentially saying “no” to another task you already had to complete. It may take time, but knowing your limits will help you manage your stress and saying “no” at the appropriate times. There is nothing wrong with turning something down.. especially if it is someone else’s work. It’s great to help out, but not at the expense of your own workload and piece of mind.
Take A Break
Taking breaks throughout the day can help clear your mind enough to refocus when you get back. Go on a short walk or just sit outside and get your mind off of work for a few minutes. These relaxing minutes can translate into more productive time once you get back to your desk.
Talk With Your Supervisor
If your job duties are simply too overwhelming for you, and there’s no end in sight, you may want to talk with your supervisor about re-assigning duties. You don’t want to work yourself into the ground to the point where you make a brash decision to quit on the spot. That wouldn’t look good for your executive resume biography, and your supervisor may have a simple solution to help you.
Evaluate Your Workplace Satisfaction
If you’ve done everything imaginable to reduce your stress and nothing has worked, it may be time to gain an overall perspective of your workplace satisfaction. Being unhappy with your job can create stress on its own, and sometimes you can’t do anything to make it better. In situations like this, it may be time to visit a professional resume writing service to brush up your resume and look for new opportunities.
Stress plays a big role in the success or failure of any employee, so contact us at any time if there’s any way we can help reduce your stress level.
There’s always a right and wrong time to negotiate salary, but there’s also things you should say and shouldn’t say. When you’ve made it through the interview phase and have an offer on the table, your method of negotiating will go a long way in getting the salary you believe you deserve. Saying the wrong things could lead to some tension and possibly having your offer pulled, regardless of how strong your executive profile is. Here are some things you should never say when negotiating salary.
“This offer is insulting”
The art of negotiation involves keeping a conversation going until you receive the result acceptable to you. If you are very blunt about an offer being insulting, the conversation could end right there. Consider other alternatives instead. If the employer states they can’t pay any more than what they offered, then negotiate for vacation or other benefits to make up for it. The employer may end up budging on the salary, but if they don’t, then you can respectfully decline.
“That’s not enough money for me to live my desired lifestyle”
You worked hard on writing an effective resume to get the job you want in the salary range you need. However, your potential employer doesn’t necessarily care what your desired lifestyle is. All they care about is what you bring to the table and bringing you on at the lowest cost possible. Make your negotiation about them instead of you, and you’ll likely end up with a better result.
“This may not be the right time considering the budget, but I need a raise”
Let’s assume you’ve already visited a professional resume writing service, accepted a job and now believe you should be in line for a raise. Instead of just flat out asking for a raise, present different points to your employer to backup your case. Coming in with confidence instead of being hesitant will give you more credibility. Plus, you never want to give your employer an easy opening to say “no,” which you can do if you acknowledge budget constraints upfront.
“Thank you. I accept your offer”
Negotiations can’t happen if you accept an initial offer. Any professional resume writing service will tell you an employer always leaves wiggle room when offering a salary. They want to bring you on at the lowest price possible, so you’re leaving money on the table if you don’t at least make one counter offer. Just don’t be too outlandish with your offer, and your employer will likely consider it.
Professional Resume Services not only will help you with writing an effective resume, but we can also provide tips on the negotiation process for your salary. Getting into an interview is the first step we help executives with, but then the real work begins when you have an offer on the table. Don’t hesitate to contact us for any advice throughout the process of searching for a job, or if you’re in an active negotiation with your current employer.
Attending a networking event is one thing, but succeeding at it is another. Everyone defines success differently when it comes to networking events. You may be attending with the goal of finding your next employer or you may simply be attending to build your c-level personal branding. Whatever your reason is, there are things you should and shouldn’t do at these events to give you the best chance to succeed. Here are our top three suggestions to help you succeed at your next networking event.
Prepare in Advance
Depending on the event, you may choose to bring executive resume biographies instead of business cards or vice versa. Do your homework on the type of event it is so you don’t appear to be unprepared. Update your LinkedIn profile with any relevant information prior to attending the event. If you hand out a business card or biography, you should have a link to your profile included. You want to be sure your profile is in the best shape possible for when people view it.
Move Around Frequently
When you’re actually at the event, don’t linger around in one area for too long. People don’t generally gravitate toward people who are stationary, so make it a point to walk around the room throughout the event. It’s tempting to engage in long conversations when you find an interesting person to talk to, but the reality is those people are at the event to make as many connections as possible as well. Instead of boosting your c-level personal branding by talking to one person, spread the wealth to as many people as you can.
Master Your Elevator Speech
The size of the networking event can determine how long you have to make an impression. You want to master your two-minute elevator speech so it’s persuasive and piques the interest of the other person. Deliver your speech in a natural way so you don’t sound like a salesperson, but still clearly demonstrate your value to your listener. A quality elevator speech can give an immediate boost to your c-level personal branding.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you develop your LinkedIn profile, your executive resume biographies or anything else to help you succeed at your next networking event. Preparation for these events takes time, but the time investment is well worth it in the end. Feel free to contact us at any time if you need extra assistance preparing for your next networking event.
Being aggressive with an executive job search doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be pushy or demanding. Aggressiveness actually means spending a significant amount of time developing the best resumes and cover letters tailored to the job and company you’re applying for. There’s still a time and place for a follow up after you’ve applied for a position, but the vast majority of your work should be done beforehand. Here are some tips to consider throughout your job search.
Tailor Your Resume Specifically For The Job
Writing general resumes and cover letters won’t get you very far. One of the best things you can do is look at the details of all the requirements and insert the keywords you identify into your application papers. You may think an HR manager or recruiter won’t be able to know you’ve sent in the same resume to multiple different companies, but they’ve likely filtered through thousands of resumes in their career to know the difference between a general and specific one.
Read The Job Application Thoroughly
Missing a critical detail in a job application is a guaranteed way to be removed from consideration. For example, if a specific work sample is required for the application, not including one shows your lack of attention to detail. No matter how much you follow up, they will remember you didn’t follow directions from the application, so what makes them think you can follow directions if they hire you?
Make Connections
Once you’ve put together your best executive resume biography and filled out the job application perfectly, wait a week or two before following up. In the meantime, feel free to make connections with the HR manager or other company personnel via LinkedIn or other networking platform. Just be sure to optimize your LinkedIn profile before your reach out so it helps your case instead of hurting it.
Follow Up At Appropriate Times
Following up on a job application is important and effective if done at the right time. As mentioned, wait at least one week after you submit your application before you follow up. There’s sometimes no way to tell if your resume and cover letter get lost in the shuffle, so sending a quick email displaying your interest is recommended. A follow up email is an aggressive way to move your job search forward, but be sure to draw the line between being aggressive and being pushy.
Professional Resume Services wants to be involved with all aspects of your executive job search. We can help you optimize your LinkedIn profile, craft the perfect cover letter or resume or even provide tips on how to show the right amount of aggressiveness during your job search. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re in need of assistance at any point during your job search.
Common sense should tell you not to lie on your executive resume, but sometimes it can be tempting to do so. This is especially true if you’re applying for a job you really want, but aren’t sure if you completely meet the qualifications. Instead of lying about your accomplishments or skills, work with the best executive resume writers to help you display the correct information most effectively on your resume. Then you can have a good conscience about submitting your resume and won’t run into these issues later on.
Your Credibility is Ruined
When a hiring manager learns your resume isn’t completely accurate, you’ll likely be thrown out of the applicant’s pool and never be allowed for consideration in the future. Plus, depending on the industry you work in, word could get out about your untruthful resume and ruin your credibility among other hiring managers without even applying for a job with those companies. The best thing you can do is just be truthful on your executive resume bio.
You’ll Be Expected To Have The Knowledge and Skills on Your Resume
If a job posting says you need certain requirements, and you list those requirements on your resume, you need to be sure you actually have them. Most employers expect you to demonstrate those skills right away, and sometimes even in the initial interview. Writing resumes that get you hired can only be effective if you back up the words on your resume with actual actions. You don’t want to find out what might happen if an employer finds out the hard way you lied about your skills and knowledge.
You Will Get Caught
Even if you lie on your resume and get through the hiring process unscathed, it will eventually catch up with you. Whether it’s certain skills you said you have, but actually don’t; or if you simply can’t perform the job given to you because of other misinformation on your resume, you’re going to get caught. Employers don’t like to find out the hard way about people lying on their resume, but they generally will take swift action when they do find out. Just make your executive resume bio accurate and you won’t have anything to worry about.
Professional Resume Services is composed of a team of executive resume writers to help you make your resume stand out without having to lie about your qualifications. If you’re feeling the pressure and feel the need to lie on your executive resume, give us a call first to see how we can optimize your resume based on the skills you actually have.
There’s no better feeling than a sense of security when it comes to your job. Being comfortable with your job is great, but what are you going to do if an unfortunate turn of events happens suddenly and you lose it? Having a career backup plan is important for all executives. Keeping in touch with the best executive resume writing service can help you keep your resume updated, but there are some other tips to consider as well when developing your backup plan.

Being Prepared Creates Flexibility
One of the first things you should do when thinking about a backup plan is saving as much money as you reasonably can. Having a few months of salary saved up can provide some time and flexibility to find a new job without having to rush into one. Whether you want to continue in the same industry or search for an executive job in another industry, having a nest egg to sit on will help you buy some time.
Learn Skills Outside of Your Industry
When you have multiple skills outside of the industry you currently work in, your executive bio will look even more impressive. Plus, there may come a time where your job starts getting stale and you want to pursue other opportunities. Becoming skilled in multiple areas can open the door to numerous opportunities and provide a solid backup plan if something happens with your current executive job.
Never Stop Networking
Networking is another key component of an executive career backup plan. You can spend a significant amount of time writing a professional resume, but if you can’t put your resume in the right hands, you may not see much success landing a new job. Whether it’s networking with other executives in your industry or professionals in different industries, being connected is a quality component of your backup plan.
Keep Your Resume Updated
In addition to your executive bio, you should always make an effort to update your resume frequently. You don’t want to be blind-sided by a layoff and not have an updated resume. It’s easier to update your resume as you learn new skills or gain new accomplishments, so check in with the best executive resume writing service often to ensure you’re ready if you ever need to use it.
Professional Resume Services wants to help executives feel like they are not only comfortable with their jobs, but also have a backup plan in case something happens. You can never be too safe today, so feel free to contact us if you need help updating your resume or coming up with a career backup plan.