Anyone who has worked as a recruiter or hiring manager knows the difficulties in sorting through executive resumes. And as an executive, you may quickly realize you possess very similar skills as your competition when searching for a new job. Highlighting your best skills and attributes will help set your resume apart from the others. When you combine your tangible skills with writing an effective resume, you’ll have a better chance of distinguishing yourself. Here are some of the most optimal skills that look great on an executive profile.
Critical Decision-Making
Being able to make highly critical decisions with limited time and information is extremely valuable. Quick and thoughtful decision making shows you are very aware of any given situation and aren’t just making a random decision just because you have to. You’ve thought through and anticipated certain decisions that may have to be made, so you’re always prepared. This is a key skill for executives in any industry.
There’s a difference between multitasking and doing busy work. Multitasking means you can get multiple jobs done at the same time in order to be more efficient and move business forward. Be sure to explain situations where you had to multitask to meet a strict deadline in your executive profile. Every executive has to multitask at some point, but the best ones will create positive results out of it.
One of the best things you can put in your executive bio is your team-building experience. Every company wants to hire a team player, whether it’s a lower-level employee or a high-ranking executive. Many executives like to stay tucked away in their office and not talk to others. So if you are actively building stronger teams for your organization, then you’ll stand out.
Strategic Thinking
Strategic thinking just means you think about the past, present and future in any decision you make. You’re also willing to take some risks if the potential reward is high. It’s difficult to display strategic thinking in an executive profile, but it’s a great skill to demonstrate when you have an interview.
Professional Resume Services has seen thousands of executive resumes, so we know which ones stand out. The key to writing an effective resume is making yours stand out somehow. If you’re struggling with the concept, but have plenty of unique skills, feel free to reach out to us at any time for assistance.
While most companies are hiring professionals and executives throughout the year, the summer months tend to be a little slower. With people taking time off to go on vacation and spending time away from the office, the hiring process takes a little longer than usual. For job seekers, this is the perfect time to clean up your executive LinkedIn profile. Most people don’t spend enough time updating their profile, which could have a few downfalls. Here are some tips on how to clean up yours this summer.
Update Everything
Read your entire executive LinkedIn profile word-for-word and update anything that has changed. Chances are you’ll think about several skills or experiences you’ve developed or had since your last profile update. Having updated information about yourself is one of the keys to the best LinkedIn profile development.
Filter Through Your Endorsements
You may have gotten several LinkedIn endorsements from friends or family that simply aren’t relevant to executive jobs you’re looking for. The amount of endorsements you have isn’t nearly as important as the quality of the endorsements. Filter through all of them and remove any of the unimportant ones so a recruiter will see only the relevant endorsements.
Focus on Your Summary
The summary section is the place where you sell yourself to potential recruiters and connections. If you aren’t a strong writer, you can always reach out to a professional LinkedIn profile writer for assistance. The summary needs to be specific and straight to the point without a lot of fluff. Writing the best LinkedIn summary is an art, so seek help if you need it.
Keep Your Profile Straightforward
Your executive LinkedIn profile should be treated differently from your executive resume, but they do have some similarities. Don’t use a lot of filler words on your LinkedIn profile just to make it longer. Being clean and concise with your words will look more impressive to a recruiter than having to scroll down through blocks of text. If you’re actively looking for a job, make it clear. If you’re currently employed but keeping your options open, make that clear as well.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you with your LinkedIn profile development this summer. Whether you need advice on tidying up your profile, or if you need a professional LinkedIn profile writer, feel free to reach out to us at any time.
Any job seeker knows how important networking is. However, even a minor mistake can lead to major consequences in your job search. Taking executive level personal branding seriously is important, since hiring managers look for that when talking to candidates face-to-face. When you’re spending your free time networking to find a new job, try your best to avoid these mistakes to help yourself stand out to interested companies.
Expecting a Job Offer Right Away
Many people go to a networking event and expect to walk away with a job offer. This is simply unrealistic. It’s one thing to be confident in yourself and your abilities when meeting someone for the first time, but you shouldn’t be so bold as to basically ask for the job on the spot. A key to personal branding for senior level managers is to get to know the hiring manager and other top executives within a company. They are likely taking their time with hiring someone, so you should do the same and make as many connections within the company as you can.
Talking About Yourself Too Much
No one know more about you than you, so it’s easy to fall into the trap of talking about yourself nonstop. When you feel the urge to talk about yourself, ask an intuitive question instead. Ask your connection how they got into their job, how they like it, what the culture is like and other questions that show interest. Not only will this clearly show your interest in the job, but it will also give your c-level personal branding a boost.
Not Spending Enough Time on Personal Branding
Speaking of c-level personal branding, you need to be doing more of it. Everyone believes they are qualified for certain jobs. And most of those people will talk about the same qualifications. But instead of talking about how you are qualified, talk about the value you bring to the table. Companies are more interested in learning how you can help them, rather than only knowing what skills you have.
Overlooking The Importance of a Polished Resume
Your executive bio is usually the first thing a recruiter will read on your resume. If you’re going to take the time attend a networking event, at least have your resume reviewed by a professional to ensure there aren’t any glaring mistakes. Remember these recruiters are going to talk to dozens of people at networking events, so your executive bio needs to stand out and make them remember meeting you face-to-face.
Professional Resume Services is here for job seekers, whether you need help writing an executive bio or anything else related to your job search. If you need assistance before or after a networking event, feel free to contact us at any time.

School’s out for summer… but what about your job search?
Just because many executives and high-level employees go on summer vacation doesn’t mean you can take a summer break on your job search. One of the mistakes many job seekers make is thinking companies don’t hire in the summer, which simply isn’t true. Companies are always going through resumes and cover letters to find the most qualified candidates throughout the year. And if you decide to take a break during the summer, you may miss out on a great opportunity.
Companies Don’t Stop Hiring During The Summer
The notion is companies will wait until after the summer to start interviewing for different positions. However, it’s actually the opposite. Many companies are busier during the winter months, so they don’t have as much time to interview. So they reserve summertime for conducting their interviews and hiring employees, even if it’s on a temporary basis. Regardless, you need to ensure your LinkedIn profile is current once summer starts, just in case a recruiter happens to stumble upon it.
Temporary Could Turn Into Permanent
Since summer is typically slower for most businesses, they may only be hiring for temporary employment. However, many of these positions will turn into permanent positions when business begins to pick up again. Be sure to include in your executive bio if you’re willing to accept temporary employment if the option is available to become permanent in the future. At the very least, you can gain some valuable experience with a temporary position to set yourself up for a permanent position with another company at a later time.
Polish Up Your LinkedIn Profile
Whether you’re going on an extended vacation throughout the summer, or if you feel you need to take a break from your job search efforts for any reason, polish up your LinkedIn profile at the very least. You never know when recruiters are going through resumes and cover letters, or scouring LinkedIn to find the best candidates. Updating your LinkedIn profile could be a great way to get discovered during the summer with minimal effort on your part.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you get through the dog days of summer. We can help revamp your resumes and cover letters during the summer so you’re ready to apply for positions at any time. No matter what you need help with regarding your job search efforts this summer, feel free to contact us at any time.
Searching for a new job is a full-time job on its own. But if you spend 30-40 hours each week on your job search, burnout is going to happen quicker than you think. Once you’ve experienced burnout, you may think it’s impossible to get back to the same productivity level of your job search. However, there are some things you can do to recover and come back stronger than ever. Consider these tips if you find yourself struggling with burnout from your executive job search.
Reflect on Your Efforts
One of the best ways to reflect on your job search efforts is to visit with the best executive resume writing service. These professionals can help you write resumes that get you hired and point out minor flaws in your process that could lead to better results. Talking to other professionals about your efforts can help you do some self-identification and might lead to better results in the long run.
Take Breaks and Disconnect
Instead of rewriting your executive bio for the 20th time, take a break and step away from the computer or phone. You have to allow yourself at least an hour each day to not think about your job search at all. Do whatever it is you like to do, whether it’s going for a walk, doing yard work, watching television or anything else.
Attend Networking Events
If burnout has set in, you may find yourself not wanting to do anything besides stay at home and distance yourself from everyone. This is the worst thing you can do, because all you have is your negative thoughts. Brush up your executive bio and hit the road to different networking events in your area. Don’t go in with the pressure of thinking you have to make a solid business connection at every event. Just talk and make friends with new people and see what happens.
Appreciate the Process
You won’t be unemployed forever. When you come to the realization that the right job will come your way eventually, you will appreciate the challenging times you went through. The appreciation may be completely non-existent right now, but just have faith that things will work out in your favor.
Professional Resume Services is the best executive resume writing service whether you need help tweaking your executive bio, creating a resume from scratch or for getting tips on recovering from job search burnout. Feel free to contact us at any stage of your executive job search and we will be happy to help you.
There was a time when soft skills were considered resume filler—something to make the resume look longer, but not bringing any value to it — fluff. Times have changed, and companies actually use different soft skills as parameters to weed through the abundance of resumes they get. However, there is still a balance to using your soft skills to your advantage in your executive bio or resume. Here are some of the most common soft skills to add to your executive resume.
Organizational Skills
Every company likes an organized person. This is the most commonly used soft skill on an executive resume cover letter because most people believe they are organized. The reality is this soft skill needs to be on your resume, because most companies will include it in their job requirements.
Team Player
This is a good example of a soft skill where you can give real experiences to demonstrate. Talk about times where you had to give up something that benefited you to help the team as a whole. No one wants to hire a selfish executive, so make sure your executive bio clearly demonstrates how you have been a team player at your past jobs.
Great Communication Skills
The best executive resume writing services will always highlight the importance of good communication skills. At an executive level, you will have to talk to people within and outside your organization, so you have to represent the company with class. This is another soft skill you can highlight with real examples. Talk about different meetings, interviews or speeches you’ve given in the past to show how great of a communicator you are.
Find A Balance of Soft Skills and Hard Skills to Incorporate
No matter which soft skills you decide to incorporate in your executive bio, you have to find the right balance between them and your hard skills. These three soft skills are good complements to the hard skills you list on your executive resume or cover letter, so be sure to use them to your advantage.
The key to incorporating the right soft skills into your executive resume is to read different job descriptions closely to see which ones they are looking for. If you aren’t sure which soft skills you need to highlight, or if you’re having a hard time finding a good balance of hard versus soft skills, feel free to contact us.
Resume builders can be helpful for people who need a starting point for crafting their executive resume. However, since most resume builders are limited in what they can do, they can’t be relied on completely most of the time. Many executives use executive resume writing services in addition to an online resume builder to help give the resume a professional appearance. Here are a few points you should remember when using a resume builder for your executive resume.
Resume Builders Can Be Good Starting Points
These programs are great for giving your executive resume a clean and professional look. They can even make your executive bio stand out if you are having a hard time doing it yourself. A lot of executives have the hardest time getting started with the format and appearance of their resumes, so a resume builder is a great resource to use to get started.
Don’t Rely on Online Resume Builders
While resume builders are great starting points, they shouldn’t be totally relied on. The people who have the most success landing a job interview by using a resume builder are involved in customer service, retail, sales and similar industries. It doesn’t mean those professions aren’t important; it just means those are the most in-demand positions at any given time, so the resume builders are programmed to meet those needs. From an executive standpoint, online resume builders may not give you everything you need to properly highlight your skills and accomplishments.
Professional Resume Writers Are Better Options for Executives
If you’re building your resume for an executive position, your time and energy would be better spent using the best resume writing service. You can actually talk to people in order to highlight your achievements, and those people are specialized in helping people land executive jobs.
Many executives will bypass the online resume builder completely, but it’s generally encouraged to do some work upfront before you talk to a service. At the very least, you should write your executive bio in your own words, so a professional can critique it and learn exactly what you’re looking for in your executive position.
There’s never anything wrong with using an online resume builder, but there’s nothing like using the best resume writing service. We are always open to helping you with your resume or locating an online resume builder, so feel free to reach out to us.
One common theme among executives is they tend to make the same mistakes on their resumes. The good thing is the mistakes are usually easy to correct and avoid in the future. The bad thing is many executives don’t want to change anything, so they won’t stand apart from the rest of the group as a result. When you use the best executive resume writing service, you’ll be able to learn about your resume’s flaws and can correct them accordingly. Here are some of the mistakes people most commonly make, and how you can avoid them when crafting your executive resume.
1. Be Clear
Executives tend to use a big vocabulary and large, sophisticated sentences. While it may seem impressive to you, an HR manager doesn’t want to read through it. Any executive resume writing firm will tell you to be clear with your words and sentences. Use action words in short sentences to make a greater impact on the reader.
2. Keep it Simple
Simplicity is key with any resume, including executive resumes. Many executives like to make an extensive executive bio on their resume to highlight accomplishments. While it’s important to talk at length about accomplishments, the executive bio isn’t the place for it. Short and sweet is the best way to go.
3. Talk About Accomplishments, Not Responsibilities
You can mention what job responsibilities you have, but don’t waste a lot of space doing so. Instead, talk specifically about what you accomplished. Use some numbers and statistics rather than general statements, but don’t overdo it.
4. Target Every Resume
The first thing the best executive resume writing service will tell you is to target every executive resume to the company you’re applying to. Sending out the same resume to every company will be obvious and will likely get yours thrown out of the group. Learn a little bit about each company and make it clear in your resume that you can help them grow and prosper.
5. Include a LinkedIn Profile Link
You have to have a complete LinkedIn profile if you’re an executive today. If you’re sending out executive resumes, include the link to your profile in your resume. Recruiters and companies want to see you’re connected to other executives. Not only does this show you’re social, but it also gives them a little glimpse into your personality.
You may be making some critical mistakes like these in your executive resume and not even know it. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any concerns about how your executive resume looks.