Networking is essential in the business world today if you want to land the job of your dreams. But what if you already have a job? There are still plenty of reasons to continue your networking efforts, and doing so within your workplace is beneficial as well. If you work for a large company, chances are you may not know half of the people you work with.
Unlike networking to find a new job, you won’t have to visit the top resume writing services to make an impression on a co-worker. All it takes is a friendly conversation to learn more about someone. Here are a few tips for networking within your current workplace.
Strike A Lunchtime Conversation
Your lunch hour is a good time to unwind and take a break. If you’re going to the break room anyway, try striking up a conversation with someone instead of sitting in the corner by yourself. This is a perfect opportunity to discuss matters not related to work and could even lead to a strong personal and business connection. Most people will welcome a lunchtime conversation, but you should also be respectful and notice certain signs if the other person doesn’t want to talk at the moment.
Take Time To Be Friendly
You don’t have to visit an executive resume service to know being friendly will help you make more connections. Simply asking someone how their day is going or just smiling at them in the hallway can create a memorable moment. It also creates somewhat of an icebreaker when you see the same person in the break room, elevator or anywhere else you have a few seconds to strike up a conversation. Friendliness is closely related to familiarity, and the more your face is familiar to others, the easier it will be to connect with them.
Introduce Yourself To New Hires
A newly hired professional in your organization is likely eager to meet as many people as possible. Even if you aren’t comfortable with networking at any capacity, talking to a new hire is easy. If you know their name ahead of time, you can look at their LinkedIn profile to help you with a conversation starter. Give the new hire some useful tips and they’ll remember you and connect with you more often.
Check LinkedIn
The easiest connections to make with your LinkedIn profile are the ones who work with you. In fact, LinkedIn may even recognize the same company name in other profiles and suggest you connect with them. When you make LinkedIn connections with people in your workplace, you’ll build some familiarity and make conversations much easier to get started when you interact in person.
Professional Resume Services is more than simply an executive resume service. We help professionals with their networking efforts, LinkedIn profile building and much more. Any time a professional needs us with any aspect of their current job or job search, we are always available. Feel free to contact us at any time if you need assistance with your networking efforts.
Almost everyone has at least one social media account today. So since social media is such a big part of life and business, doesn’t it make sense to include your accounts on your resume? The short answer is yes, but with some caveats. Certain social media platforms are perfect for including on resumes, while others should be avoided completely. Executives have to think about their c-level personal branding with every decision they make, especially when it pertains to social media. Here’s what you need to consider when incorporating social media on your resume.
Best Social Media Accounts to Include on Your Resume
LinkedIn is the number one professional social media platform that should always be included on your resume. However, simply having an account won’t do you any good. Consider working with a professional LinkedIn profile writer to optimize your profile for your job search. If you include your LinkedIn account on your resume, you have to assume the recruiter or hiring manager will look at it. The best LinkedIn profile development services will ensure your profile enhances your resume, and your chances at landing an interview.
Twitter is another account that could add value to your resume, depending on how you use it. From a c-level personal branding standpoint, your Twitter feed can demonstrate your beliefs, personal interests and other aspects you normally wouldn’t put on a resume. Just be sure to clean up anything you don’t want others to see before you make your account known on your resume.
Don’t Include These Social Media Accounts on Your Resume
Even though you have a Snapchat account, it doesn’t mean it should be included on your resume. You can get yourself into more trouble than you can benefit from by including a Snapchat account. Other accounts you may want to consider not including are Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. While there may be value in including these, it all depends on how you utilize them. Most people use these platforms as fun, informal and entertaining social media accounts, which have no place for a professional resume. Instead of cleaning these up, it’s best to just avoid them all together.
Social Media Can Make Your Resume Stand Out
When used properly, including social media accounts like LinkedIn and Twitter on your resume can make it stand out and improve your c-level personal branding. The best thing you can do before including it is allowing LinkedIn profile development services to take a look at your profile to ensure it’s in the best shape possible. You don’t want a simple oversight to be the difference in landing an interview or getting passed over.
Professional Resume Services dedicates a large amount of time to helping executives with their LinkedIn profile development. The importance of including social media on a resume is increasing by the day, so ensuring your accounts are valuable and professional will help your job search significantly. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time for assistance with brushing up your resume or your social media accounts.
Attending a networking event is one thing, but succeeding at it is another. Everyone defines success differently when it comes to networking events. You may be attending with the goal of finding your next employer or you may simply be attending to build your c-level personal branding. Whatever your reason is, there are things you should and shouldn’t do at these events to give you the best chance to succeed. Here are our top three suggestions to help you succeed at your next networking event.
Prepare in Advance
Depending on the event, you may choose to bring executive resume biographies instead of business cards or vice versa. Do your homework on the type of event it is so you don’t appear to be unprepared. Update your LinkedIn profile with any relevant information prior to attending the event. If you hand out a business card or biography, you should have a link to your profile included. You want to be sure your profile is in the best shape possible for when people view it.
Move Around Frequently
When you’re actually at the event, don’t linger around in one area for too long. People don’t generally gravitate toward people who are stationary, so make it a point to walk around the room throughout the event. It’s tempting to engage in long conversations when you find an interesting person to talk to, but the reality is those people are at the event to make as many connections as possible as well. Instead of boosting your c-level personal branding by talking to one person, spread the wealth to as many people as you can.
Master Your Elevator Speech
The size of the networking event can determine how long you have to make an impression. You want to master your two-minute elevator speech so it’s persuasive and piques the interest of the other person. Deliver your speech in a natural way so you don’t sound like a salesperson, but still clearly demonstrate your value to your listener. A quality elevator speech can give an immediate boost to your c-level personal branding.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you develop your LinkedIn profile, your executive resume biographies or anything else to help you succeed at your next networking event. Preparation for these events takes time, but the time investment is well worth it in the end. Feel free to contact us at any time if you need extra assistance preparing for your next networking event.
You have a maximum of 30 seconds to impress someone who reads your LinkedIn profile summary. Many executives struggle with balancing the requirement of talking about yourself, while also explaining your impact on others. It’s challenging to do when you sit down and think about it, so sometimes it’s best to just start with LinkedIn profile development services for assistance. Being concise is key, since every single word matters in your profile summary. Here are the main things to keep in mind when developing yours.
Tell People Who You Are
Can you describe yourself in roughly 10 seconds? That’s about one or two sentences to explain who you are, what your identity is and what value you bring to the table. You don’t have to be a professional LinkedIn profile writer to put together these two sentences, but you do have to choose your words carefully. These first two sentences are critical, since people will generally choose to keep reading or leave your page depending on how intrigued they are.
Be Brief About What You Do
This is the part where you can get specific. Expand on your role within your company, your specialties, areas of expertise and a brief summary of what you do in a nutshell. Do your best to fit this information in three or four sentences to avoid getting too lengthy. If you choose to hire a LinkedIn profile writer, they will try to condense this section as much as possible, while still getting the point across.
Finish With A Bang
If you want to really know how to optimize your LinkedIn profile, it’s by finishing your profile summary with a bang. These last couple of sentences will be similar to your opening two sentences, but make them even stronger. Reiterate how your passion and expertise helps people succeed and how your success has translated into success for your company. Making the last sentence or two impactful will help make your profile summary memorable.
Professional Resume Services understands the challenges of writing an effective LinkedIn profile summary. Our LinkedIn profile development services can help you develop the most impactful profile to aid in your networking and professional development efforts. To learn more about how to wow with your LinkedIn profile summary or about the many other services, feel free to contact us at any time.
There’s always a good time and a bad time to change jobs, but most of the time it isn’t dependent on the time of year. Your own personal situation should play a larger role in determining when the time is right to make a job change. With that being said, there are some advantages to making a job switch during the holidays, if you’re looking to do so. Many professional executive resume writers have their busiest weeks right now, as executives are looking to find a new employer before the end of the year. Here are some things to consider if you’re considering making a job change this holiday season.
Companies Are Definitely Hiring
Don’t put your job search on hold just because you think companies aren’t hiring. Companies today rarely stop hiring, and if they do, it’s not because of the holidays. Writing resumes that get you hired can be challenging if you haven’t had to craft yours much over the years, so you can always seek out a professional resume writer this time of year. You don’t want to miss out on an opportunity this holiday season, so don’t delay in sending in your resume and job application to companies who interest you.
A Change of Scenery Can Boost Morale
The holidays should be a joyous time of year for many reasons. If you’re not feeling the joy, it could be because of your job situation. Sometimes a change of scenery in the workplace is all you need to boost your morale. Spend a few days on LinkedIn profile writing so you have an up-to-date profile if a potential networking opportunity arises. Reaching out to other professionals and executives via LinkedIn can lead to potential job opportunities during the holiday season and beyond.
Don’t Miss Out On Great Opportunities
Any time you put a job search on the back burner, you’re potentially missing out on a great job opportunity. Continuing to write resumes that get you hired during the holiday season could give you a better chance to land a job than you would have otherwise. Many times the competition level will be lower during this time of year, since other potential candidates put their job searches on pause. Take advantage of this by staying active in your own job search.
Professional Resume Services consists of a team of professional executive resume writers experienced with helping executives like you land the job of their dreams. There’s never a bad time to update your resume, and there are more advantages than disadvantages to changing jobs during the holidays. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re thinking about changing jobs soon and need to brush up your resume.
Getting a new job offer is exciting, especially if it comes with a significant salary increase. However, many executives only look at the size of the paycheck and don’t look at other aspects, especially if a job relocation is required. Sometimes a fresh start is exactly what an executive needs at some point in their career, but picking up and moving your family is easier said than done. Your professional resume writing service may help you land a new job in another city or state, but consider these points before you pick up and move.
Consider The Cost of Living
Understanding the cost of living in your new city will help you determine whether the higher salary is worth it. Many candidates find the higher salary is equivalent to the higher cost of living, making the move essentially a wash. Of course, everyone has their own reasons for wanting to relocate, and money may not be the only factor. You may be able to check the LinkedIn profile of other professionals in your field who live in your potential new city. Don’t hesitate to message them directly to get more information and make a new contact.
Think About Your New Commute To Work
If you don’t like spending hours every day commuting to work, then you need to consider your options. Check on public transportation, parking, high traffic areas and more. Some cities are known for having bad traffic, so you don’t want to put yourself in a situation where you have to sit in traffic for hours, especially if you don’t have to with your current job. Again, this is where checking in on the LinkedIn profile of another professional can help you gain a better understanding of the area.
How Will Your Relocation Affect Your Family?
No matter how effective you are at writing a professional resume and ultimately landing a new job, you need to consider how the job relocation will affect your family. If you are single with nothing to lose, then this may not be an issue for you. However, dealing with the stresses of moving can be difficult for a family. Whether it’s your spouse’s job considerations, children’s education or other points, be sure to cover all aspects so your family is comfortable with the move as well.
Professional Resume Services is a professional resume writing service dedicated to helping executives land the jobs they desire. Relocating for a job is difficult on everyone, but many times the benefits outweigh the negatives. Be sure to contact us to learn more about writing a professional resume or for other tips about job relocation.
You may have written a well-crafted resume, but you can’t rely solely on it to get a new executive position. The importance of c-level personal branding today can’t be understated. The executives who take it seriously and work to improve theirs will always be ahead of the curve. There are certain online c-level personal branding skills that stand out among the rest, from an employer perspective. Here are a few of those skills to keep in mind and try to demonstrate as much as possible to entice a potential employer.
Demonstrate Your Skills By Writing
You’re likely very experienced in your industry, so employers need to know about it. The first place to start is your LinkedIn profile. You have the freedom to write as little or as much as you want on your profile, so take advantage of the space. However, just be careful not to overcrowd your page with a lot of text, since potential employers won’t spend much time reading it. It may be valuable to you to hire a LinkedIn profile writing service to get your initial page set up, then you can update it as needed.
Create and Update Your Own Website
Having your own website shows you have the drive and confidence to market yourself. Employers like this attribute, since they would expect those skills to translate well to their company. You must make sure you always keep your website updated to highlight your most recently acquired skills and experiences. Consider writing a blog on your website once or twice a week to keep fresh and relevant content on your page. And always include a link to your LinkedIn profile.
Be A Social Media Guru
Utilize social media to promote your skills and improve your c-level personal branding, but be careful not to go overboard. There are several social media platforms you could choose, so be sure you use the right one. LinkedIn is always the best choice for executives, but if you use Facebook and Twitter the right way, you may find value in those as well. Promoting the fresh content from your website through social media is a great way to be active on social media and improve your online brand.
Professional Resume Services not only helps executives write their resumes, but can also help with LinkedIn profile development. Building your online brand is critical in today’s business world, and we can help you get started. Feel free to contact us at any time when you’re ready to promote your online brand to entice potential employers.
It’s completely healthy and natural to take a step back and evaluate your current job situation occasionally. This is especially true if you used to be happy going to work every day, but now your attitude has changed for some reason. The knee-jerk reaction is to immediately start looking for another job, and possibly even resign from your current position abruptly when things aren’t going well. However, before you visit the best resume writing service to help brush up your resume prior to resigning, consider these three questions.
What Do I Not Like About My Current Job?
Sometimes things aren’t really as bad as they seem, but sometimes they are. Taking a step back and truly identifying why you aren’t happy can help you determine whether the issues are fixable. You may just need to talk to your boss about a particular issue that’s been bugging you for a while. And if it’s been a long time since you’ve received a raise or a promotion, consider bringing it up in a professional way. Don’t simply jump into updating your LinkedIn profile to declare your intentions to find a new job until you know exactly why you don’t like your current job anymore.
Is My Salary Comparable To Similar Executives?
The feeling of being underpaid is difficult. Sometimes you would feel better if you didn’t know what other executives with similar experience make. When your executive bio is similar to another executive’s, you naturally expect to be paid a similar salary. Get an idea of comparable salaries by looking at job boards and networking with others. If you truly are being underpaid, discuss the matter with your boss if you like everything about your job other than the salary. If you’re viewed as a valuable executive, you could get a significant raise to stay.
Am I On The Right Path To Achieve My Goals?
You should have both short-term and long-term goals as an executive. If you’ve been stuck with the same job responsibilities for a while, but have higher aspirations, then it may be time to look at a different company to give your executive bio a boost. However, some businesses move slower than other businesses, so if you’re getting valuable experience, you may consider sticking around to see where it takes you. Of course, as with any position, you have to be happy in order to do a good job and put yourself in a better position for advancement.
If you’ve answered all of these questions and still feel like you need to resign, Professional Resume Services is here to help you. We provide the best resume writing service, no matter what your current situation is and what your goals are. If you’re in need of any type of assistance in relation to your executive job search, feel free to contact us at any time.