This was from a call I took yesterday. The conversation went something like this:

Caller: “Hi, um, my name is Bob. I want to know about your resume service and when you can finish it. Because I need it soon.”
Me: “Hi Bob. Well, let’s skip to your most important question. How quickly do you need it?”
Bob: “I need it by tomorrow. I saw a job position I want to apply for at Johnson & Johnson and the position closes tomorrow.”
Me: “Oh! Tomorrow. Has the position been open a while or did you hear about it from someone?”
Bob: “I heard about it through a buddy of mine who works there. It’s for Regional Sales Management position– my dream job with my dream company. He told me about it awhile ago, but I didn’t really think about it much until last night when we met for a beer and he reminded me it was still open. But it closes tomorrow. He said to send my resume in to the HR person sometime in the morning.”
Me: “Well, it’s 4:30 in the afternoon and I leave my office in an hour and a half. I won’t be able to do it in that amount of time…”
We talked for a little bit more and Bob even emailed me his resume. It was pretty bad (think Microsoft Word’s basic resume template… lots of white space, left-aligned, bullet-ridden and worse, hadn’t been updated since 2001).
The thing that got me was that he had known about the position for a month, assumed he’d have time to fix up his resume, then consequently forgot about the position, and was now in an all-out panic. We’ve all done it with one thing or another–putting off something we really shouldn’t have, and then regretting it later.
I felt bad for Bob because I knew his chances of getting the job with the old resume were slim to none. Worse, when he started talking about his experience and his excellent accomplishments I thought he would have probably had the chance. He said he was going to work on it himself and hope for the best.
So, the moral of the story is UPDATE YOUR RESUME TODAY. Don’t wait until your dream opportunity passes you by.
This weekend was a big deal at my house. 
My soon-to-be 1st grader got to pick out school supplies and my 3-year old got a big boy bed. It was excitement all around. Happy, smiling faces. Self-assured, confident walks. Mutual admiration for each others milestones.
I watched these two strut around the whole weekend cocksure and grinning, all the while my husband and I continued to praise them for their accomplishments, increasing their excitement and joy. I wondered, “Gee, do we grown ups celebrate little victories as robustly as kids do?”. I don’t think so. At least, I don’t, nor do the folks I know around me. We more or less brush them off. Oh well, big deal.
So, why is that? When you get a promotion at work do you celebrate? If you’ve recently run a race, taken (and passed) a test, been awarded something, etc. do you celebrate or tell people? I know most people definitely brag about their children’s victories before they do their own.
It’s important to pat yourself on the back or give yourself credit. When you’ve worked hard for something, you DESERVE to be rewarded or praised. Just as we treat our children, friends, and family with praise when they succeed at something, we should do the same with ourselves. Praise yourself and live joyfully in your moment.
Kendall SummerHawk is a million-dollar marketing coach and author of the book, “Brilliance Unbridled”. She teaches consultants, speakers, coaches, and small business owners to manage their businesses smartly while following their soul’s desire.
I was “introduced” to Kendall last year and have been a big fan ever since. She isn’t just for business owners, but for everyone who wants to succeed in what they do. She talks about our pre-programmed MO-ney mindsets and how to change our thoughts about money–creating more and receiving it. Her “bold money goal” helped me triple my income in a year. You need to sign up for her free newsletter. It is fantastic!
Look for more guest posts from Kendall in the future. Love this woman!
Here she is: Kendall SummerHawk.
“The recent economic news is truly scaring the you-know-what out of people. The reason is not the “facts” presented by the media, but because underneath those facts is the thinly veiled threat that on an individual level, our personal safety and security is at jeopardy.
The news triggers fear that has been lying dormant in us, like a beast, just waiting to be fed. This beast grows stronger with every passing news article, late-breaking t.v. spot or report of more workers affected by the actions of a few greedy, short-sighted people.
The beast of fear keeps us down. It gnaws at our confidence like a dog on a bone. It whispers in our ear that to be afraid is to be safe. It wants us to worry because when we do, it grows stronger.
But the beauty of the beast is that it is, right now, providing us with the perfect opportunity to eradicate your fear, once and for all. Your fear doesn’t serve you, it only serves the beast.
This is a time not just in our nation’s history, but in your own personal history, to strengthen your core faith in who you are, what you bring to the world and in life itself.
My clients are continuing to make great mo-ney (one just signed on two new clients worth $10,000 EACH who both paid in full!) because they listen to their heart, where the beast can’t live. They listen to me, because they know I will always tell them the truth. And the truth is, that shrinking back from investing in yourself and your business will only feed the beast and will keep you from being paid (and paid well) for and fulfilling your Soul’s Divine Purpose.
So turn off the news, stop feeding the beast and instead look for signs of prosperity, abundance and success. They are everywhere and I challenge you to find FIVE such signs every day!”
“Would you like to learn more simple ways entrepreneurs can brand, package and price their services to quickly move away from ‘dollars-for-hours work’ and create more money, time, and freedom in their businesses? Check out my web site,, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free audio mini-seminar “7 Simple Steps to Create Your Multiple Streams of In-come “Money and Soul” Business.”
Award-winning small business expert Kendall SummerHawk is the “Million Dollar Marketing Coach.”
I realize as I write this that I am crabby and tired. Probably not the most optimal time to write a blog post. Whatever. But wait, maybe this IS the best time to write this because later, in my defense, I can just say ‘Oh, well, gee… I was just going on 3 1/2 hours sleep, over-caffeinated, and bitchy irritable. What can I say?’ However, for the sake of my readers, I will be gentle.
Dear New Client, it is not necessary, through the process of our resume writing collaboration together, to send me over 65 pages of information. Yes, this is not the norm, and yes, it is probably my fault that I didn’t turn off the fax machine as it sent through 48 pages (52 to be exact, but it ran out of ink on page 48) of your performance evaluation over the last 25+ years. I should have, but it came through at night. Performance appraisals are a good thing. Summarizing what was said over the past, oh, 5-10 years might be a better idea.
Your 10-page, white space-deprived, executive IT resume is a tad on the long side. It truly isn’t necessary to list all of your technical experience dating back to the early 80’s, especially since your role now is an executive one and you hardly get your hands wet anymore with the “meat” of the projects.
I appreciate that you took the time to compile all of your hobbies and interests, but employers usually don’t want to review your various scout awards, high school GPA, birth date, wife’s favorite color, or a link to your personal website filled with just plain weird different pictures of your ceramic turtle collection.
The information in your resume should be relevant to your job search and your personal brand. However, you don’t want to load down your resume with too much information. I know there is a fine line for some people, and it’s hard to distinguish what should stay and what should go. If you are unsure, you should always ask a professional.
On that note, I bid you good night, Gentle Reader. I must get back to work and finish up this whining resume advice session. I hope I was able to help clarify the good, the bad and the not needed of information gathering.

Until next time…
Ever have one of those days where you just want to throw your computer out the window, or walk out the door and never come back? OK, if you haven’t then you either have an awesome job– or are unemployed. But even the very best of jobs get stressful. The boss is being a jerk, a coworker took the credit for something you did, or you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Sometimes, we just need a do-over.
R.J. Ignelzi, a Union-Tribune Staff writer, wrote a fantastic article, “Give stress a rest-simple, quick relaxation techniques to help tackle tension”. No time for a long, hot bath or a trip to the spa? R.J’s ideas are quick and easy to do–at home, work, or even in your car. Here are some suggestions:
At Work or School
- Soothe weary computer eyes. Rub palms together vigorously to create heat and place them over your eyes for a full minute. (Wow. Must try!!)
- Squeeze a rubber ball in your hand for 3 seconds and release.
- Try Quickie Yoga. Sit up straight in your chair and let your arms drop limp at your sides. Inhale, and on the exhale, lean forward and rest your chest on your thighs. Remain there for 5 seconds then slowly come up and inhale. Repeat 3 or 4 times, or until your colleagues make fun of you.
- Give yourself a mini hand massage. Grab the lotion in your desk and knead your tired fingers. (Now close your eyes and pretend you are at a spa… ahhhh)
- Fake a smile. Studies show positive effects occur even if the smile is fake.
- Keep aromatherapy oils at your desk. Lavender and mint work wonders. (I have been studying and using aromatherapy for 13 years and find it works miracles when having a bad day, can’t get the brain moving, need to relax, or need to perk up. Very beneficial for every aspect of your life.)
- Take deep breath throughout the day. This will keep you relaxed and relieve any tension that has built up.
At home
- Hold hands with a loved one. (Human touch calms us down)
- Call a friend. (Get the day’s scoop!)
- Stroke or brush your pet. (Good for both of you!)
- Give yourself a mini scalp massage. (I do this ALL THE TIME. Tension drains away)
- Soak a hand towel and microwave it a couple of minutes until steamy. Apply to neck, forehead or achy lower back.
- Turn up the music and dance. (I do this at lunch time w/my kids– we all love it)
- Keep a daily gratitude journal.
R.J. also goes on to talk about relaxing in your vehicle and while shopping (shopping stressful? No way!). You can read the entire article here.
I feel much better already, don’t you?
Jack Canfield is one of my favorite success coaches and a pioneer in the “change your thoughts, change your life” mindset. He speaks from experience, going from making $8000 a year as a teacher, to making multi-millions as an international speaker and coach. His techniques are simple and very effective. I’ve seen my own business triple in the last year and I owe a lot of my thanks to him. Enjoy! –Erin

Good Things Come to Those Who Ask!
by Jack Canfield
Asking for what you need is probably the most underutilized tool for people. And yet, amazing requests have been granted to people simply because they’ve asked for it!
Whether its money, information, support, assistance, or time, most people are afraid to ask for what they need in order to make their dreams come true.
They might be afraid of looking needy, ignorant, helpless, or even greedy. More than likely though, it is the fear of rejection that is holding them back. Even though they are afraid to hear the word no, they’re already saying it to themselves by not asking!
Do you ask for what you want or are you afraid of rejection?
Consider this: Rejection is just a concept. There is really no such thing as rejection! You’re not any worse off by hearing no than you were before you asked. You didn’t have what you asked for before you asked and you still don’t, so what did you lose?
Being rejected doesn’t hold you back from anything. Only YOU hold yourself back. When you realize that there’s no merit to rejection, you’ll feel more comfortable asking for things. You may just need a bit of help learning how to ask for what you want.
How to Ask for What You Want
There’s a specific science to asking for and getting what you want or need in life. And while I recommend you learn more by studying The Aladdin Factor, here are some quick tips to get you started:
1. Ask as if you expect to get it. Ask with a positive expectation. Ask from the place that you have already been given it. It is a done deal. Ask as if you expect to get a “yes.”
2. Assume you can. Don’t start with the assumption that you can’t get it. If you are going to assume, assume you can get an upgrade. Assume you can get a table by the window. Assume that you can return it without a sales slip. Assume that you can get a scholarship, that you can get a raise, that you can get tickets at this late date. Don’t ever assume against yourself.
3. Ask someone who can give it to you. Qualify the person. Who would I have to speak to to get…Who is authorized to make a decision about…What would have to happen for me to get…
4. Be clear and specific. In my seminars, I often ask, “Who wants more money in their life?” I’ll pick someone who raised their hand and give them a quarter, asking, “Is that enough for you?” “No? Well, how would I know how much you want. How would anybody know?”
You need to ask for a specific number. Too many people are walking around wanting more of something, but not being specific enough to obtain it.
5. Ask repeatedly. One of the most important Success Principles is the commitment to not give up.
Whenever we’re asking others to participate in the fulfillment of our goals, some people are going to say “no.” They may have other priorities, commitments and reasons not to participate. It’s no reflection on you.
Just get used to the idea that there’s going to be a lot of rejection along the way to the brass ring. The key is to not give up. When someone says “No”– you say “NEXT!” Why?
Because when you keep on asking, even the same person again and again…they might say “yes”…
…on a different day
…when they are in a better mood
…when you have new data to present
…after you’ve proven your commitment to them
…when circumstances have changed
…when you’ve learned how to close better
…when you’ve established better rapport
…when they trust you more
…when you have paid your dues
…when the economy is better
…and so on.
Kids know this Success Principle better than anyone. They will ask the same person over and over again without any hesitation (can you relate!).
Getting a good perspective on rejection and learning how to ask will make a world of difference for you as you work toward your goals. Practice asking and you’ll get very good at it! You’ll even speed your progress by getting what you need, or improving yourself in order to get it later.
Make a list of what you need to ask for in all areas of your life, and start asking.
Remember, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE… if you dare to ask!
© 2009 Jack Canfield
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I read a lot of blogs. A lot. I want to read even more, but it gets overwhelming when I see my Google Reader overflowing with unread blog posts. So, I got to thinking that if I did it for “research” it would actually be job related. Yes, I am justifying my blog reading addiction. But who cares.
I’m not a professional reviewer obviously, so I am just going to give my thoughts on the blog and how it helped me, or how it might help you. Some will be career related and some not, because let’s face it, not every thing I read is career related. Gasp!
You never know… my next review might be YOUR BLOG!
So, without further ado, I give you….
PHC Consulting, the “Sales Recruiter” by Peggy McKee
Peggy is a medical sales recruiter. You might remember hearing about her when I interviewed her a couple of months ago for a post I wrote. Peggy writes her blog as if she is talking to you directly. She has a “no bull” attitude and will tell you like it is. If she doesn’t like your resume, you will be the first to know. If she thinks you are not dressing up to snuff, better heed her advice, go home and change. If you don’t have what it takes for the job, she’ll let you know.
Her blog is packed with interesting things. Lots to “see and do” there. Aside from posting regularly about all things a recruiter wants to see and know about you, the candidate, she periodically adds interesting short YouTube videos. I love one she did with a stack of resumes and her take on them.
Though Peggy is incredibly busy with her recruiting career, I love how she takes the time to sit down and write about different things that can help you in your job search. You can tell she truly cares about what happens to job seekers.
I will continue to read Peggy’s blog for my own continuing education. I’ve learned some things from her myself (she hates paragraphs-no matter how small-on resumes, she only likes bullets) that even if I disagree with her (I do-on that point) it won’t stop me from looking forward to her newest blog post.
Keep ’em coming, Peggy!
Brand New Web Site .jpg)
I have been MIA lately… it’s not that I haven’t wanted to blog, I really have, it’s just that I’ve been doing something really exciting and had to wait until it was completed until I could blog again. It was worth the wait.
I launched a new website.
It’s been a long time coming.
For those of you who had to double check what you spelled when you realized the page you were on looked nothing like my old site, it really is the same company, Professional Résumé Services.
We’ve improved!!
I’ve had a vision in my head for a long time of what I wanted my new site to look like, but kept putting it off because it seemed like a lot of work, time, money, effort, work, time, time, time…
Then I met Carl Chapman.
Not only is Carl an SEO expert, designer and all around nice guy, but he also creates very cool websites. I took a look at a couple of sites he’s created and thought… SOLD! He has made this a very painless process and took over all of the work I thought I’d have to do (my old web host really didn’t do a thing for me except charge me a lot each month in fees—buh bye!). I like not having to think all of the time on what I could be doing to improve my site. We are all busy, so you can relate. I’ve never delegated a thing in my life. But hiring Carl has been wonderful. Ahhhhh.
So, now I have this new website that showcases what I offer, is fun to look at, and easy to maneuver through. Plus, I’ve been able to add things to the site I always wanted and it has allowed me to expand my product and services offerings.
Having said that, I hope you stop by my site and let me know what you think of it.
Here is the link:
Until next time…