Search Results for: writing resumes

Job Search Blueprint

I am a member of  the Career Collective, a group of  resume writers and career coaches. Each month, all members discuss a topic. This month, in collaboration with Quint Careers, we are  participating in Job Action Day! This month we are discussing helping job seekers in a changing economy. Please feel free to visit the… Read more »

5 Executive Job Boards

5 Executive Job Boards If you’re an executive searching for a job, you know how difficult the job search is. You can’t just follow the same rules and patterns that most sites recommend for job searches. Additionally, most sites don’t gear their writing or even dedicate a portion of it to covering what executives need… Read more »

Finding a job using Wall Street Journal online

Everybody knows about the traditional job search web sites online. We won’t mention them by name because you’ve seen their ads on TV probably more than you’d like. Most people know them because they’ve had negative or unfruitful experiences. Let’s try something new. Have you tried The Wall Street Journal Online? Most people use it… Read more »

What your cousin's-friend's-boss's wife WON'T tell you about your resume

Every once in a full moon a client will say to me, “I love this. I love how it sounds. I am so happy with this resume, I would hire me!” and then, “I told my brother-in-law’s friend’s boss’s wife that I would let her look at my resume when you finished it. She manages… Read more »

T.O.R.I. Award Nomination

Wow! I just earned a nomination for the T.O.R.I. awards through Career Directors International. Each year CDI hosts an international competition, Toast of the Resume Industry™ , that propels hundreds of resume writers to send in samples of their work to be evaluated by a panel of judges. The judges then determine whose work is… Read more »

Optimizing your Resume

I have several resumes a day emailed to me for review. Some are just not good. However, I do come across some that aren’t that bad. They need work, but the basic bones of it is there. It just needs some optimizing. What do I mean? When writing your resume keep in mind that you… Read more »

Cover Letter Tips

Cover letters seem to be difficult for people, even resume writers. Why is that? What makes a good cover letter? Cover letters can be fun to write. There really aren’t many ‘rules’ to writing them. You can let your personality shine through. They allow you to positively present your skills, accomplishments, and credentials in a… Read more »