Everyone has heard about the importance of networking, and it’s no secret the most successful executives generally have a large network. The more you network, the more you’ll be able to boost your executive profile and earn yourself a great reputation within your industry and beyond. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be actively looking for a job in order to effectively network. Here are some tips to consider regarding professional networking at any stage of your career.
Start With Your Own Network
People who are uncomfortable networking should start with their own network. When you optimize your LinkedIn profile, you’ll make connections with your current co-workers and other professionals outside of your organization. Find your comfort zone at first by talking to familiar faces and re-establishing relationships.
Your Network Needs Constant Attention
Even if you’re comfortable with your job and have no intention of visiting the top resume writing services any time soon, you still have to give some attention to your network. Maintaining solid relationships with your network will help you stay informed within your industry, have your recruiting list built up at all times and know what’s happening with your competition.
Don’t Prioritize Yourself
Everyone is naturally more comfortable talking about themselves. However, don’t fall into that trap. Instead, ask leading questions to the person you’re talking to and let them do most of the talking. When you let the other person talk about themselves while you listen attentively, you’ll be surprised at how much they will admire you.
Eliminate The Salesman Mentality
Many people make the mistake of thinking a professional networking event is only to sell yourself. That couldn’t be further from the truth. While your executive profile can be promoted at these events, you should also eliminate any trace of a salesman mentality you have. Instead, focus your effort and attention on developing new relationships and learn how you can help them without selling any services. Sharing your experiences genuinely with another professional will go a long way in boosting your reputation.
Reach Out To A Mentor
Most executives have a mentor very close to them within their organization. Finding another mentor outside of your inner circle can be beneficial as well. You may want to learn something new, develop professionally in different ways or even want to start the process of searching for a new job. If that’s the case, then having the help of a mentor combined with utilizing the top resume writing services can help you tremendously.
Professional Resume Services wants to help you beyond simply writing your executive profile for you. We enjoy being involved with your career, no matter what stage you are at. For more tips like this, or assistance with writing a resume or cover letter, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time.
Networking is essential in the business world today if you want to land the job of your dreams. But what if you already have a job? There are still plenty of reasons to continue your networking efforts, and doing so within your workplace is beneficial as well. If you work for a large company, chances are you may not know half of the people you work with.
Unlike networking to find a new job, you won’t have to visit the top resume writing services to make an impression on a co-worker. All it takes is a friendly conversation to learn more about someone. Here are a few tips for networking within your current workplace.
Strike A Lunchtime Conversation
Your lunch hour is a good time to unwind and take a break. If you’re going to the break room anyway, try striking up a conversation with someone instead of sitting in the corner by yourself. This is a perfect opportunity to discuss matters not related to work and could even lead to a strong personal and business connection. Most people will welcome a lunchtime conversation, but you should also be respectful and notice certain signs if the other person doesn’t want to talk at the moment.
Take Time To Be Friendly
You don’t have to visit an executive resume service to know being friendly will help you make more connections. Simply asking someone how their day is going or just smiling at them in the hallway can create a memorable moment. It also creates somewhat of an icebreaker when you see the same person in the break room, elevator or anywhere else you have a few seconds to strike up a conversation. Friendliness is closely related to familiarity, and the more your face is familiar to others, the easier it will be to connect with them.
Introduce Yourself To New Hires
A newly hired professional in your organization is likely eager to meet as many people as possible. Even if you aren’t comfortable with networking at any capacity, talking to a new hire is easy. If you know their name ahead of time, you can look at their LinkedIn profile to help you with a conversation starter. Give the new hire some useful tips and they’ll remember you and connect with you more often.
Check LinkedIn
The easiest connections to make with your LinkedIn profile are the ones who work with you. In fact, LinkedIn may even recognize the same company name in other profiles and suggest you connect with them. When you make LinkedIn connections with people in your workplace, you’ll build some familiarity and make conversations much easier to get started when you interact in person.
Professional Resume Services is more than simply an executive resume service. We help professionals with their networking efforts, LinkedIn profile building and much more. Any time a professional needs us with any aspect of their current job or job search, we are always available. Feel free to contact us at any time if you need assistance with your networking efforts.
The concept of c-level personal branding seems simple enough, yet some professionals don’t quite understand the ins-and-outs of it. Personal branding is an ongoing process that can take years to develop, but only seconds to destroy completely. It’s impossible to boost your personal brand if you don’t make a conscious effort to make your name known throughout your industry and beyond. You could start with developing your LinkedIn profile, attending networking events or other functions. However, the real secrets to personal branding involve differentiating yourself and being completely authentic in everything you do.
Differentiate Yourself
The idea of personal branding for senior level managers involves communicating the unique characteristics you offer to any individual or organization. The idea of differentiating yourself isn’t a new concept, but it’s one that often gets overlooked. Companies today always look for a candidate who stands out when they are in the hiring process. When you target and identify exactly what companies are looking for, then you can compare those needs to what you offer and present them in a unique way to differentiate yourself from the candidate pool. Differentiation is a key component of c-level personal branding.
Writing Can Demonstrate Your Personal Brand
Whether it’s on your LinkedIn profile, your resume, your personal blog or any other content, what you write and how you write it can demonstrate your personal brand. Your content should clearly show your expertise, the values you bring, your leadership style and what sets you apart from other people who have similar levels of expertise. As long as you are consistent in your writing, every single piece of content you publish will provide a boost to your c-level personal branding.
Always Be Authentic
In the world of technology and automation today, it’s easy to get away from authenticity. When you have to write your resume or LinkedIn profile by using certain keywords to be recognized, you could end up drifting away from your natural brand. The best thing to do is write and speak authentically and you’ll never have to question yourself or answer any tough questions. There are many different ways to make yourself stand out, but if you don’t do it authentically, then you aren’t doing yourself or anyone else any favors.
Professional Resume Services understands the importance of personal branding for senior level managers. While our name suggest we are experts in resume writing, our expertise goes far beyond just resumes. We want to help executives boost their personal branding to give them a better chance at landing the jobs they desire. To learn more about personal branding and how to set yourself apart, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time.
Executives have to take advantage of any opportunities they can get when it comes to their job search. With so much competition, standing out can be challenging. Visiting professional resume writing services is generally the best place to start, but you also have to take it a few steps further. One of the most effective ways to make yourself known is by communicating directly with the hiring manager at the company you’re interested in working at. Of course, this can be easier said than done, but it is entirely possible with diligent effort and research. Here are some tips to consider.
Find Out Who The Hiring Manager Is
Many times you won’t know the name of the hiring manager, and that’s ok. Unless the hiring manager absolutely doesn’t want to be known, chances are you can find them. By doing an online search, utilizing your network, checking the company website or looking at the LinkedIn profile of various members of the organization, you may find some tips as to who is responsible for hiring candidates. You could also be bold and simply contact the company by phone and ask for the name of the hiring manager. Once you have the name, you can communicate directly with the person.
Do Some Research On The Hiring Manager
A LinkedIn profile generally tells you a lot about the person from a professional standpoint. If you reach out to them through your LinkedIn profile, it gives you the chance to have your name seen prior to sending in your resume and cover letter. Many times the hiring manager may not respond to your LinkedIn message for various reasons, but at least your name will be recognized when you do send in your resume. Any way you can connect with them will help your cause and make your name recognizable.
Be Proactive Without Being Pushy
There’s a big difference between being proactive and being annoying or pushy. Many executive resume writers will tell you to send in your resume and wait one week or so before following up. When you reach out to them every day to check on the status of your application, you will most likely be thrown out of the pool of candidates. No one likes to work with a pushy person, so know your limits and contact the hiring manager when appropriate.
Professional Resume Services wants to help get your resume in the best possible shape to set you up for success. Our executive resume writers will use the right keywords and phrases to boost your chances of getting noticed, so your efforts of connecting with the hiring manager will not be wasted. For assistance with any part of the job search process, feel free to contact us at any time.
Utilizing LinkedIn to the fullest extent is more important than many executives realize. In fact, many professionals aren’t aware of the value of posting LinkedIn updates, which is different from updating your profile. LinkedIn updates give you the opportunity to let your network know what’s going on in your professional life. When it comes to c-level personal branding, the more your name is visible with your connections, the easier it will be for them to remember you and see you as a successful professional. Here are some ways LinkedIn updates can boost your c-level personal branding.
Stay Top-of-Mind With Your Connections
The old saying “out-of-sight, out-of-mind” is true when you’re talking about personal branding as well. The more your connections see your name, the more likely they will be to click on your profile to see exactly what you’re up to. Before advertising your LinkedIn profile, be sure you’ve visited a LinkedIn profile writing service so it is optimized for viewing. The only thing to remember is you don’t want to post so many updates that your name popping up becomes an annoyance. I see those on there from time to time and scroll on by–especially if they are opinion pieces and not a helpful/interesting post. Making one or two LinkedIn updates every week is a great habit to get into.
Types of Updates to Make
So what exactly is included in a LinkedIn update. Unlike other platforms like Facebook and Twitter, you don’t want to post about your vacation or anything else you’re doing in your personal life. Instead focus on things like:
- A new professional project you’re undergoing
- A new blog you’ve written
- A new assignment within your current job
- A new certification you’ve received
- A professional seminar you’ll be attending soon
- A significant achievement made in your company
Keep your updates professional and you’ll be boosting your c-level personal branding every time you post one.
Updates Don’t Have To Be Job Search Related
LinkedIn updates can be utilized whether you’re actively searching for a job or not. Just because you’ve updated your executive profile doesn’t necessarily mean you’re advertising yourself for new opportunities. And if you are in an active job search while currently employed, it’s important to remember to keep your posts neutral so it doesn’t appear as if you are searching for a new job. You are a professional in your industry, so there’s never any harm in updating your network with your accomplishments or achievements. You can also use LI to share different articles you’ve read or comment on posts and articles that pertain to your field, showcasing your expertise.
Professional Resume Services is more than just a service that writes resumes for executives. We also help out with job searching strategies and how to boost personal branding efforts. Our LinkedIn profile writing service could be beneficial to your efforts, so never hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or need advice on how to utilize this powerful platform most effectively.
One of the first steps to getting the job you’ve always desired is finding a way to land an interview. But once you finally get the interview, it’s only natural to experience some nerves and anxiety before and during it. With all the time you spent writing resumes that get you hired, you can’t let a few nerves get in the way of completely dominating your interview. With that said, here are some proven ways to help you relax before you go into your executive interview.
Music Can Be Soothing
Even if you’re not a music lover, listening to the right type of music prior to your interview can help calm your mind a bit. Your heart rate is probably already elevated as you’re traveling to the interview, so avoid upbeat tunes. Instead, find some soothing music, like some classical music, to relax your mind and thoughts. You may be surprised at how relaxed you feel after just a few minutes.
Eat, But Don’t Overeat
When you’re preparing for your interview a few hours or minutes before it begins, it’s easy to forget about eating. The best professional resume writers will tell you to eat a small snack, like a granola bar, crackers, fruit or even as much as a sandwich. Walking into an interview on an empty stomach can make you jittery and cause you to not think straight at times. However, be careful with the amount you eat as well. Overeating can make you feel a little lethargic and cause you to not have as much energy as you need.
Work on Your Posture
Writing resumes that get you hired will only go so far. Your presentation during an interview is critical as well. Working on your posture also can help calm down some of your nerves and anxiety. When you’re sitting in the waiting area, be conscious about sitting up straight. And before that, practice standing straight up with your shoulders back. Simply incorporating good posture will increase your confidence levels and naturally decrease your nerves.
Be Confident in Your Preparation
You’ve visited an executive resume writing service, practiced interview questions and completed diligent research on the company you’re interviewing with. Confidence is one way to alleviate some anxiety, so trust that your preparation is good enough to do well in your interview. Thinking of yourself as an asset to the potential employer will also help you go in with the mindset of them needing you as much as you need them.
Professional Resume Services is an executive resume writing service, but we also help our clients throughout the job search process. Whether we can help you brush up your resume, social media accounts or provide advice on nailing an interview, we are always available to talk to you. Feel free to contact us at any time for more advice to help you feel more confident prior to your interview.
You spend so much time writing the perfect resume, so why do you have to exhaust the same amount of time and effort on a cover letter? The little known fact about resumes and cover letters is they go hand-in-hand in most cases. Some recruiters will look at a cover letter first to determine whether they even want to bother reading a resume. Others will look at a resume first and decide at that point whether it’s worth reading the cover letter. Since you never truly know which is most important, it’s best to make sure your executive resume cover letter is in the best shape before sending it in. Here are some of the details you need to make sure you include in yours.
Find out the hiring manager’s name if you can, and address them in your cover letter accordingly. The top rated resume writing services suggest using personalization whenever it’s appropriate throughout your cover letter. This demonstrates you’ve done your homework and the reader will feel more of a personal attachment as well. If you need to, feel free to contact the employer and ask for the name of the hiring manager.
Perfect Grammar and Punctuation
Even a minor typographical error is magnified when it’s in your cover letter. It tells a hiring manager you’re not focused on details, and could be a big black eye when it comes to your chances of landing an interview. Utilize the top rated resume writing services available to you to proofread your cover letter to ensure you’ve incorporated perfect grammar and punctuation.
Your Own Contact Information
With all of the details, experiences and accomplishments you have to focus on in your cover letter, many executives neglect to include their own contact information. The basic contact information you need to include on your executive resume cover letter is your name, phone number and email address. You may also choose to include your LinkedIn profile to provide the hiring manager with an additional resource.
Include The Company Name
Hiring managers can easily spot a generic cover letter from a personal one. Get the full name of the company correct, and spell it correctly. If you use an existing cover letter as a template to write another one, be sure to change the company name appropriately so you’re referring to the right place.
Professional Resume Services provides services beyond just helping executives write resumes and cover letters. We want to help you throughout your job search process. When you visit us early on, we will provide helpful guidance along the way to ensure even the tiniest details don’t get overlooked. To learn more about how we can help you land your dream job, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.
The popularity of video interviews is increasing by the day. With more companies offering telecommuting opportunities and wanting to save on resources like travel costs, video interviews are becoming an acceptable practice. If you haven’t been a part of a video interview yet, you likely will be at some point in the future. You’ve worked with the best professional resume writers to get to this spot, so you owe it to yourself to prepare for a video interview the best ways possible. The good news is preparing for a video interview is similar to preparing for a traditional interview. However, here are some aspects you don’t want to overlook.
Invest in The Proper Technology and Applications
Ask the potential employer which application they use for video interviews so you can download it and explore it ahead of time. Applications like Skype and Zoom are the most popular, since they are easy to use. You also want to make sure your computer is fast enough to handle a video interview so there are no delays or lag times.
Test The App Prior to The Interview
Testing the application involves making sure your camera works correctly, ensuring you can connect to the application and determining whether there are any transmission issues. You don’t want to be struggling with navigating through the app during the interview, so doing your testing well in advance will make the process seamless.
Practice With A Friend or Family Member
You may have shared your executive profile with a family member or friend to proofread, and now you can use them again to practice for a video interview. The things you should be looking for are camera angles, lighting and whether or not there is lag time when communicating. Even a one-second lag time can make it seem like you are interrupting the interviewer, so you don’t want that to be an issue.
Look Presentable
Your LinkedIn profile should have a professional headshot, and you need to match the professionalism in your video interview as well. Just because you are interviewing from your home doesn’t mean you should dress casually. It’s tempting to wear shorts and only put on a nice shirt, since the interviewers will only see your upper body. However, if you have to get up for any reason, the embarrassment of not having on dress pants could be devastating.
Eliminate Distractions
Finally, look around the room and eliminate any distractions you may have. Is there a clock that makes a sound at the top of each hour? What about any clutter in the background? All of these may seem normal to you since you live with them, but can create huge distractions during a video interview. Take the advice from the best professional resume writers and make the room you’re interviewing in look like a professional environment as much as possible.
Professional Resume Services is here to help executives develop their executive profile, LinkedIn profile, resume or anything else related to their job search. We can also provide helpful tips throughout the interview process to help you improve your chances of landing the job. Feel free to reach out to us at any time to learn more about how our services can benefit you.