Many women choose to stay at home for several years after having children. While this time frame varies, it always creates a period of time during which you had no ‘real’ job. Once a mother is ready to go back to work, one of the first problems they face in deciding how to write a resume that not only accurately describes their professional experience and career but also properly addresses extended maternity leaves. By using tact and creativity while remaining professional, it is often possible to ‘spin’ an extended leave for the purposes of resume writing and interviewing.
Be honest. Some job seekers mistakenly believe that extended maternity leave is an automatic black mark. Because of this, some lie and claim they were self-employed during their maternity leave. This is a patently bad idea. While it is unlikely that a future employer will investigate the claim, lying during the job seeking process is unethical and can lead to problems down the line. Instead, be honest about your extended work leave. I have found that all hiring managers want is an answer. Where were you all that time? On an extended vacation? Watching Oprah? In prison? They just want to know about the gap.
There are two ways to present extended work leave during the resume writing process. The first is to simply include one or two sentences in the cover letter explaining the reason for your extended leave, the birth of children, and that you are ready to re-enter the work force. Job seekers who opt for this option should keep it short and focus on logical reasons versus cute stories about their children (please don’t do that). Remember to keep it professional.
A second option is including your work leave directly on your resume. Some job seekers have had success by including their responsibilities and skills used during their extended leave. Scheduling, organizing and multi-tasking are just a few of the skills new mothers hone during their absence from work. These skills, and others, can be beneficial in the work environment.
Unfortunately, the human resources community is divided on the subject. While there are laws governing hiring practices, the truth is a resume and cover letter is your first and often only chance to sway a hiring manager to meet with you. While an extended leave of absence for child care reasons may be admirable to some, actually giving the job seeker a leg up, other hiring managers may shy away from resumes that do not adequately cover the subject.
The best advice may be to carefully research the company and hiring manager for each job you are submitting your resume for and to craft a specific resume and cover letter for each job. Carefully reviewing a company website and Internet research may very well give you inside insight into the company and their practices.
Finding a job after an extended maternity leave can be a long process. In fact, it seems like the longer you were out of the workforce, the longer it takes to become employed again. Try focusing your efforts on professionally representing your time off and be as honest as you can. Remember that finding a job is a job in itself so stay positive, craft custom resumes and cover letters whenever possible and use your interview as a chance to really showcase what you can offer the company.

Many job seekers erroneously believe that searching for a job during the holiday season is a waste of time. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the holiday season, the time between Thanksgiving and the New Year, is often one of the best times to look for a new job. This is true for several reasons. First, there is often less competition because so many job seekers suspend their job search during these months. Second, corporations with hiring budgets are often looking to ‘spend off’ their remaining budgets, making it easier to find an ideal position. The key is utilizing unique opportunities available to job seekers during the holiday season and remaining positive.
For those looking for a job during the holiday’s, the following tips should be carefully reviewed and considered as part of their ‘survival guide’:
- Remain upbeat: Those that have been searching for a new position for an extended period of time often find their mood flagging during the holiday season. Depression can quickly lead to wasted job seeking opportunities, so be sure to remain positive. If needed, create a schedule for yourself, providing at least one job-seeking task each day. Remember to treat your job search like it is a job in itself.
- Use holiday parties to network: You never know where the next opportunity will come from, and holiday parties offer the perfect opportunity to network and increase your visibility. Whether attending family parties or industry events, put on your best face, be positive and network. Holiday parties are the best opportunity for networking around.
- Holiday greetings: While the old ‘Merry Christmas’ cards are considered politically incorrect, Holiday Greeting cards offer the perfect opportunity to reconnect with industry contacts or potential employers. Be sure to include your business card or contact information in the card to fully take advantage of this opportunity.
- Regularly review postings: Remember that as the year comes to a close, many businesses are struggling to fill open positions before their budget ‘resets.’ Keep checking classified ads and online listings and keep in close contact with your headhunter to ensure that you don’t miss any opportunities.
- Consider seasonal work: While seasonal work isn’t the ideal opportunity, especially for those looking for executive positions, sometimes taking a seasonal position can be beneficial. The act of working again can do wonders for depression and if you are lucky enough to land a seasonal position in your field or industry, help keep your name visible. Oh, and might I add one very important thing: DISCOUNTS.
Don’t use the holiday season as an excuse to forgo your job seeking activities. Instead, try to remember that the months in-between Thanksgiving and the New Year can offer plum employment opportunities. Use your survival guide to take advantage of the unique opportunities the holiday season can present.
Above all, remain committed to your job seeking activities. Failing to do so during the holidays can quickly ruin any momentum you currently have.

More and more of my clients are telling me that their first interview is a phone interview. Today, it is common to participate in a phone interview as a first step. Phone interviews are designed to weed out candidates who are not a good fit for the company, in spite of their qualifications. Taking the time to understand the phone interview process and following a few common sense tips can help make your phone interview successful. Remember, that in order to land the all-important in person interview, your first hurdle is the phone interview.
Phone interviews should be thought of as any other interview. This means preparing for a phone interview just as you would a ‘real’ interview. Researching the company to which you have applied, developing a list of thought provoking questions, being well rested and eating prior to the interview are all important steps–hint: don’t eat anything sugary before the interview or you might be likely to “crash” 20 minutes into your conversation–trust me on this one. You may even want your coffee handy as it will give you the boost you need, and keep you feeling and sounding alert. The phone interview is a unique opportunity to sell yourself using just your words. Be sure to have prepared responses to typical interview questions and be prepared to put your best ‘voice’ forward.
Just like an in-person interview has etiquette rules that must be followed, so does a phone interview. Being mindful of the etiquette of phone interviews is critical for successfully completing the stage of the interview process.
- Interview at home: This is the best way to ensure you have a quiet environment for the interview. Participating in a phone interview while driving, while at a restaurant or another noisy environment is a sure way to appear distracted and disinterested. Stay at home for your interview and make sure the house is peaceful. Stay in one spot to avoid sounding like you are walking or breathless. If sitting, sit straight up.
- Make adequate plans: Be sure to plan for the interview. If you have children, arrange for a caregiver during the interview process. Allow for adequate time before scheduling other interviews or appointments. Interruptions are in poor form so be sure to plan adequately in order to avoid them. Tell friends and family you will be interviewing at that time and NOT to call or stop by.
- Your voice matters: Because phone interviews are solely auditory, your voice matters. Be sure to focus not only on being articulate and intelligent but also on showing enthusiasm and excitement. As always, take your time when answering, but avoid sounding bored or slow.
- Be relevant: Interviews conducted over the phone have one major downfall for the applicant: it is easy to become complacent or to get off topic. Be sure to focus your answers on relevant information and experience. Avoid veering off topic or becoming too personal. Professionalism and relevance are critical for success.
- Smile. How many times have you talked to someone who was smiling on the other end of the phone? You can literally feel the smile. Smiling projects self-confidence and a cheery disposition.
If you prepare for a phone interview just like any other interview, the process becomes simplified. Being aware of what the interviewer is looking for, and tailoring your responses and answers to these needs is equally important.

My brother-in-law just bought a car for my nephew off of Craigslist. I know NOTHING about Craigslist. The little I do know had negative connotations attached to it, so I decided to do some research to find out more.
While opinions differ, many believe that Craigslist can be a good place to look for jobs, as long as the job seeker takes the appropriate precautions.
Craigslist can be thought of as the biggest electronic classified site in the world. Designed to be easily searchable and typically free, it is the perfect place to advertise everything from lost pets to open positions. The simple search functions which allow users to browse local listings through clearly marked categories, makes finding a job or other service or item easy. Understanding how to make Craigslist work for a job seeker is another matter entirely.
First, realize that in most cases, potential employers can place ads for free. While there are some options that require a payment (ranging between $25.00 and $75.00), most options are free of charge. This means almost every company can advertise on Craigslist without breaking their budget. While this can be positive, it can also lead to potential scams. Understanding that not every post is legitimate and learning how to recognize a scam helps job seekers stays safe. The best way to protect yourself is to regularly review their posted information regarding scams and fraudulent advertisements and by using caution when posting a resume.
It is equally important to protect your identity. Never post full contact information. Instead, rely on a simple cell phone number or an email address. This way, job seekers can carefully evaluate open positions and offers without risking identity theft.
Next, users must understand how Craigslist works. It can be somewhat daunting to narrow down the massive database to jobs that are appealing, appropriate and located in the correct geographical area. Craigslist utilizes lists and drop down menu’s to help users drill down to the information they are looking for. By spending the time to review options and select appropriate choices, it is possible to find job postings that will work.
Craigslist can be an excellent resource for job seekers. It can be especially helpful for those looking for employment in smaller companies. Understanding not only how Craigslist works but also how to protect your identity and information is all that is needed in order to be successful with this service. Be smart about it, research and know the service before you use it.
A word of warning: when using Craigslist, or any service, if the job sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Proceed with caution.

As students near graduation from college, or are starting back to class, more often than not their thoughts turn financial. Whether they chose a major with an end career in mind or they use their college education as a springboard for new opportunities, all students must consider their return on investment. With the cost of higher education averaging anywhere from $9,000 – $35,000 per year, a lucrative life after graduation is becoming even more important. In a competitive economy, having a profitable degree from a highly sought after field of knowledge could be the key in gaining career success. What degrees bring in the big bucks? We’ve listed some below. All salary information comes from the 2008 NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) salary survey.
Not surprisingly, engineering majors in every category earn an average of $60,000 their first year after college. Chemical engineers are paid the most, working for a variety of companies in different fields including manufacturing, healthcare, and business. Chemical engineers design equipment and develop products. Electrical engineers rank second, with an average starting salary of around $55,000. Electrical engineers focus on the design and implementation of equipment used in all aspects of life- automobiles, aircraft, and electrical utilities. Both of these majors apply to a variety of different fields, contributing to the overall success of their earning potential. Mechanical engineers are a close third, with an average starting salary of $54,000. Mechanical engineers are also employed in a number of different industries ranging from agricultural to business.
Computer Science
As our society becomes more and more reliant on the internet and the advancements in computer related technologies and networks, working knowledge of the systems becomes a valuable tool. Computer science majors make an average of $53,000 their first year out of college. This number does include the entrepreneurs who take their computer science background and apply it to business models, advancing technologies and expanding the horizon of development.
Business markets are highly profitable, and graduates with a thorough knowledge of economics rank high in earnings potential. The average starting salary of a first year economics graduate is around $47,800. Most economics majors work in data research or consulting, and many work for the federal and state governments.
Management Information Systems
Students with an MIS degree work in all facets of business organization. They analyze businesses and contribute to a more efficient management structure. These graduates typically start in the mid $40,000 range their first year after graduation.
Finance and Accounting
Finance and accounting grads have many different options in a plethora of fields. The type of work is varied but always in demand. These positions have very valuable knowledge in intricate areas and generally start at $46,200 their first year out of school.
Business Administration and Management
This is also a lucrative field, as titans of industry are recognized by the efficacy in business management. This major is consistently one of the most popular, and for good reason- business grads can work almost anywhere! The average starting salary is $43,500 for these students, with a chance to accrue more wealth over the length of their employment term.
Keep in mind that a student’s ultimate return on investment is subjective. Yes, these types of degrees offer access to monetarily profitable careers, but it is also important to consider the subjective and completely independent determination of wealth- something that is measured differently by each person.
Job hunting is not anyone’s favorite thing to do. Neither is writing a resume either, unless you do it for a living. So when you find errors on your resume after you’ve sent it, how important are they? This just happened to a friend of mine. No sooner had her finger hit ‘send’, did she realize there was a typo in the career summary at the top of page 1. Are those mistakes really going to cause you serious problems?
Well, the answer to that is that it depends. There are many different types of errors that you might find on a resume, and while some of them are ridiculous, others are so inconsequential that no one will notice.
For example, formatting errors are more noticeable than anything else, and will leave an impression that the person who is submitting the resume doesn’t know what they’re doing. If the resume wasn’t created by you, it will still be the impression given to the employer. Ensure that your resume is properly formatted. In other words, all the edges match up, because looks do count. Pay attention to whether or not bullet points are used in appropriate places, if you have chosen to use them. Make sure everything is consistent. If you are going to capitalize your job title, make sure ALL job titles are capitalized, etc.
How important are errors on a resume? Is your contact info correct? There is a difference between the town names Brookfield and Brookville! Let’s say Person X living at 123 Main in Brookfield lands a job—but their resume says Brookville. When the job offer is mailed to the wrong address and comes back as returned mail, that’s a big problem.
Incorrect information on a resume is also a major resume no-no. Lying about previous experience or schooling is a huge problem. How important are these errors on a resume? More than likely, at some point in time, you will get caught, and your credibility could be ruined. Oh, and you’ll probably be fired, too.
When creating your resume be truthful about where you went to school, what your ranking was, and when you graduated. If you took longer to graduate, you can explain that in an interview. Past experiences are listed on your resume with the most recent on top and a description of what the job was, using as few words as possible. Many people are too wordy, which is a turn-off to employers looking for potential workers. Keep it straightforward and simple. Cut the fluff words and stick to the point.
Spelling counts for a lot and the spell-check function on your computer can be a valuable tool. Be aware of how to spell the names of personal references properly. When potential employers call to check the references with these people, they don’t wish to be embarrassed by asking for the wrong person due to the name being misspelled. You should always spell-check and proof your work obsessively, or at least 2-3 times. Beware: spell-check doesn’t catch everything. I used to always automatically type “manger” for “manager”. I don’t know why, but I did. Manger is a word so spell-check never caught it. I did though. Luckily there is a cool tool in MS Word (auto correct options) where you add the words you misspell the most and it will automatically correct them (whew!).
Really, how important are errors on a resume? It all depends on the position you are applying for. If you are looking at a small spelling mistake in a sentence, and you are applying at an auto parts store for a cashier position, then it’s probably not a big deal. However, if you are applying as a newspaper editor with that same resume, it is a big deal. In the end, your resume should still be perfect anyway.
Occasionally I get asked about recruiters, if the client should use one, how companies find them, and what recruiters do for companies. So here is a little article on what recruiters are about.
Making the best use of recruiters is something that almost all major corporations do now. Taking advantage of someone that is trained to sort through people means less hassle for the company—and why not? Less hassle means fewer headaches for those businesses.
Recruiters are people who have been trained specifically to hunt for various corporations to fill empty positions. They place ads in newspapers, online and in magazines to get the attention of any individual that might qualify for a job opening that they might have.
Taking the time to find recruiters who know what they are doing is the first important step for a company. Without excellent recruiters, corporations likely will not end up with the type of people that they want working for them.
Finding the best use of recruiters is up to the corporations that employ them, however, companies need to pick and choose where the need is for new hires in particular. In other words, will the corporation be expanding in Asia and the Western United States? If so, recruiters look for individuals who might have the ability to speak Japanese or Chinese, or are bi-lingual/fluent in other languages.
Another possibility would be if a company has decided to open a whole different operation. For example, Company A typically has been a restaurant chain. Now Company A wants to start some retail stores, and has the means to do it. Using a business plan, Company A will make the best use of recruiters by sending them out in whatever area it defines to find candidates to interview. Company A will have certain guidelines for the recruiters to go by, but the recruiters will pick the potential candidates.
Once the potential candidates are picked, recruiters will typically thin out the crowd somewhat before sending the candidates in for an interview. Recruiters take the time to sit and talk to each candidate for several minutes and are usually tuned in well enough to people that they can spot instantly who would work for the job, and who wouldn’t.
When you have recruiters who are available, it makes life much easier for the corporation. It is one less step that the Human Resources Department has to be concerned with. When there are so many other things that HR people have to do, using recruiters makes their job easier. For large corporations, making use of recruiters on a regular basis is a great benefit and saves them plenty of money. Smaller corporations on the other hand, may not see a benefit except once in a while—perhaps when searching for a new Chief Executive Officer or other high-ranking position.
So here is your little lesson on how recruiters help companies and what that means for you!
It may be true that getting an interview is half the battle, but what about the interview itself? Nerves can often overwhelm you when you are placed in the position of interviewing for a long sought after job. Learning to control your nervous habits, tics or even a stutter is one of the most important job seeking skills you should master.
It is important to consider the psychology behind nerves during an interview. Often, so much seems to ride on an interview. Desperation for a job or simple longing for a change can make an interview seem like a life or death situation. Sit back, take a deep breath and recognize that it is nothing more than a simple conversation about who you are as a potential employee. No matter how desperate your work situation is, an interview is nothing more than a chance to sell yourself. If you interview poorly, the sun will still rise the next day. By removing some of the pressure a typical interview can generate, you will already begin to realize that some of your nervousness is dissipating.
Preparation comes next. The more prepared you are for an interview, the easier it will be for you. From dress and grooming to a careful review of the company website, preparing for an interview should be done precisely. Leave nothing to chance. Collect your interview attire several days in advance and carefully review it. Have a backup suit prepared as well. Make several copies of your resume and portfolio, if needed, and have them ready. Stow a copy in your briefcase and one in your trunk. Remove all of the potential headaches the interview day may bring. If you don’t have to rush about searching for your tie or your other shoe, you are more likely to arrive at the interview with all your nerves and wits about you.
Common sense plays a role here as well. Be sure to get a good night’s rest the night before, no matter how hard it is to sleep. Eat a well balanced meal an hour or so before the interview and take several practice drives to the interview locations. Being well rested, fed and knowing exactly where you are going is a giant step in the right direction.
If you suffer from a particular nervous tick, like sweating under pressure, prepare for that as well. Practice relaxation exercises that can be performed in the waiting room or place tissue in your pocket for wiping your hands with. Try to counter each nervous tick to remain calm.
Those that suffer from a stutter have it a bit harder, but even still there are things that can be done to make the interview go more smoothly. Practice saying common words and phrases that are likely to come up during the interview. Carefully note letter or sound combinations that cause you difficulty and find alternatives before the interview so you can use them instead of the words that give you difficulty.
Confidence plays a major role in landing a job. Don’t let your nerves get the best of you. Relax, breathe and be yourself. You’ll do great!