Utilizing LinkedIn to the fullest extent is more important than many executives realize. In fact, many professionals aren’t aware of the value of posting LinkedIn updates, which is different from updating your profile. LinkedIn updates give you the opportunity to let your network know what’s going on in your professional life. When it comes to c-level personal branding, the more your name is visible with your connections, the easier it will be for them to remember you and see you as a successful professional. Here are some ways LinkedIn updates can boost your c-level personal branding.
Stay Top-of-Mind With Your Connections
The old saying “out-of-sight, out-of-mind” is true when you’re talking about personal branding as well. The more your connections see your name, the more likely they will be to click on your profile to see exactly what you’re up to. Before advertising your LinkedIn profile, be sure you’ve visited a LinkedIn profile writing service so it is optimized for viewing. The only thing to remember is you don’t want to post so many updates that your name popping up becomes an annoyance. I see those on there from time to time and scroll on by–especially if they are opinion pieces and not a helpful/interesting post. Making one or two LinkedIn updates every week is a great habit to get into.
Types of Updates to Make
So what exactly is included in a LinkedIn update. Unlike other platforms like Facebook and Twitter, you don’t want to post about your vacation or anything else you’re doing in your personal life. Instead focus on things like:
- A new professional project you’re undergoing
- A new blog you’ve written
- A new assignment within your current job
- A new certification you’ve received
- A professional seminar you’ll be attending soon
- A significant achievement made in your company
Keep your updates professional and you’ll be boosting your c-level personal branding every time you post one.
Updates Don’t Have To Be Job Search Related
LinkedIn updates can be utilized whether you’re actively searching for a job or not. Just because you’ve updated your executive profile doesn’t necessarily mean you’re advertising yourself for new opportunities. And if you are in an active job search while currently employed, it’s important to remember to keep your posts neutral so it doesn’t appear as if you are searching for a new job. You are a professional in your industry, so there’s never any harm in updating your network with your accomplishments or achievements. You can also use LI to share different articles you’ve read or comment on posts and articles that pertain to your field, showcasing your expertise.
Professional Resume Services is more than just a service that writes resumes for executives. We also help out with job searching strategies and how to boost personal branding efforts. Our LinkedIn profile writing service could be beneficial to your efforts, so never hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or need advice on how to utilize this powerful platform most effectively.
The weather can cause havoc on any occasion, and a job interview isn’t immune to being affected. You’ve spent countless hours on your LinkedIn profile development, writing an effective resume and polishing up your cover letter only to see a blizzard or powerful storm system is rolling through your area on your interview day. What are you supposed to do? Instead of letting the weather event derail your interview, take it as an opportunity to showcase your soft skills and make the most of an unexpected and unfortunate situation.
Be Proactive Instead of Reactive
When you see a major weather event is taking place on your interview day, don’t hesitate to reach out to the employer the day before the interview just to touch base. Acknowledge the storm and offer to reschedule the interview if it works best for them. You could also suggest holding a phone interview if it works with their plans. Being proactive by reaching out ahead of the weather event shows your interest in the job and that you’re aware of the events going on around you.
Take Advantage of Additional Preparation Time
Assuming your interview does get rescheduled for a couple days later, take advantage of the time to get some extra preparation in. Check in with your professional executive resume writers again if you need to, or simply focus on your LinkedIn profile development. Just be sure not to put too much focus on yourself. Learning more about the company culture and the current employees can give you the opportunity to ask insightful questions at the interview.
Be Prepared For A Video Interview
During your call with the employer, you may suggest holding a video interview to avoid traveling during harsh weather conditions. But even if you don’t make the suggestion, you have to be prepared for the employer to make the suggestion themselves. A video interview should be treated as formal as an in-person interview, from dressing appropriately to making eye contact and even reducing clutter in the background. With all the time you’ve spent writing an effective resume, you don’t want lack of preparation for a video interview to be the reason why you aren’t considered for a job.
Professional Resume Services helps executives with all aspects of their job search. Our professional executive resume writers can’t predict the weather, but they can help you be prepared for a significant weather event that delays your interview. To learn more about how our services can benefit your job search at any stage, don’t hesitate to contact us.
The popularity of video interviews is increasing by the day. With more companies offering telecommuting opportunities and wanting to save on resources like travel costs, video interviews are becoming an acceptable practice. If you haven’t been a part of a video interview yet, you likely will be at some point in the future. You’ve worked with the best professional resume writers to get to this spot, so you owe it to yourself to prepare for a video interview the best ways possible. The good news is preparing for a video interview is similar to preparing for a traditional interview. However, here are some aspects you don’t want to overlook.
Invest in The Proper Technology and Applications
Ask the potential employer which application they use for video interviews so you can download it and explore it ahead of time. Applications like Skype and Zoom are the most popular, since they are easy to use. You also want to make sure your computer is fast enough to handle a video interview so there are no delays or lag times.
Test The App Prior to The Interview
Testing the application involves making sure your camera works correctly, ensuring you can connect to the application and determining whether there are any transmission issues. You don’t want to be struggling with navigating through the app during the interview, so doing your testing well in advance will make the process seamless.
Practice With A Friend or Family Member
You may have shared your executive profile with a family member or friend to proofread, and now you can use them again to practice for a video interview. The things you should be looking for are camera angles, lighting and whether or not there is lag time when communicating. Even a one-second lag time can make it seem like you are interrupting the interviewer, so you don’t want that to be an issue.
Look Presentable
Your LinkedIn profile should have a professional headshot, and you need to match the professionalism in your video interview as well. Just because you are interviewing from your home doesn’t mean you should dress casually. It’s tempting to wear shorts and only put on a nice shirt, since the interviewers will only see your upper body. However, if you have to get up for any reason, the embarrassment of not having on dress pants could be devastating.
Eliminate Distractions
Finally, look around the room and eliminate any distractions you may have. Is there a clock that makes a sound at the top of each hour? What about any clutter in the background? All of these may seem normal to you since you live with them, but can create huge distractions during a video interview. Take the advice from the best professional resume writers and make the room you’re interviewing in look like a professional environment as much as possible.
Professional Resume Services is here to help executives develop their executive profile, LinkedIn profile, resume or anything else related to their job search. We can also provide helpful tips throughout the interview process to help you improve your chances of landing the job. Feel free to reach out to us at any time to learn more about how our services can benefit you.
Having a LinkedIn profile is important for executives today. Networking is such a critical part of business, and many professionals view LinkedIn as the best way to meet other professionals. When completing your profile, it’s important to ensure the right information is included. Sometimes a professional LinkedIn profile writer could be beneficial to provide advice and ensure you aren’t making these common mistakes.
Treating LinkedIn Like Other Social Media Platforms
It’s important to distinguish LinkedIn from Facebook, Twitter or other social media platforms. LinkedIn is a professional networking site, whereas most other platforms are more recreational. For the most part, treat LinkedIn as a way to enhance your career rather than enhancing your social encounters with friends like you would on other social media platforms.
Not Using A Professional Photo
LinkedIn is not a place to put a profile photo including your family or your pet. Use a professional headshot if available, or at the very least, find the most professional-looking photo of you that you have. The LinkedIn profile photo is one of the first things a person looks at, and an unprofessional photo can instantly give your credibility a hit.
Having an Incomplete Profile
Nothing tells a person you’re not totally committed to LinkedIn networking like having an incomplete profile. If someone sees your profile is incomplete, they will likely be hesitant to reach out to you, since they aren’t convinced you keep up with it and are active. A professional LinkedIn profile writer can help you fill out your profile appropriately.
Exaggerating Skills or Expertise
Whether it’s in your LinkedIn profile, your executive profile or anywhere else, it’s never advisable to exaggerate your skills or expertise. Being honest will benefit you in the long-term, and your LinkedIn profile is included in this. If you are dishonest about any of your accomplishments, the dishonesty will eventually be exposed and you will have to deal with a potentially tarnished reputation as a result.
Not Incorporating A Mix of Information
Yes, LinkedIn is a professional social networking site. However, not every single person is professional every minute of every day. Even hiring managers want to know what you do in your free time outside of work. Include a mix of personal information, such as volunteer projects, what you do for fun and anything else you deem appropriate. Demonstrating you have a life outside of work is just as important as demonstrating your professional expertise.
Professional Resume Services assists job seekers and networkers by boosting their LinkedIn profile in creative ways. Sometimes you just need a professional LinkedIn profile writer to fill in the gaps or organize information in a way to make your profile more attractive. If you have any questions regarding LinkedIn or your profile specifically, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time.
LinkedIn is constantly evolving and providing new features for its users. As such, a job seeker’s LinkedIn profile development has to also evolve constantly in order to keep up with the competition. It’s entirely possible to have created a LinkedIn profile, filled it out completely, but still aren’t having the success you expected. Don’t give up! You may just not be utilizing the right features. So if you’ve ever asked yourself, “how can I attract recruiters to my executive LinkedIn profile?” we’ve got some tips on specific features to help you out.
“How You Rank”
The “How You Rank” tool on LinkedIn helps you see how often your profile gets viewed in comparison to the amount of connections you have. As a job seeker, you want your profile to be viewed as much as possible so you’ll be noticed more and be seen as an influencer. Being in the top 25% on the “How You Rank” tool should be a goal to strive for, since you will be getting a high amount of profile views at that level.
Another benefit of the tool is to see who is most influential within your network. The more active a user is, the more likely they will be willing to interact with you. And on a similar note, an active user is likely the person you want to interact with anyway, since they could be a more valuable connection to strengthen your job search.
Join and Be Active in Groups
If you aren’t sure how to optimize your LinkedIn profile in order to improve your “How You Rank” score, the best way to do so is by joining groups and being active in them. There are thousands of LinkedIn groups available, so find a handful of relevant ones and start connecting with the group members. The more active you are in groups, the more your profile will be viewed, and the higher your “How You Rank” score will climb.
Enhance Original Content With The Publishing Platform
Creating original content is another great way to improve your LinkedIn profile development. Now LinkedIn has a tool to allow you to publish your content under your profile photo, the header and at the top of your profile. This feature makes it easier than ever before to share your insightful content to anyone who views your profile. Now all you have to do is go to work to write the content, and the LinkedIn publishing platform will help you easily distribute it within your network.
Professional Resume Services helps executives with LinkedIn profile development every day. LinkedIn is one of the most valuable tools for job seekers, but it also has to be used properly in order to be effective. If you aren’t sure how to optimize your LinkedIn profile, or would like more tips about how to best use it effectively, contact us at any time for a consultation.
Effective communication skills used to be added benefits for an executive job seeker, but nowadays it’s a requirement. You’re expected to have top notch communication skills, so if you’re struggling with your job search, it may be time to look into boosting that aspect. Sometimes people don’t even realize they are communicating ineffectively on paper or in person until they hear it from professional executive resume writers. The good news is identifying any potential flaws is generally straightforward and fixing them is entirely possible. Here are some must-have communication strategies for every executive job seeker.
Communicate Clearly on Paper
Your resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile are the three main components any hiring manager will look at. Since you never know which one they will look at first, all three have to be worded clearly and concisely. The key to effective written communication is telling your reader why you are the best candidate for the job in as few words as possible. Even an expert writer needs someone to look over their work to ensure the proper message is being presented, and professional executive resume writers can be that resource.
Validate Written Skills With Great Interpersonal Communication
Being a well-rounded communicator means your written skills need to be backed up by your verbal communication. Your verbal communication skills are put to the test every time you talk to someone, whether it’s at a networking event, a career fair or even a job interview. You have a chance to boost your c-level personal branding every time you say a word, so choose each word wisely and practice effective communication regularly. The worst thing you can do is call yourself an effective communicator in your resume, but your speech isn’t as polished as you make it sound on paper.
Control Your Online Presence
Your online presence is huge in today’s world. Many executives make the mistake of thinking if they don’t utilize social media and don’t create an account for a LinkedIn profile, then they won’t have an online presence to worry about. The reality is their online presence is still there, but they just don’t have any control over it if they choose to ignore it. Align your online communications with your c-level personal branding and control the message you want people to know about you.
Professional Resume Services places a big emphasis on communication every time we meet with an executive. It’s important for your resume style to match your interpersonal communication style, so we take the time to understand your strengths and weaknesses clearly. Communication is such a vital part of an executive job search, so contact us if you need help developing or tweaking yours.
One of the most common misconceptions about an executive job search is thinking a flawless resume will guarantee you a job. It will definitely help your chances if you use one of the top resume writing services to perfect your resume, but there are many more components to a successful job search. The strategy you develop for your search and how you interact with people are two of the biggest pieces of the job searching puzzle, along with your written resume and cover letter. Here are some important points to keep in mind during your job search.
Networking is a critical part of being an executive and promoting your brand, and it’s even more important when searching for a job. The first thing to do is optimize your LinkedIn profile so you can easily be discovered and your connections will know who you are and what you bring to the table. LinkedIn is usually one of the top resources other executives and hiring managers use to search for candidates, so taking the time to update yours is well worth the effort.
Develop A Job Search Strategy
Using an online job board to submit applications has never been a recommended job search strategy. The sheer amount of applicants to these postings make it virtually impossible for you to stand out. Modernize your approach by attending networking events and shaping up your resume with one of the top resume writing services. Refocusing your efforts by utilizing LinkedIn and ensuring your executive profile is in great shape will make you more recognizable.
Perfect Your Cover Letter
Your cover letter gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself, similar to your LinkedIn profile. The only difference is your cover letter is usually presented to a potential employer at the same time as your resume. So if your cover letter doesn’t earn enough interest from the reader, then they may not even look at your resume or LinkedIn profile at all. The top resume writing services can help with all three of these aspects.
Practice Interviewing
Your people skills in groups can help you earn an interview, but you also have to master the one-on-one communication. Ask a friend or family member to help you by doing a mock interview. The tougher the questions are in your mock interview, the better prepared you’ll be for your real interview. Interviews are all about confidence and how you present yourself. You may be the most qualified candidate, but if you appear hesitant to answer questions or lack confidence, your chances of getting the job will diminish.
Professional Resume Services is here to help you throughout your job searching process. Whether it’s developing a quality executive profile, optimizing your LinkedIn profile or providing basic resume writing tips, our main goal is to help you achieve your goals. Feel free to contact us at any time for tips about the executive job searching process, writing resumes and much more.

A job is one of the top sources for stress in people. And since most of us work, we all have to deal with stress at some point. Dealing with and managing stress isn’t always easy, but it is possible. In fact, employers will often ask job candidates how they handle stress at work. This isn’t something you generally put in your executive resume, but it’s an important component of being successful with a job. Here are some of the most common ways people handle stress at work.
Work On Time Management Skills
Sometimes 24 hours in a day just doesn’t seem like enough to do everything you need to do. Prioritizing your list of to-do items is one of the first steps you can take for better time management. If possible, schedule certain blocks of time to complete a task and reduce distractions as much as possible so you can get it done. Many people handle stress by avoiding certain work and doing things. Avoidance only increases stress levels because it is always there in the back of your mind, bugging you. Start delegating! Delegate what you don’t want to deal with. Can’t even think about updating your LinkedIn profile? Let a LinkedIn profile writer do it for you instead. When I have too much on my plate, I ask my assistant Jennie to take some of it over. What a weight off my chest. Take the pressure off yourself by having someone else do it.
Make Lists! Not sure how to go about your daily jobs for work? Create a list! I love lists, mostly because I love crossing off the items. Now, every morning I make a list of what I need to do and I even do subheadings with things like: Email, Project Updates, Calls, etc. It keeps me ultra organized and I get them done.
Know Your Limits
Saying “no” to anyone is hard at a job, but sometimes you have to in order to keep your sanity and a high work productivity. When you say “yes” to someone, you are essentially saying “no” to another task you already had to complete. It may take time, but knowing your limits will help you manage your stress and saying “no” at the appropriate times. There is nothing wrong with turning something down.. especially if it is someone else’s work. It’s great to help out, but not at the expense of your own workload and piece of mind.
Take A Break
Taking breaks throughout the day can help clear your mind enough to refocus when you get back. Go on a short walk or just sit outside and get your mind off of work for a few minutes. These relaxing minutes can translate into more productive time once you get back to your desk.
Talk With Your Supervisor
If your job duties are simply too overwhelming for you, and there’s no end in sight, you may want to talk with your supervisor about re-assigning duties. You don’t want to work yourself into the ground to the point where you make a brash decision to quit on the spot. That wouldn’t look good for your executive resume biography, and your supervisor may have a simple solution to help you.
Evaluate Your Workplace Satisfaction
If you’ve done everything imaginable to reduce your stress and nothing has worked, it may be time to gain an overall perspective of your workplace satisfaction. Being unhappy with your job can create stress on its own, and sometimes you can’t do anything to make it better. In situations like this, it may be time to visit a professional resume writing service to brush up your resume and look for new opportunities.
Stress plays a big role in the success or failure of any employee, so contact us at any time if there’s any way we can help reduce your stress level.