Changing jobs and career paths is not unheard of. In fact, it is quite common. Many people realize after they have spent time in a career that they want something new. In some cases this is returning to a previous career path. The reasons for this choice are many and varied for each person. The… Read more »
Search Results for: job search
Projecting a Professional Image
By now everyone has heard about people being hired and then either dismissed during the probationary period or shunned to the back room because of tattoos and/or piercings. Because these displays of individuality are becoming more common, you might not give it a second thought when you arrive at your interview with a nose ring…. Read more »
What NOT to Include on Your Resume
Your resume is valuable real estate. It needs to be kept as brief as possible while highlighting your past employment and skills in the best possible light. Therefore, it’s important to include the best of the best on your resume. While it’s important to include as much positive information as possible, it is equally important to know… Read more »
Should You Dumb Down Your Resume?
You have worked hard and maybe even hired a professional, but you finally have a fantastic resume that highlights every positive aspect of your career perfectly. You have followed every hint for networking and job search that you can find mentioned anywhere. After all of that you are still not getting called in for interviews… Read more »
Maintaining a Professional Distance
One place where many people fail at work is in maintaining a professional distance between them and colleagues. This is primarily a problem for young and inexperienced workers because they are not used to being in a business environment. This can be especially problematic for those looking for a new job. It’s normal to look… Read more »
Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?
The question, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” is considered to not only be one of the most hated and laziest questions asked during an interview, but also the most common. Because you are certain to be asked this question at least once during your job search process, it’s a good idea to… Read more »
You Prepared for the Interview…Did you Prepare your References?
A great resume and fantastic cover letter will get you an interview. What happens from there has a lot to do with you, and if you nail the interview, then you need to be sure that the final factor in the job search process – your references – are prepared to help you seal the… Read more »
Aggressive or Assertive: Which Are You?
In order to have a successful job search you need to be outgoing, resilient, and be able to put yourself out there. You can’t afford to be passive. If you are passive, you may lose out on opportunities, or come off as incompetent in an interview. So the other choices are to be aggressive or… Read more »