Search Results for: job search

The Essential Resume Tool: KEYWORDS

Keywords are an essential piece to a well-written resume. Why? Because they are the words that describe what you do. They also let the reader know immediately whether or not you are a potential candidate for them. Keywords are “buzz” words or industry specific jargon that communicates a message about your qualifications, accomplishments, credentials or… Read more »

Work-at-Home Career Options for Seniors

(**I found this article online and thought it might be of interest to you)               WORK AT HOME OPTIONS FOR SENIORS The older generation today may prefer a home based career for a number of reasons. You can save a great deal of your time and energy, as you don’t have to travel long distances… Read more »

Brand New Website!

Brand New Web Site                                            I have been MIA lately… it’s not that I haven’t wanted to blog, I really have, it’s just that I’ve been doing something really exciting and had to wait until it was completed until I could blog again. It was worth the wait. I launched a new website. It’s been a… Read more »

Personality/Behavioral Assessments- The New Hiring Tool?

PERSONALITY/BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENTS– THE NEW HIRING TOOL? These days, just because you have your Masters or Bachelors degree from the right school with the right major, doesn’t necessarily make you the right candidate for the job. More and more companies are requiring potential employees take a personality or behavioral assessment to help identify a candidate’s work… Read more »

Employment Background Checks

Background Checks and Candidate Research– Hype or a Reality? For the last few years we’ve been hearing more and more about celebrities or high-powered executives being publicly cast as liars after being caught lying on a resume. Why did these people do it? Didn’t they know they would get caught? Well, probably hoping they wouldn’t… Read more »

Answering the Question, "What are your salary requirements?"

ANSWERING THE QUESTION: “WHAT ARE YOUR SALARY REQUIREMENTS?” Let’s look at what you should do if salary comes up in the early stages of the interview: “First, YOU SHOULD NEVER BRING THE TOPIC UP! Never, never, never bring up salary questions until you have a JOB OFFER! But, if they bring it up, you have… Read more »