Search Results for: job search

Why Should You Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter?

It may be easier to write one cover letter and resume and use it for every job to which you want to apply. However, if you’re trying to build the best executive resume to help you stand apart from the other candidates, this is a serious mistake. It’s critical to learn as much as you can about… Read more »

What Employers Look for on LinkedIn

Today, it’s more important than ever for individuals to pay close attention to their LinkedIn profile to boost their chances of getting hired. In fact, some employers conduct candidate searches on this popular social media site. This means you need to pay close attention to the makeup of your executive profile before you click the… Read more »

How to Write a Fantastic Executive Cover Letter

Resumes aren’t the only thing you have to worry about when you’re trying to land the job you’ve always wanted. In fact, resumes and cover letters work together to attract the attention of employers and give them the information needed to make a decision. An executive resume writing service can help you create an effective cover letter… Read more »

How Do You Create a Personal Brand?

When you hear the term, branding, what comes to mind? Most people think of businesses and the logos and slogans they use to capture the attention of their target audience. In the world of resumes and cover letters, your C-level personal branding isn’t all that different. When writing an effective resume, you need to focus on… Read more »

Everything You Should Know About Salary Negotiation

When you’re looking for a new job, you likely have a salary goal in mind. As you’re writing a professional resume, you begin thinking about what you’re really worth. However, when you’re presented with a job offer, you may feel like you either have to take it or leave it. However, this is not the case…. Read more »

Make LinkedIn and Other Social Media Profiles Your Second Resume

If you’re seeking an executive-level position and you’re not on social media, you need to be. A growing number of employers peruse top candidates’ social media accounts as part of the hiring process. The key to making social media sites work in your favor is to use them strategically. How Do Employers Use Social Media?… Read more »

Should You Add Keywords to Your C-Level Resume?

Keywords in a resume? Who needs them? If you’re trying to land a c-level position, you need them! More than three quarters of employers rely on keywords to narrow their vast pool of applicants to choose the most promising and bring them to the interview stage. Why Keywords Are Important in a Resume Recruiters looking for the… Read more »

4 Things the Yahoo CEO Scandal Can Teach You

When Scott Thompson was tapped to lead Yahoo! in May 2012, those who recruited him were sure his stellar resume and outstanding credentials made him the man to take the e-commerce giant to the next level. When Thompson resigned about six months later, those same people wished they had done their due diligence when it… Read more »