Search Results for: cover letters

What Are the Best Internet Job Boards for C-Level Executives?

You hire an executive resume writer to help you perfect resumes and cover letters, but how are you actually finding the ideal job? There are many job boards where people can network and make connections that can lead to new career opportunities. However, general job boards won’t provide the same results as niche markets. When you… Read more »

Should You Hire a Resume Writing Service?

As the saying goes, “it takes money to make money.” That definitely holds true for job seekers. New interview clothes and shoes, dry-cleaning, gasoline – these expenses add up, especially if you are a job seeker currently between positions. Should you take on the additional expense of hiring a resume service? The answer depends. Just… Read more »

Costly Resume Mistakes and Their Simple Fixes

First impressions are lasting impressions. Unless potential employers are considering internal candidates, their first impressions of job candidates come from resumes and cover letters. Make a good first impression and improve your odds of moving to the next level in the hiring process. Fail to impress (or worse, succeed in making a bad impression) and… Read more »

Weird Interview Questions CEOs Like to Ask

We are accustomed to any number of conventional interview questions, and everyone has their favorites. But many shrewd CEOs and executives are digging a little deeper, looking beyond what they see in a job candidates’ executive profiles, resumes and cover letters. They are asking some very unusual interview questions designed to reveal more of your personality… Read more »

Online Authority is Essential for Professionals

Professional resume and executive resume services have always emphasized the importance of networking for those interested in finding a job or moving ahead in their career plans. This is because the interactions we have with others in our industries creates a background impression that job applications, resumes, and cover letters are viewed against. People see… Read more »

Think Grammar Doesn't Matter? Think Again!

When it comes to grammar and spelling mistakes, there are usually two kinds of people: those who see it and those who don’t. If you are a member of the latter group, it is kind of like being colorblind. You know there is a difference when it is pointed out to you, but it really… Read more »

Does Your Resume Need A Gimmick?

There’s a lot of competition out there when you are looking for a job. Sometimes you might think you need a gimmick, something to get the attention of the employer and make you stand out from the crowd. A recent WSJ article, “In Tough Job Market, Applicants Try Resume Gimmicks” has some doozies. After all,… Read more »

Announcing A New Service: The Resume Critique

One of the challenges with writing your own resume and cover letter is the nagging suspicion that you missed something. After all, even if you are an excellent writer, you probably don’t write resumes and cover letters professionally.  If you have been submitting your well-written resume with no results, that nagging suspicion strengthens into a… Read more »