Search Results for: job search

Should you Hire a Resume Writing Service?

REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT HIRE A RESUME WRITING SERVICE If you live in Michigan, or anywhere else in our country, let’s face it. The economy stinks. People are getting laid off and companies are closing down or outsourcing to other countries practically on a daily basis. So, what good would hiring a… Read more »

2-Minute Commercial

DEVELOPING YOUR 2-MINUTE COMMERCIAL At some point in your job search you will be asked to tell something about yourself. Focus on what you have to offer. This is like a television commercial about you. A commercial sells products. Therefore, you should emphasize those strengths and qualifications most suited to the position you are pursuing…. Read more »

Negative Influences

Don’t Fall Prey to Negative Influences With the economic downturn, unemployment rates rising and the job market seemingly getting tighter, it is easy to get depressed about your job search. Being from Michigan, I am inundated daily either via the television, radio, internet, or newspaper with gloom and doom about our economy at it’s worst… Read more »