Search Results for: job search

Is Your Executive Resume Overdue for a Revamp?

Executives commonly make the mistake of not updating their resume until they are in need of a job. However, the one certain thing about job security is the uncertainty of it. You could have a job one day and get laid off the next due to a number of circumstances. That just means you need… Read more »

Executives: Should You Bother With Referrals?

One of the biggest questions for many executives is whether it’s worth bothering with referrals when searching for a new job. Some people feel it’s unnecessary, especially if you have a lot of work experience. However, with the importance of networking in today’s business world, referrals ultimately go hand-in-hand. Even executive resume services will tell… Read more »

Professional Resume Services Receives a CERM Award

March 3, 2017: Professional Resume Services is pleased to announce a member of their writing staff has been granted a Certified Executive Resume Master (CERM) award, as bestowed by Career Directors International. This award comes with the title of “Certified Executive Resume Master,” currently held by 18 resume professionals internationally, including owner, Erin Kennedy. With… Read more »

Do These Myths About LinkedIn Help or Harm?

LinkedIn is one of the best online social networking tools you can use to help land the job you want. However, there are some myths you need to know of in order to completely reap the benefits of your LinkedIn profile service. Some of them are helpful to know about, while others could completely put… Read more »

Our Guide to Creating a Better Targeted Resume for Executives

Finding a job in the 21st century requires both the ability to self-promote and a bit of marketing savvy. With the invention of sites like LinkedIn, it is now easier than ever to show prospective employers what you can offer them. Having top-notch resumes and cover letters is vital when trying to get taken seriously… Read more »

Why Aren’t I Getting Hired?

As a Resume Writer and Career Coach, one of the questions I get asked the most is “Why can’t I find a job?” So many job seekers become frustrated during their search because they expect instant results-and that rarely happens in a job search.  Hunting for a new job is tough, it just is. However,… Read more »

A Simple Guide to Sharing Your Executive Resume on the Internet

Congratulations! You’ve finally got your executive resume polished and ready to share with the world. Whether you used the best executive resume writing service or you crafted the perfect resume yourself, it’s time to show it off. Believe it or not, there are some things you need to look out for when sharing your executive… Read more »

Functional or Chronological: Which Is the More Effective Format for Your Resume?

The differences in resume formatting seem to be a little-known fact among job hunters. Most people have learned to write out a resume in one way or another and learn about any alternative methods later on in life, either when they no longer are submitting resumes to recruiters or are in the throes of a… Read more »