Search Results for: interview questions

Is it Bad Etiquette to Ask For Another Job While Interviewing?

A lot of people will browse a company’s website and see if they have open jobs available, nothing wrong with that and some people will even apply to more than one job while on the page. Nothing wrong with that either. It’s when you get to the interview phase that things can become tricky. Job… Read more »

8 Common Sense Interview Tips

**I am a member of the Career Collective, a group of resume writers and career coaches.  Each month, all members discuss a certain topic.  This month, we are talking about common job search misconceptions. Please follow our tweets on Twitter #careercollective.  You can also view the other member’s interesting posts at the end of the… Read more »

How to ace a phone interview

More and more of my clients are telling me that their first interview is a phone interview. Today, it is common to participate in a phone interview as a first step. Phone interviews are designed to weed out candidates who are not a good fit for the company, in spite of their qualifications. Taking the… Read more »

10 Things You Should Always Bring With You to an Interview

The current state of the economy and the job market has made it almost impossible to find a job. If you want to be one of the “chosen” to land an interview, you must be at the top of your game. No longer is it enough to simply appear at an interview dressed in a… Read more »

Interview Responses to Avoid at All Costs

An interview is your opportunity to sell yourself. Regardless of how much you may look the part, you need to answer the questions correctly to get the job. Interviewers ask key questions and look for certain types of answers. Honesty is always the best policy, but remember that it is okay not to offer information… Read more »

Interview with a Recruiter

Interview with a Recruiter Recently, I had the pleasure of having a conversation with a smart, straight-talking recruiter, Peggy McKee. Peggy McKee is the owner of PHC Consulting. Her firm specializes in matching medical and laboratory sales reps/candidates with companies, and does so with great success. Despite the economic downturn, Peggy’s company has flourished and… Read more »

How to Put a Positive Spin on Your Employment Gaps

Job gaps are a chapter of life that nearly all employed workers will experience at some time. For personal reasons, economic reasons, or other reasons, occasionally job gaps can be stigmatized by prospective hiring executives. In the proper light, however, you can turn those job gaps into effective, positive differentiators that prove your endurance, flexibility,… Read more »

Did Coronavirus Send You to the Unemployment Line? How One Candidate is Bouncing Back

Adam has spent the last 10 years building a successful career as an innovative Information Technology Manager for a major Tier 1 automotive supplier.  Due to the Coronavirus pandemic hindering our country’s automotive industry, Adam is currently on furlough, receiving unemployment benefits to help make up for some of his lost income, and is truly… Read more »