Search Results for: job search

Five Ways You Can Nail Your Winter Job Hunt

It can be very tempting to shut down, or slow down, your job search during the winter months. When you get caught up in the holiday season, it can seem like you just don’t have enough time to put the effort you need into searching for your perfect job. However, companies generally do not stop… Read more »

Our Top Three Secrets Regarding the Job Hunting Process

Once you’ve made the decision to start your career or change careers, you’ve finished the easy part. Now the job hunting process begins, and it can be mentally and physically draining. The first thing you have to learn is the key to writing an effective resume in order to have a chance at landing the… Read more »

Three Little-Known Ways the Internet Can Help You Land a New Job

Depending on how you use the Internet and social media, you could accelerate your job search or cause it to crash and burn. Thousands of jobs are posted online every day and there are many more thousands of people searching for jobs. Statistics show your chances of getting a job solely through an online presence… Read more »

Five Ways to Make the Most of Your Next Executive Job Fair

Job fairs used to be designed for entry-level positions and students looking for their first job. However, executive job fairs have become more popular in recent years because they help executives get their name out to companies and recruiters. Whether you’re actively looking for a job or just want to learn more about different options,… Read more »

How Social Media and Job Boards Can Work Hand in Hand

While social media is a relatively new development, it has made waves around the world thanks to its exceptionally wide reach. It can now be used to influence the world, whether it’s through helping others form lasting friendships or simply staying in touch with those they love, inspire political change or even communicate consumer needs… Read more »

What Not to Do as a 50+ Job Seeker

Navigating today’s demanding and ever-changing job market is tough—no matter what age you are. If you’re 50 or over, however, learning the ropes can be even more of a challenge. It’s highly likely that it’s been years upon years since you last searched for a job, and the market has changed tenfold since you were… Read more »

Are Job Boards Still Worth the Effort?

Make no mistake about it: job boards are a thing of the past. In the past, you may have posted your resume on a job board and had a reasonable shot at getting a new job opportunity; however, the way skilled workers find jobs has changed. The vast majority of these boards have become black… Read more »