When you are looking for a job, there are different types of ads to which you will respond. Some will be Craigslist style where you send your resume to a recruiter via a randomized email address. Others will be ads with an Apply button that you click. This button may take you to a company… Read more »
Search Results for: job search
How A Professional Resume Defines Your Image
When you are out searching for a job it is very likely that you will never even see your potential employers, let alone meet them, until you get an interview. You will be giving your professional resume and applications to receptionists and other employees. While you want to provide an image of who you are,… Read more »
Why Your Curriculum Vitae Is Too Short
There are times when you will not use a traditional resume when applying for a job. You may need to use a functional resume, a professional or executive resume, or you may need to use a curriculum vitae. A curriculum vitae is typically used when you: Are applying for an academic position or a research… Read more »
Defining Your Career Objective
One of the most often used phrases on a resume is usually found under the heading “Career Objective,”or “Career Summary” and the same phrase is used over and over without regard to profession. It’s a generic phrase that your career objective is to find a job somewhat related to the degree you studied for in… Read more »
Workplace Gossip is a Career Killer
Some people never really leave high school. Even as adults you will still find them hanging out and spreading the latest gossip. The problem is that no matter how they go about it, a workplace gossip is killing their own career. It’s one thing to spend a few minutes chatting about the latest ball scores… Read more »
Cover Letter Tone: Formal or Friendly?
When creating cover letters, a common mistake is to essentially use the same letter every time. Many applicants change nothing more than the name of the company. This is a bad idea and you can be certain that your generic letter is seen as such by those who read it. The other common mistake is… Read more »
Why December is a Great Month For Hiring
What A Resume Is NOT
So often, when researching how to put together a resume, the posts and articles are a lot of “a resume is this,” and “a resume should have this,” but often, there is no information about what is dangerous or unnecessary in a resume. That is what this post is for–to help you understand what a resume… Read more »