Search Results for: job search

Video Resumes: Love 'em or leave 'em?

The movie Legally Blonde showed Elle Woods, a young woman wowing Harvard Law School with a video résumé outlining her unique and interesting talents. While video résumés are still not the norm, many wonder if the best way to differentiate themselves from others is to use video instead of the traditional paper résumé. While an… Read more »

September is "International Update Your Resume Month"

It’s that time of year again, folks! September is International Update Your Résumé Month, officially proclaimed by Career Directors International (CDI). During the entire month, CDI members will dedicate their efforts to boosting industry awareness and encouraging the public to update their own résumés. Since most careers require a résumé in order to gain employment,… Read more »

Blog Review…

I read a lot of blogs. A lot. I want to read even more, but it gets overwhelming when I see my Google Reader overflowing with unread blog posts. So, I got to thinking that if I did it for “research” it would actually be job related. Yes, I am justifying my blog reading addiction…. Read more »

Watch your tone!

Ever have one of those moments when you are emailing someone, send off the email, and then think, ‘did I sound harsh/dumb/silly/desperate/bored ___? ‘ (feel free to fill in the blank with your own adjective). These days, an online presence is more important than ever for job seekers and entrepreneurs. It’s a lightening fast way… Read more »

The Essential Resume Tool: KEYWORDS

Keywords are an essential piece to a well-written resume. Why? Because they are the words that describe what you do. They also let the reader know immediately whether or not you are a potential candidate for them. Keywords are “buzz” words or industry specific jargon that communicates a message about your qualifications, accomplishments, credentials or… Read more »

Work-at-Home Career Options for Seniors

(**I found this article online and thought it might be of interest to you)               WORK AT HOME OPTIONS FOR SENIORS The older generation today may prefer a home based career for a number of reasons. You can save a great deal of your time and energy, as you don’t have to travel long distances… Read more »

Brand New Website!

Brand New Web Site                                            I have been MIA lately… it’s not that I haven’t wanted to blog, I really have, it’s just that I’ve been doing something really exciting and had to wait until it was completed until I could blog again. It was worth the wait. I launched a new website. It’s been a… Read more »