Working on your personal brand is more important now than ever before. Executives have typically considered their c-level personal branding as being associated with and representing the company they work for. However, the notion has shifted into marketing yourself as a person rather than as a part of a company. When you work for a… Read more »
Search Results for: online brand
Protecting Your Executive Image Online
There are many reasons why you need to keep a clean executive image online, and most of them are obvious. The good thing is, in most cases, you have complete control over your online presence. The importance of c-level personal branding can’t be understated, whether you are searching for a job or have a steady… Read more »
Here Are Five Myths About Personal Branding You Absolutely Shouldn’t Believe!
Everyone has a personal brand, whether they know it or not. It’s important for everyone to clearly define their personal brand, but it’s especially critical for high-level executives. As C-level personal branding has increased in importance, the myths surrounding it have also grown in number and prevalence. The truth is many people believe these myths,… Read more »
Five Tips for Personal Brand Creation and Maintenance
So you’ve learned the importance of a personal brand and have made the decision to start working on your own…but what’s next? This is a very common question that has been asked by several senior level professionals just like you. As it turns out, building a personal brand is hard, but it can very much… Read more »
How Do You Create a Personal Brand?
When you hear the term, branding, what comes to mind? Most people think of businesses and the logos and slogans they use to capture the attention of their target audience. In the world of resumes and cover letters, your C-level personal branding isn’t all that different. When writing an effective resume, you need to focus on… Read more »
Online Authority is Essential for Professionals
Professional resume and executive resume services have always emphasized the importance of networking for those interested in finding a job or moving ahead in their career plans. This is because the interactions we have with others in our industries creates a background impression that job applications, resumes, and cover letters are viewed against. People see… Read more »
The Importance of Your Brand On- and Off- Line
“Branding” has become a buzzword, one that is losing meaning for many people tired of hearing it. That doesn’t change the importance of what “branding” actually is: your reputation. It’s all the little pieces of information someone has about you wrapped up in their perceptions about that information. It’s important because it directly affects your… Read more »
2 Ways Your Personal Brand Is Your Business
Do you treat your online presence as if it were your small business? You should! Otherwise, you may end up like the unfortunate guy in this recent story on LearnVest titled, “Saving Face: Does Your Online Reputation Need Managing?” He googled himself to prepare for a job change and was unpleasantly surprised. The article has… Read more »