Search Results for: job search

How to Make the Best First Impression In Your Executive Interview

When you get invited to interview for an executive position, you have one chance to make a great first impression. The challenging part about this is everyone has their own views on what impresses people most. Some people think using a big vocabulary will demonstrate their intelligence, but sometimes this won’t impress interviewers. Others may… Read more »

Is an Executive Resume Still Needed With LinkedIn Being So Popular?

With a lot of discussions revolving around the importance of having a completed LinkedIn profile, it’s easy to ask yourself whether it’s even worth the time to visit executive resume services to craft a quality resume. Sure, employers put a high priority on looking at a job candidate’s LinkedIn profile, but they also still want… Read more »

Refund Policy

Client understands that all items purchased are service-based and are the creative representation of the client. All sales are final and no refunds are permitted on services or products. No refund shall be granted on products or services not used, as unused services will be held for six months from date of purchase. All documents… Read more »

3 Ways to Help Your Personal Brand When Unemployed

Things can be going great for you when all of a sudden your company goes through layoffs and you don’t make the cut. Sometimes the best situations can change instantly like this, which is why personal branding for senior level managers is so critical. You’re essentially always supposed to be networking with other professionals to… Read more »

LinkedIn is Key to Attracting Recruiters

Whether you’re currently unemployed or you have a job and are starting to covertly look for a new one, LinkedIn is a valuable resource for you. Recruiters are constantly searching on the platform to find the candidates they think would fit the opportunity they have available. When you optimize your LinkedIn profile in the right… Read more »

How to Network While Helping Others

Networking is difficult for people for many different reasons. One of those reasons may be because the person doesn’t want anyone else to go out of their way for their benefit. This is especially true if your main purpose for networking is to makes sales or build your business in different ways. However, one of… Read more »

Are You Too Concerned with Your Privacy to Use LinkedIn?

It’s only natural to be concerned about your privacy with anything you post online about yourself. In fact, sometimes people will refuse to use social media platforms, including LinkedIn, due to privacy concerns. While everyone has their own views on this subject, it’s also important to know the ramifications of not having an executive LinkedIn… Read more »

Should Your Executive Resume and LinkedIn Summary be the Same?

Every executive should know their resume and LinkedIn profile should be treated differently. If not, it’s one of the first things executive resume services will point out. But what about the summary section of each? Many people make the mistake of using the same summary for both their resume and their LinkedIn profile, thinking a… Read more »