Search Results for: job search

How Executive Personal Branding Affects Your Executive Career

Working on your personal brand is more important now than ever before. Executives have typically considered their c-level personal branding as being associated with and representing the company they work for. However, the notion has shifted into marketing yourself as a person rather than as a part of a company. When you work for a… Read more »

Similarities and Differences Between Your LinkedIn and Executive Resume

After spending hours on your resume, the easy thing to do is just copy and paste the information over to your executive LinkedIn profile. While this makes sense on the surface, since LinkedIn provides the same type of information as your resume, it’s one of the worst things you can do. Recruiters do diligent research… Read more »

Rebuilding Your Executive Network

One common mistake many executives have is allowing their network to go stagnant. It’s easy to do when you have a stable job, have no intentions of leaving your job and are constantly too busy to reach out to your connections. However, it’s important to keep a solid active network even when you’re not on… Read more »

Top 5 Secrets to a Great Senior-Level Executive Resume

Executives today may struggle with formulating a quality resume to get a senior-level position. Many executives haven’t had to search for a job in a while, so they are rusty when it comes to how the process works. One of the main things helping you out will be if you have strong c-level personal branding…. Read more »

Avoid These Mistakes When Seeking a New C-Level Position

Seeking a new c-level position takes a similar approach as searching for a job of any caliber. Without the proper preparation and going through the necessary steps, you may find your search to be more difficult than it needs to be. No matter how polished your executive profile may be, you still have to follow… Read more »

So You've Been Laid Off… Now What?

No matter how you look at it, getting laid off from your job is never fun. You may have been expecting it for weeks or months, or you may have been caught completely off guard. Regardless of the circumstances, there are some things you should do and shouldn’t do immediately following a layoff. You may… Read more »

Could You Be Committing These Networking Mistakes?

Any job seeker knows how important networking is. However, even a minor mistake can lead to major consequences in your job search. Taking executive level personal branding seriously is important, since hiring managers look for that when talking to candidates face-to-face. When you’re spending your free time networking to find a new job, try your… Read more »

These Words Will Drive Executive Recruiters Away From Your Resume!

Are you about to begin your executive job search? Have you been searching for a job recently with no luck? Either way, you need to be careful with the wording in your resume. The best professional resume writers can tell you an extensive list of commonly used words that will make recruiters stop reading. You… Read more »