I’ve had this post tabled in my “draft” box for a while because  it just wasn’t finished. Then today I read Penelope Trunk’s blog, “4 Frequent questions about Gen Y answered” and my brain kicked in.   I am wondering if Gen Y is getting a bad rap.   For a couple of… Read more »

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  LinkedIn is my favorite networking tool. It is the largest professional networking site with 300 million users. It helps open doors and uncover opportunities on a broad spectrum while building contacts and relationships. I am constantly asking clients, “Have you joined LinkedIn yet?” or “Have you beefed up that LinkedIn profile yet?” or “If… Read more »

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It is very important to keep the information on your resume as relevant as possible. Remember, the hiring person is only going to take around 15 seconds to scan your resume, so yours has to be “quick and dirty”. In other words, keep your information current and pertinent to the job you want. If the… Read more »

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I joined Twitter in January. I joined because I was feeling pressure to do so from clients, colleagues and well… Anderson Cooper.  Every night when watching “AC 360”, the fabulous Mr. Cooper would say, “Follow Me on Twitter!”. I thought, “Why does Andy (my nickname for the handsome-Ms.Vanderbuilt’s-son) want the world to follow him on… Read more »

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It starts quietly. You hear rumblings about it from colleagues; it’s all anyone can talk about. Company morale is low and people are getting panicky. Suddenly, they let go of 25 people in your department with more layoffs expected. 2 months later, you get your pink slip. You don’t have any prospects in sight, everyone… Read more »

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It’s a very exciting day (evening) for me! I’ve been wanting to switch to WordPress for a while but didn’t know how and didn’t have a clue as to how to begin. I found a couple of sites that offered tips. One in particular was pretty lengthy, and they would do it for me for… Read more »

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