Don’t Fall Prey to Negative Influences With the economic downturn, unemployment rates rising and the job market seemingly getting tighter, it is easy to get depressed about your job search. Being from Michigan, I am inundated daily either via the television, radio, internet, or newspaper with gloom and doom about our economy at it’s worst… Read more »

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POPULAR DEGREES FOR JOBS WITH FLEXTIME / SALARY SURVEYS BY DEGREEFrom These numbers report the most popular degrees and median salaries in the US for people who report flextime as a benefit: Master of Science (MS), Computer Science———————— $83,391Master of Business Administration (MBA)————————$82,314Master of Science (MS)—————————————–$75,858Bachelor of Science (BS), Computer Science——————–$70,486Bachelor of Science (BS)————————————-$64,979Bachelor… Read more »

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WEATHERING THE WEATHER… how the weather really does affect our moods and ability to work. According to a recent survey of more than 6,000 workers by, “employees tend to be less productive on gloomy-weather days–with rain cited as the condition that most negatively impacts demeanor (21%).” “When asked which weather attribute most affects their… Read more »

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** Found this very interesting and true, here is an excerpt from an article called: A CAREER KILLER CALLED STRESS According to the Globe and Mail article, A career killer called stress by Wallace Immen, “Almost one in four Canadians believes stress has kept them from moving ahead at work, a study finds. A survey… Read more »

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Informational Interviews get a bad rap from job seekers –This is a great article for high school or college students wondering about their career choices, as well as for job seekers— Erin Kennedy, CPRWFor many job seekers, information interviewing seems too much like groveling. “Who am I kidding?” says one unemployed chief financial officer. “Everyone… Read more »

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How To Find Balance In Your Work At Home Career And Your Personal Life Work at home moms face challenges that are very unique. The decision to work outside the home or stay with your children is difficult, with each option having advantages and disadvantages. If you stay home you may lose income and you… Read more »

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GREAT NEW SITE A New Vertical Search Engine A new federated search tool that allows users to simultaneously search job listings from hundreds of sites. “ includes all the job listings from major job boards, newspapers, associations and company career pages – and we continue to add new sites every day.” The site is:… Read more »

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(off topic).. thought you might like to read something different… from DID YOU KNOW? …that Elsa Eschelsson, the first woman both to finish a doctorate in Law and to teach in a university in Sweden, was denied the right to serve even as acting professor because of her sex? …that the test for enrollment… Read more »

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TARDINESS AT WORK Taken from ~~~Stats~~~ Tardiness at work -According to a recent Today survey that found 16 percent of workers arrive late to work at least once a week. The survey, conducted in the United States from February 15 to March 6, 2007, included responses from 6,823 employees in the private sector… Read more »

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