TOP 10 “GREEN” JOBS A big shout of ‘THANKS’ to Laura DeCarlo of Career Directors International ( for posting this link from The Top 10 Green Jobs

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REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT HIRE A RESUME WRITING SERVICE If you live in Michigan, or anywhere else in our country, let’s face it. The economy stinks. People are getting laid off and companies are closing down or outsourcing to other countries practically on a daily basis. So, what good would hiring a… Read more »

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MY 10 YEAR Rez-I-Versary! I woke up this morning and thought, hmmm, what’s different? Then out of nowhere came a flash of memory– 10 years ago this month I started at the Career Center and everything in my career life changed. Up until then, I had been in college and worked as a manicurist at… Read more »

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THE LADDERS… Lately, I have become more and more disillusioned with “The Ladders”, the source for $100,000+ jobs and $100,000+ candidates. It all started with the critiques. I had been getting clients that were coming to me saying they had gone to The Ladders who had written a scathing review of their current resumes, but… Read more »

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CHANGE Today the United States of America made history. We elected the first black President. In the 1860’s, President Lincoln said it would take 100 years to undo the crimes of slavery and he was right. In the 1960’s Martin Luther King took our country down a new path, a path of change– promoting, no,… Read more »

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NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS AND OTHER B.S. Alright. I’m just going to admit it and put it out there. I hate New Years Resolutions. Just those 3 words make me feel like a failure… I know that I’m going to say I will do something and then after 2 days of effort, quit doing it and… Read more »

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Job Fair News for 2009! Get ready to get hired because National Career Fairs and have joined forces to put together over 350 job fairs in 77 cities. Now is the time to dust off your nicest outfit and update your resume. Head on over to the nearest job fair and talk with an… Read more »

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Job Searching in a Recession The first thing I am going to tell you is this: DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE. COMPANIES ARE STILL HIRING EVERYDAY! That said, dust off your portfolio and get out your resume and cover letter. When was the last time it was updated? Is all information current? Do you have… Read more »

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