DEVELOPING YOUR 2-MINUTE COMMERCIAL At some point in your job search you will be asked to tell something about yourself. Focus on what you have to offer. This is like a television commercial about you. A commercial sells products. Therefore, you should emphasize those strengths and qualifications most suited to the position you are pursuing…. Read more »

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The Importance of the Thank You Letter I’ve been asked many, many times, “Do I really need to send a Thank You letter to the employer?” and the answer is always, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Okay, so I am a bit uptight about Thank You letters. I know that–especially after a wedding or birthday. But do… Read more »

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Thought this was too cute to pass up. Sent to me by CDI’s, Laura DiCarlo 2008 Horoscopes – Salary Negotiation By Sign By Shanon Lyon, Special to We’d all like more money, but how you approach a salary negotiation depends largely on your personality and work style. These 2008 horoscopes provide a bit of… Read more »

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Background Checks and Candidate Research– Hype or a Reality? For the last few years we’ve been hearing more and more about celebrities or high-powered executives being publicly cast as liars after being caught lying on a resume. Why did these people do it? Didn’t they know they would get caught? Well, probably hoping they wouldn’t… Read more »

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Hey Bragger… yeah, I mean YOU! or Why Talking Yourself Up on Your Resume is a Good Thing!Are you bragging about yourself enough on your resume? I don’t mean bragging in an obnoxious or fictitious sort of way, but in a “look what I can do” sort of way. One of the main things I… Read more »

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For the Executive on the move…. I’ve recently added an exciting new service to my site called, “Executive Recruiter Distribution” ( . Whether you are actively seeking a new position or just monitoring the job market, the most effective way of getting a new position is to work with a recruiter. I can get your… Read more »

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How People Are Finding Jobs Some interesting statistics are in from a couple of trusted Internet sources, WEDDLE’s ( and, on the topic of how people find jobs. WEDDLE’s 2008 Source of Employment Survey ran from March 2007 to March 2008 and generated responses from over 15,600 individuals. The respondents were 65% male, 35%… Read more »

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Government Hiring on the Rise According to the USA Today article, Hiring leaps in public sector by Dennis Cauchon, “Federal, state and local governments are hiring new workers at the fastest pace in six years, helping offset job losses in the private sector. Governments added 76,800 jobs in the first three months of 2008, reports… Read more »

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