If you’ve followed us for a while, or just have ample knowledge of how job searching and the professional world work, then you know the importance of crafting a personal brand. This is how you appeal to other professionals, especially those who may hire you to work for them later on. The main issue for… Read more »
Search Results for: job search
Five Helpful Methods of Incorporating Social Media as You Look for Work
When you’re in the middle of a job hunt, it can be hard to know which resources to focus on most and which are worth your while. While the Internet—and especially social media—has been brushed off in the past as a means of finding work, it now can serve as an extremely valuable tool during… Read more »
Close but No Cigar: How to Handle It When Hiring's Not Happening
Job searches are hard. We understand. Figuratively, you’re casting your line out in the world’s largest pond, already flanked with fishermen with just as much skill as you, and the fish headed your way are extremely choosy as to whose lure they’ll take. So what happens when you work your hardest, buy the best possible… Read more »
Five Tips for Personal Brand Creation and Maintenance
So you’ve learned the importance of a personal brand and have made the decision to start working on your own…but what’s next? This is a very common question that has been asked by several senior level professionals just like you. As it turns out, building a personal brand is hard, but it can very much… Read more »
Be Sure to Avoid These Five Typical Mistakes While Networking
Companies are leaning on referrals more and more these days. A referral allows the company to find an excellent candidate without paying a pricey recruiter or hiring multiple HR people to sort through resumes. It’s a win-win for businesses, employees (who often get referral bonuses) and job seekers.… Except when you’re a job seeker who doesn’t know… Read more »
Why Do I Need Executive Personal Branding?
As a senior level professional, you’ve almost certainly heard of personal branding. Implementing it into your professional life, however, is a very different story. The idea of establishing and maintaining a personal brand is very new after all, having arrived on the coat tails of the Internet and the rest of today’s technology. If you’ve… Read more »
Three Reasons Resumes Are So Significant
Some people might think in a highly digitized world resumes would have become a thing of the past. Even though the resume itself has become more digital in nature, it remains the best way to share your work history, point out your specific skill sets and demonstrate you have what it takes to get hired… Read more »
Don't Make These Common Executive Resume Mistakes!
Just because one step of a larger process is the shortest doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the easiest. Take a job search, for example. The resume is often the briefest part of applying for a job. It’s often one page in length, and recruiters themselves only glance at them for a few seconds. However, the quality… Read more »