Search Results for: job search

What A Resume Is NOT

So often, when researching how to put together a resume, the posts and articles are a lot of “a resume is this,” and “a resume should have this,” but often, there is no information about what is dangerous or unnecessary in a resume. That is what this post is for–to help you understand what a resume… Read more »

The Top Two Social Media Mistakes to Avoid

Everyone makes mistakes and everyone knows this. The problem is that some mistakes are a bigger problem than others. Never before has this been an issue the way it is now. Today, a social media mistake can be blasted around the world in a nanosecond. That’s why it is so important to simply avoid certain… Read more »

5 Ways Your Online Lifestyle Can Ruin A Career Opportunity

Many people want to keep their “work lives” and their “personal lives” separate. However, with social media it has become more and more difficult to keep the two worlds from colliding. Today’s employers will look through social profiles in order to help them decide who would be a good candidate for a job position. The… Read more »

Own The Voice On Your Resume

In order to make your resume stand out, you want to add some of your own voice to it. It makes it more interesting to potential employers. That’s not as difficult as it sounds. You essentially want to provide potential interviewers with a glimpse into your being through your work history, education, awards and accomplishments,… Read more »

How Can Keywords Improve Your Resume?

A resume is used to show off your best qualities to an employer. It shows your skills, work experience, and accomplishments. With all that information, how do you emphasize your best features? You can tailor your resume and pick only your most impressive entries, but you can also use keywords that will help you stand… Read more »

Bulls Eye: Creating A Targeted Resume

One of the most important things employers are looking at in job candidates is which candidates care about the company and will help the company succeed. You want to be able to show potential employers that you are the person they have in mind. Creating a targeted resume is a great way to do that…. Read more »

What Skills Are Important On A Resume?

People are diverse. People are multi-talented. Every person has a unique set of skills that makes them unique and interesting. Now, while all those skills are interesting or useful in the right time and place, you need to determine when it is appropriate to list certain skills on your resume and when it is not…. Read more »