One of the realities we face when unemployed and searching for a job is the reality of disorganization. There are a few reasons why things go haywire: suddenly your schedule is not tied to the workplace it’s usually at least slightly depressing to be unemployed there’s a learning curve in the development of job-searching skills… Read more »
Search Results for: job search
Common Mistakes To Avoid In A Job Search
Today’s reality is that a large part of the population are looking for jobs— not just “a job” but also jobs that have better benefits, jobs that pay more, or jobs that have a chance for advancement. As a recent article pointed out, a lot of job-hunting even happens ON the job! That means that… Read more »
Privacy Tips For Your Online Job Search
When you are searching for a job, remember that your privacy is still a concern. Instead of blasting your information on every site out there, be particular about which sites you choose to use and go with job search resources recommended by experts. In addition, there are a few basic online rules to remember: Read… Read more »
Stuck In Your Job Search? Get Off That Plateau
When your job search has been spinning its figurative wheels and all your efforts are ineffective, you have hit the plateau. The “plateau effect” is named after the geologic formation called a plateau: a level stretch of land that extends for many miles. You see the plateau effect in exercising, in medicine, and in a… Read more »
Design Your Job Search For Success
A job search or career change is like building a home: both require thought, research, and careful planning to be successful. When you look at blueprints for a custom-built home, you see the wisdom of many experts compiled to create the perfect house. Codes and construction standards, design details and homeowner’s dreams — it’s all… Read more »
How Networking Affects Your Job Search
The Importance of Persistence in Job Searches
There is an old joke of sorts that defines recession as an economic period when your neighbor is out of work, and a depression as an economic period when you are out of work. The point of that is that for someone looking for a job the economy is never great. This is why persistence… Read more »
Using LinkedIn to Enhance Your Job Search
While LinkedIn has become extremely popular with businesses and companies, it still seems to be lagging a bit when it comes to those seeking jobs. That’s a shame because it’s one of the easiest and most effective job search tools available today. Many company hiring managers check LinkedIn before looking anywhere else for new employees. The main… Read more »