Search Results for: job search

Drawing Attention to Your Accomplishments: What Your Resume Says About You

Focusing on your experience, your background and your accomplishments is what’s known as a functional resume. Chronological resumes list all of your employers in the order of the date that you worked for them, typically with the oldest employer at the bottom of the resume. Functional resumes are great for people who are looking to… Read more »

Changing careers? Ask yourself these questions.

**I am a member of the Career Collective, a group of resume writers and career coaches. Each month, all members discuss a certain topic. This month, we are talking about changing careers. Please follow our tweets on Twitter #careercollective. You can also view the other member’s interesting posts at the end of the article. ++++++++++++++++++… Read more »

Top 5 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Finding Employment

When you’re out of work, you need to use every advantage you can think of to increase your chances of finding a job. With today’s fluctuating job market, there are more people applying for the leftover jobs than there are jobs available. This makes finding a job incredibly difficult. Of course there are some things… Read more »

Resume Tips That Set You Apart From Your Peers

Your resume is your marketing tool for success. You need to be able to advertise your skills and ability to succeed with your prospective employer. The format and feel of your resume can either open doors or close them, often this feeling can make people question why they didn’t get the interview or thinking they… Read more »

Women Going Back to Work After a Baby

Many women choose to stay at home for several years after having children. While this time frame varies, it always creates a period of time during which you had no ‘real’ job. Once a mother is ready to go back to work, one of the first problems they face in deciding how to write a… Read more »

Should You Call a Company After You Sent Your Resume?

You’ve been looking everywhere for, not just a job, but a career, you want to do something with yourself that enables you to pay your bills but also provides a purpose. But, that’s harder than you imagined in an economy that is only slowly making its way back. There is no ‘one size fits all’… Read more »

Posting Your Resume Online

In this new digital age, more and more employers are turning to the Internet for their hiring needs. Whether posting open positions on a company owned website, utilizing job boards or social media, job seekers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of understanding how to post resumes online. Because of the various formats that… Read more »

Cover Letters: Are They Needed Anymore?

Contrary to the occasional rant about them, cover letters never go out of style. In fact, they should be considered one of the most important elements of the job seeking process. Unlike the resume, a rather cut and dried dissertation on your experience and training, the cover letter is your chance to convey more than… Read more »