Search Results for: job search

College Degree – Is it Helping You?

Since the job economy is dismal at best, there are a large number of people who are out of work and have been out of work for a long time. For many employed workers, they are working in a field totally unrelated to their college degree. So, is it helping? Statistics show that those with… Read more »

Cover Letter: Grab The HR Manager's Attention

Who is the first person to see your resume when searching for a new job? It is usually the Human Resources Manager. That person probably will see dozens of resumes for a new job posting. It is imperative that you grab their attention with the cover letter to make them pause and look at your… Read more »

How To Find Reputable Resume Writing Services

With so many people out of working and vying for all the available positions, many are tweaking their resumes, executives included. For some, cleaning up an old resume is easy to do. For others, they prefer to have professional resume writers do the work for them. So, how do you know which company to go… Read more »

Tips for Putting Salary Requirements on your Cover Letter

You have just seen a posting for a job that you really, really want. Your resume is ready to be emailed, you just need to fine-tune your cover letter and hit “send”. One thing is holding you up…this job is asking YOU to communicate your salary requirements. Exactly how are you going to do that?… Read more »

How to Find a Career Coach

Beginning a career, or changing careers might not come as easily to you as it did to your friend/colleague. Having the education for a career, or even the skills needed is one thing—but getting out there and using them is another. Many people know they want a change, but just aren’t sure doing what. This… Read more »

Developing a Targeted Resume

The days of having a generic, all-purpose resume has been replaced by the need for highly developed, targeted resumes. Now you must tailor make your resume to fit into the job description offered by the employer. Targeted resumes aren’t just a necessity, they are critical to you finding long term employment. Targeted resumes put forth… Read more »

How to Handle Gift Giving in the Corporate World

While the holiday season is supposed to be full of “good tidings and cheer”, we all know that this is not something that comes easily to many of us. Between long lines in stores, wallets that grow empty as the season goes on, and angst over what to get the person who isn’t happy with… Read more »

What is the Best Way to Connect with Social Media Peers

Finding the right Social Media balance takes more than just knowing how to update your profiles. Firing off quick Twitter updates or Facebook comments will not get you noticed on job boards or help you find open positions. If you’re not receiving the right kind of attention through Social Media, you should change your strategy…. Read more »