Search Results for: networking

Tips for Standing Out at a Job Fair

Many of you know that I was at the Detroit “Good Morning America / Women for Hire” job fair the other day. There were about 25 résumé evaluators and approximately 5000 job seekers. They literally were lined up outside the doors at 3:30 am. Talk about motivated people. Wow. What a busy, productive and fulfilling… Read more »

Interview with a Recruiter

Interview with a Recruiter Recently, I had the pleasure of having a conversation with a smart, straight-talking recruiter, Peggy McKee. Peggy McKee is the owner of PHC Consulting. Her firm specializes in matching medical and laboratory sales reps/candidates with companies, and does so with great success. Despite the economic downturn, Peggy’s company has flourished and… Read more »

Is your Attitude affecting your Job Search?

                 How many times this week has the phrase, “this economy stinks” come from your mouth? How many times this week have you thought, “in this economy, I’ll never get a new job”, or “I better hold onto my job, even though I hate it, and just be grateful I have one!”. After you think… Read more »

Why I love LinkedIn (and why you should, too!)

  LinkedIn is my favorite networking tool. It is the largest professional networking site with 300 million users. It helps open doors and uncover opportunities on a broad spectrum while building contacts and relationships. I am constantly asking clients, “Have you joined LinkedIn yet?” or “Have you beefed up that LinkedIn profile yet?” or “If… Read more »

How to Fight Unemployment Blues

It starts quietly. You hear rumblings about it from colleagues; it’s all anyone can talk about. Company morale is low and people are getting panicky. Suddenly, they let go of 25 people in your department with more layoffs expected. 2 months later, you get your pink slip. You don’t have any prospects in sight, everyone… Read more »

PRESS RELEASE: Cover Letters for Dummies, 3rd Edition

“Cover Letters for Dummies” is here The 3rd edition of this recognized brand, “Cover Letters for Dummies” is finally here. 10 years after the 2nd edition! I just got my copy of it in the mail from the publishers and yours truly is on page, um… let’s see, OK, here we go… Page 194! It… Read more »

Olympics and the Job Search

(Ed. Note: In honor of the Winter Olympics, I thought I’d repost this article from Summer 2008… Enjoy!) I was reading this morning through the blog of Adam Kreek, a member of the Canadian Olympic Row team (I’ve been into rowing this year because of my niece who was on Michigan State’s Crew Team last… Read more »