Search Results for: job search

Application Forms And Resumes – Why Both?

Many companies require prospective employees to complete a job application form when you get to the interview. These documents are fairly easy to fill out, but there are some things you need to be aware of. The application has two common areas, your personal information, which is basically a repetition of your resume and questions… Read more »

What Is A Curriculum Vitae?

The expression “curriculum vitae” originated from a Latin phrase meaning “course of life.” It can be described as a concise review of an individual’s academic qualifications, professional experience, and skills and is usually attached to a job application when seeking a job. Whereas a curriculum vitae or CV is used particularly to apply for academic,… Read more »

Is Your Resume Holding You Back?

The whole point of having a resume is to showcase your talents and experience with the aim of helping you to achieve the job of your dreams. When you have a decent resume, it should help you to secure job interviews as well as ensure that when you do get an opportunity to interview, you have a… Read more »

The Cover Letter – More Important Than The Resume?

The resume gets you in for an interview, but what gets that resume in the door? The cover letter. The cover letter serves as an introduction to a prospective employer, much like a handshake. Make sure that you make a good impression with your cover letter. If the cover letter is not a good one… Read more »

Getting Feedback On Your Resume

If you are applying for jobs but aren’t being successful, then it is time to look at where you could be going wrong. The job market is tough so if you aren’t doing what you can to beat the competition, then you are really ruining your chances of being successful. There are several things that… Read more »

Salary Requirement Question – What To Say

The number one dreaded question during the interview process is “what salary requirements are you expecting.” This question alone can either make or break the interview. Not only that, it tends to make a lot of interviewees freeze up and say the wrong things. It is very easy to under or oversell yourself. If you… Read more »

What Is Your Career Path?

Are you a fresh graduate? Have you been seeking a perfect career for yourself for the future? Do you want to know how you can get a perfect career that best matches your abilities and expertise? These and other questions are exactly what a fresh graduate is considering and who also needs a proper consultation. Choosing a… Read more »

What Does Your Personal Brand Say About You

Since a lot of businesses now use the internet to check potential employees, it’s very important to know what your personal brand says about you. So, how do you do that. For starters, search for your own name on Google to see what comes up about you. Sometimes, there will even be other people with… Read more »